Urban Flashcards


1.b) for named city in developing world explain why it suffers traffic congestion

  • Mumbai- group of 7 islands on west coast of India- little room for construction of new roads due to lack of land
  • large concentration of all the commercial, admin and industry to south of Mumbai- large numbers of pop commutes to small and narrow peninsula of land
  • pop of Mumbai grown so rapidly and continues to do so- estimated that the city has grown by about 5 million in past 15 years- two and three car families increased- more pressure on roads
  • old infrastructure unable to cope with increasing pop- about 6 million people travel on overcrowded trains everyday
  • tram system of early sixties dismantled- decision made shortsightedly- if left pressure would be relieved on other forms of transport- help traffic flow
  • people of Mumbai- more affluent- more cars bought- only 1.8 million registered at present, about 450 new vehicles registered everyday
  • traffic jams caused by narrow roads- made narrower by parked vehicles causing lanes to merge- congestion
  • solutions such as Bandra-Worli Sealink- increased traffic flowing into CBD- added to existing congestion problems in CBD- made worse by poor lane discipline- interrupts traffic flow
  • no proper drainage system- leaves roads flooded- speeds up process of potholes forming- made worse by heavy rain during monsoon season and poor construction- potholes require road works- further congestion
  • rickshaws- introduced to replace Victoria’s in Mumbai- 300,000 on road- congestion increased as well as air and noise pollution levels
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