Upper Extremity Arthrology Flashcards
What type of joint is the sternoclavicular joint?
Sellar synovial
What is in an articular capsule?
fibrous capsule
synovial membrane
What is an articular capsule and where is it found?
membrane that surrounds a joint
in all synovial joints
What are the ligaments in the sternoclavicular joint?
anterior sternoclavicular L.
posterior sternoclavicular L.
Interclavicular L.
What type of joint is the acromioclavicular joint?
Planar synovial
btw acromial end of clavicle and facet on the acromion of the scapulA
What are the ligaments of the acromioclavicular joint?
acromioclavicular L.
coracoclavicular L. = trapezoid L. and Conoid L.
What joint is “shoulder separation” injuring?
acromioclavicular joint
can occur with or without rupture of the coracoclavicularr L.
What type of joint is the glenohumeral joint?
spheroidal synovial (ball in socket)
What is the glenoid labrum?
ring of cartilage that surrounds and deepens glenoid cavity
What are the ligaments on the glenohumeral joint?
glenohumeral L.
coracohumeral L.
Transverse humeral L.
coracoacromial L. (not technically on the joint, but the arch is important here)
What direction does the shoulder typically dislocate? Why is this?
inferior and anterior
due to coracoacromial arch/ligament
What type of joint is the elbow?
ginglymus synovial (hinge)
What are the ligaments in the humeroulnar joint?
ulnar collateral L =
anterior band
posterior band
oblique band
What is the ligament in the humeroradial joint?
radial collateral L.
When the elbow is dislocated posteriorly, what ligament is usually torn?
Ulnar collateral L.
What are the 3 olecranon bursae?
What is miner’s elbow/student’s elbow/dart thrower’s elbow?
subcutaneous olecranon bursitis resulting from excessive friction btw the skin and the olecranon
What is the ligament in the proximal radioulnar joint?
annular ligament: extends around radius and inserts and originates on ulna to hold radius into place
What type of joint is the proxial radioulnar joint?
trochoid synovial
What is nursemaid’s elbow?
dislocation of radial head out of annular L.
What type of joint is the middle radioulnar joint?
What are the ligaments in the middle radioulnar joint?
oblique cord
interosseous membrane
What type of joint is the distal radioulnar joint?
trochoid synovial
In what joints is there a sacciform recess?
proximal and distal radioulnar
What type of joint is the radiocarpal joint?
condylar synovial
What are the ligaments in the radiocarpal joint?
palmar and dorsal radiocarpal ligaments
palmar and dorsal ulnocarpal ligaments
radial collateral ligament of the wrist
ulnar collateral ligament of the wrist
What type of joints are the intercarpals?
planar synovial
What are the ligaments of note in the intercarpal joints?
posterior intercarpal ligaments
anterior intercarpal ligaments
inerosseous intercarpal L.
pisohamate L.
What is the pisohamate L.?
between pisiform and the hook of the hamate
What type of joint is the midcarpal joint?
sellar synovial; not that much movement though
What type of joint is the 1st CMC joint?
sellar synovial; from trapezium to 1st metacarpal
What are the ligaments on the CMC joints?
palmar and dorsal carpometacarpal Ligaments on all
pisometacarpal L
radiate carpal L
What metacarpal is the pisometacarpal L in association with?
5th = pinkey
What is the radiate carpal L.
from capitate to bases of metacarpal bones
Where is pectoral fascia?
surrounds pec major
Where is the costocoracoid membrane?
under clavicle on top of ribs
Where is the deep cervical fascia?
under clavicle surrounding subclavius m.
Where is deltoid fascia?
surrounds deltoids
Where is clavipectoral fascia?
surrounds pec minor
where is axillary fascia?
in the armpit below pecs and deltoids; held up by the suspensory L. of the axilla
What is the suspensory L.?
axillary fascia to clavipectoral fascia to hold it up in the armpit
Where is bracial fascia?
surrounding all of the upper arm/brachial muscles
Where is antebrachial fascia?
around forearm
Where is the medial intermuscular septum?
medial of humerus; in between biceps, brachialis, and triceps
transmits brachial artery!
Where is the lateral intermuscular septum?
lateral of the humerus, in between the brachialis and triceps
What separates the forearm into anterior and posterior compartments?
interosseous membrane btw ulna and radius
Where is the extensor retinaculum? What is it made of?
on dorsal side of wrist holding extensor tendons in place
made of thick antebrachial fascia (continuous w/ palmar carpal L.)
What are the synovial tendon sheaths?
surround extensor tendons to reduce friction btw them and extensor retinaculum
*source of synovial/ganglion cysts
Where is the palmar carpal L?
on palm; made of antebrachial fascia - continuous w/ extensor retinaculum
What is the flexor retinaculum?
a ligament covering carpal tunnel
What is the common flexor sheath?
large synovial sheath surrounding long tendons under flexor retinaculum to reduce friction