Upper Extremity Myology Flashcards
What innervates the deltoid muscle?
axillary N.
What nerve innervates the triceps brachii m and anconeus m?
radial N.
What is in the triangular space?
Circumflex scapular A
What muscles does the recurrent branch of the median N innervate?
ABductor Pollicis Brevis M.
Superficial head of flexor Pollicis Brevis M.
Opponens Pollicis M.
All are Thenar Muscles!!!
What nerves innervate subscapularis m.?
Upper and lower subscapular N.
What is the action of supraspinatus?
abducts humerus
holds humeral head in glenoid cavity
Where is the action of serratus anterior?
origin = ribs 1-8
protract scapula & stabilze to thoracic wall
Problem w/ innervation = winging
What muscles does the deep radial nerve innervate of the forearm extensors?
extensor carpi radialis brevis
supinator m.
What nerve innervates serratus anterior m.?
long thoracic N.
What nerve innervates the biceps brachii, coracobrachialis, and brachialis muscles?
musculocutaneous n.
What muscles does the radial nerve innervate?
triceps brachii M
Anconeus M
brachioradioalis m
extensor carpi radialis longus m
What are the superficial flexors of the forearm? (4)
Pronator teres M.
Flexor carpi Radialis M.
Palmaris Longus M.
Flexor Carpi Ulnaris M.
what is the action deltoid M
flex/extend humerus
ABduct humerus
extend/laterally rotate humerus
insert at deltoid tuberosity of humerus
what is the action supraspinatus M. ?
ABduct humerus (w/ deltoid)
insert @ greater tubercle of humerus
rotator cuff muscle
What nerve innervates the medial part of the flexor digitorum profundus M.?
ulnar N.
= deep flexor
What nerve innervates flexor carpi ulnaris M.?
ulnar N.
What are the deep flexors of the forearm? (3)
flexor digitorum profundus m.
flexor pollicis longus m.
pronator quadratus M.