Urban systems Lec #4 Flashcards
What are economic activities?
“causes” or “processes” that cause geographic patterns of settlement
What is a mature urban system?
A urban system where the relationship between rank and population size is linear
What is a primate urban system?
A system where the largest cities have larger population than predicted, and the other ranks have smaller than expected populations
What is a developing urban system?
a system where many of the large cities have simialr sized populations and then the populations drop off for smaller cities
Are primate system’s long term?
They can be, this is quite common in modern world
Can developing systems be long term?
Developing patterns tend to be transitory
In 1851, what was the largest city in Canada? What about in 2011?
montreal! Toronto!
What are the four eras of the Canadian Urban system?
Mercantile Era
Early Industrial Capitalism
Industrial Capitalism
Mature Industrial Capitalism
What was the mercantile era like?
largest cities in the interior, based on Trade with the UK, still colonial model, cities were isolated from one another, goods moved via water
at 1851, major cities in Canada were in Atlantic and formed a developing pattern
Early Industrial Capitalism era
A transformation from being part of the british urban system to an independant urban system.
Confederation happened!
The National Policy
Steam engine and railroaf
Montreal and Toronto becoming railroad hubs
What is the National Policy in 1879
The implementation of high tariffs on imported manufactured goods which stimulated industrial growth in Canada.
- called import substitution strategies
Developed an urban system in Canada separate from USA
What was the Industrial capitalism era like?
Economy becomes less agricultural and more service focused.
Critical period of establishing canada’s current urban system
- rural to cities movement
- more economic orientation toward US instead of UK
-growth in core of canada and western periphery
- technology influnce (electricity, railroad tech, electric engines, more cars and trucks)
- shifting to a more MATURE system
What is friction of distance?
moving things anywhere requires effort and money
- friction of distance is reduced when thenature of transportation is improved
- you can go further in the same amount of time = bringing points closer together
What caused the rise of Winnipeg?
the transcontinental railroad
- but when the canadian economy shifted from agriculture, winnipeg declined
What is mature industrial capitalism era ?
Improvements in truck and air transportation
- mass use of radio and telephone
- inc population from baby boom and immigration
- Free trade agreement in 1965 for automobile parts (precursor for NAFTA)
-mostly just re-enforcing pre-exisiting patterns
What is the location-allocation model as described in Badcock?
developed to draw boundaries of electoral districts, fire and ambulance service areas, hospital catchments, and school districts in the US to try and integrate segregated areas.
What are merchant city systems?
- Merchant cities rested on trade between europe and asia and trade between north and south regions of Europe
shows how economies and commuting zones of cities like boston, NY, and philli began to overlap and create an “urban agglomeration”
How does suburbinsation affect commuting zones?
Pushes the zones out further expanding the metropolitan area
What is counter urbanisation?
the urban to rural shift
people moving to smaller towns, working post-industrialjobs and high amenity living environment
many middle class families seek refuge in rural areas