Nucleotide metabolism I Flashcards
What is the difference btw nucleosides and nucleotides.
- nucleoside: base (purine/pyrimidine) + sugar (ribose/deoxy-R)
- nucleotide: base + sugar + phosphate (MP, DP, TP)
<u>REMEMBER:</u> nucleo<u><strong>T</strong></u>ide = <u><strong>T</strong></u>hree diff. things
What does the -ate ending indicate?
ex: adenylate
nucleotide monophosphate
How is DNA and RNA of ingested food metabolized?
DNA/RNA → polynucleotides → nucleotides → bases - bases taken up into blood stream
- then
- enter extrahepatic tissues
- enter liver, here degraded to urate
- urate enters blood stream again + excreted via urine

How do extrahepatic tissues and liver differ in their nucleotide metabolism?
- able of de novo synthesis of nucleotides
- able to break down purines + release urate into blood stream
- extrahepatic tissues: only salvage reactions
Which enzyme catalyzes the common substrate for purine and pyrimidine synthesis?
PRPP synthetase
ATP + ribose-5-P → PRPP + AMP
→ phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate then used

Where does the ribose-5-P used for the synthesis of PRPP originally come from?
- glc-6-P
- fru-6-P
⇒ enter PPP, ribose-5-P formed
What are purine salvage reactions?
Which group of enzymes catalyzes these reactions?
purine bases formed during degradation of RNA/DNA can be used to synthesize nucleotides
done by phosphoribosyl transferases (PRT)
→ important in extrahepatic tissues since they are unable to undergo de novo synthesis of purines
Which enzymes are responsible for salvage reactions of AMP, IMP and GMP?
base + PRPP → nucleotide + PPi
adenine phosphoribosyl transferase (APRT)
adenine + PRPP → AMP + PPi -
hypoxanthine-guanine PRT (HGPRT)
guanine/hypoxant. + PRPP → GMP/IMP + PPi
Differentiate btw de novo synthesis and salvage reactions of purine nucleotides.
IMP = common intermediate
de novo synthesis:
- IMP formed in 10 steps
- then either AMP, or GMP formed via 2 further reactions
salvage reactions:
- directly IMP, AMP and GMP formed

Which enzyme catalyzes the rate-limiting step of purine synthesis?
Gln PRPP amidotransferase
first step of purine synthesis
PRPP + Gln
→ 5’-phosphoribosyl-amine + PPi + Glu

Where do the C/N atoms of the purine ring originate from?
- N1 = Asp
- C2, 8 = N10-formyl H4F
- N3, 9 = Gln
- C4, 5, N7 = Gly

AMP is synthesized in 2 steps from IMP.
Which enzyme catalyzes the first step?
adenylsuccinate synthetase
IMP + Asp + GTP → GDP + Pi + adenylosuccinate
→ N of AMP is originally from Asp

AMP is synthesized in 2 steps from IMP.
Which enzyme catalyzes the final conversion of adenylosuccinate to AMP?
adenylosuccinase (ASA)
adenylosuccinate → AMP + fumarate

GMP is synthesized in 2 steps from IMP.
Which enzyme catalyzes the first step?
IMP dehydrogenase
XMP = xanthosine monophosphate

GMP is synthesized in 2 steps from IMP.
Which enzyme catalyzes the final conversion of XMP to GMP?
GMP synthetase
XMP + Gln + ATP → AMP + PPi + Glu + GMP
→ N of GMP is originally from Gln

What is special about the function of the enzymes involved in the de novo synthesis of IMP?
8 steps are catalyzed by 3 multifunctional enzymes
only 2 steps have their own enzymes
- step 1: Gln PRPP amidotransferase
- step 8: adenylosuccinase (ASA)
How much energy is needed for de novo synthesis of
- IMP: 6 ATP equ.
- AMP: + 1 GTP
- GMP: + 2 ATP equ.
What is the importance of AMP kinase during exercise?
exercise leads to a decrease in cellular ATP which activates AMP kinase (AMPK)
also phosphorylates multiple downstream targets involved in other E metabolism pathways, leading to:
- acceleration of all ATP-producing pathways
- deceleration of all ATP-consuming pathways
⇒ preserves the cellular ATP concentration
by incr. the cellular AMP concentration

What is the function of the purine nucleotide cycle?
Where does it happen?
in cytosol of skeletal myocytes
uses the excess AMP generated in muscle during exercise to fuel TCA cycle
→ incr. rates of oxidative phosphorylation in muscle
The purine nucleotide cycle is composed of 3 enzyme-catalyzed reactions.
Which reaction is unique to this cyle and not involved in normal purine metabolism?
AMP deaminase
AMP + H2O → NH3 + IMP
→ now IMP can be used for new AMP synthesis to generate fumarate to fuel TCA cycle
(first by action of adenylosuccinate snythetase, then adenylossucinase)

Which products are formed in the purine nucleotide cycle?
What is their physiological role?
- fumarate fuels TCA cycle
- NH3 released into blood stream, later converted in kidney used to buffer lactate/ketone bodies produced during exercise in muscle
- excess IMP converted to inosine, released into blood stream, degraded to urate for excretion in liver
⇒ ↑NH3, ↑urate during exercise
What is the consequence of a myoadenylate deaminase deficiency?
AMP cannot enter purine nucleotide cycle
most common inherited metabolic dysfunction in skeletal muscle
due to excess adenosine in brain/muscle after exercise -
muscle pain, cramping, weakness
probably due to incr. lactate levels/adenosine
NOTE: NH3, urate are NOT elevated during exercise
What causes Lesch-Nyhan syndrome?
Consequence + symptomes?
hypoxanthine-guanine PRT deficiency
purine bases cannot be recycled in salvage reactions, converted to urate in liver
⇒ hyperuricemia + ↓GTP level in basal ganglia
- only in males (X-chromosomal recessive)
- mental retardation
- self-mutilation, aggression
How is PRPP synthetase inhibited?
→ are purine nucleotides (sort of product inhibition)