12. Upper Extremity Angiology Flashcards
What muscle determines the regions for the Subclavian Artery?
The Anterior Scalene
What are the three branches of Region 1 of the Subclavian Artery?
Vertebral Artery
Internal Thoracic Artery
Thyrocervical Trunk
What are the branches of the Thyrocervical Trunk?
Inferior Thyroid Artery
Suprascapular Artery
Transverse Cervical Artery
What is the only branch in Region 2 of the Subclavian Artery?
What does it give rise to?
Costocervical Trunk
Deep Cervical Artery (supplies Muscles of the Deep Neck)
What is the only branch in Region 3 of the Subclavian Artery?
Dorsal Scapular Artery
(Supplies Rhomboids and Levator Scapulae)
What defines the transition between the Subclavian and Axillary Arteries?
The First Rib
What is the only (and wimpy) branch of Region 1 of the Axillary Artery?
The Superior Thoracic
Despite its name, it’s pretty tiny and often not present
Sixties Teens Love Sex And Pot
What are the two branches of Region 2 of the Axillary Artery?
Thoracoacromial Trunk (Branches like crazy)
Lateral Thoracic Artery (Serratus Anterior)
Sixties Teens Love Sex and Pot
What are the branches of the Throacoacromial Trunk, and where do they go?
Clavicular Branch of the Thoracoacromial Trunk - Clavicle B.
Acromial Branch of the Thoracoacromial Trunk - Acromion of the Scapula B.
Deltoid Branch of the Thoracoacromial Trunk - Deltoid M.
Pectoral Branch of the Thoracoacromial Trunk - Pectoralis Major and Minor M.
Cadavers Are Dead People
What are the three branches of Region 3 of the Axillary Artery?
Subscapular Artery
Anterior Circumflex Humeral Artery
Posterior Circumflex Humeral Artery
Sixties Teens Love Sex and Pot
What are the two branches of the Subscapular Artery?
Circumflex Scapular Artery
Thoracodorsal Artery
(Sixties Teens Love Sex And Pot)
Sex leads to Chlamidya and Trichomoniasis
What causes pain and loss of sensation in Axillary Artery Aneurysm?
Compression of the Brachial Plexus
If you want to cut off blood supply to the Upper Extremity, where can you not put a ligature due to the Scapular Anastomosis?
Between the Thyrocervical Trunk and the Subscapular Artery
The blood can flow around the scapula and feed into the Brachial Artery from there.
The Brachial Artery makes four Collateral Arteries for the Elbow Anastomosis, which two come from the Deep Brachial branch?
Radial Collateral Artery
Middle Collateral Artery
The Brachial Artery makes four Collateral Arteries for the Elbow Anastomosis, which two come directly from the Brachial Artery?
Superior Ulnar Collateral Artery
Inferior Ulnar Collateral Artery
What two major Arteries make the Recurrent Arteries of the Elbow Anastomosis?
Ulnar A. (Makes 3)
Radial A. (Makes 1)
What are the branches of the Ulnar Artery that help form the Elbow Anastomosis?
Anterior Ulnar Recurrent Artery
Posterior Ulnar Recurrent Artery
Interosseous Recurrent Artery
What branch of the Radial Artery helps form the Elbow Anastomosis?
Radial Recurrent Artery
What Artery Anastomoses with the Middle Collateral Artery?
Interosseous Recurrent Artery
(SIMR over PAIR)
What two minor Arteries feed into the Dorsal Carpal Arches?
The Anterior and Posterior Interosseous Arteries
What major Artery of the Hand is responsible for the Superficial Palmar Arterial Arch?
The Ulnar Artery
What major Artery of the Hand is responsible for the Deep Palmar Arterial Arch
The Radial Artery
When the Radial Artery ducks under the Thumb, what structure does it pass through?
The Anatomical Snuffbox
On the Dorsal side, what two Arteries come off of the Radial artery when it ducks behind the Thumb?
Dorsalis Pollicis
1st Dorsal Metacarpal Artery
The First Dorsal Metacarpal Artery comes off of the Radial Artery. What structure gives rise to the 2nd through 4th?
The Dorsal Carpal Arch
What two oddly named Arteries of the Thumb does the Radial Artery make?
Which one is Dorsal, and which one is Palmar?
Dorsal: Dorsalis Pollicis
Palmar: Princeps Pollicis
What Artery supplies the lateral side of the Second Digit?
Princeps Pollicis
What four arteries supply the Third and Fourth digits?
Two Proper Palmar Digital Arteries
Two Dorsal Digital Arteries
What do Proper Palmar Digital Arteries split off from?
Common Palmar Digital Arteries
What do Dorsal Digital Arteries split off from?
Dorsal Metacarpal Arteries
What supplies the medial side of the 5th Digit?
The medial Proper Palmar Digital Artery of the 5th Digit
The pinky does not get a medial Dorsal Digital Arteries
If the Superficial Palmar Arterial Arch was blocked, how might the Palmar side of the Digits receive blood?
Blood can flow from the Deep Palmar Arterial Arch through the Palmar Metacarpal Arteries into the Common Palmar Digital Arteries
Where might one find the Cephalic Vein?
On the lateral side of the Upper Extremity, crossing the head of the Humerus and joining in with the Scapula.
Where might one find the Median Cubital Vein?
What two Veins does it connect?
In the Antecubital Fossa
The Cephalic and Basilic Vein
What is the Axillary Vein emptied into by?
When does it become the Subclavian Vein?
Brachial Veins (Veins of the Brachial Arteries), Cephalic Vein and Basilic Vein
When it passes the First Rib
What makes the Median Cubital Vein such a good site for Venipuncture?
Because of the protective nature of the Bicipital Aponeurosis.
What is the clinical importance of Axillary Lymph Nodes?
They are frequently invaded by cancer cells.