Upper extremity myology Flashcards
Thoracoappendicular Muscles
Pectoralis Major M.
Pectoralis Minor M.
Serratus Anterior M.
Subclavius M.
Pectoralis Major M.
O: Clavicular Head: Medial 1/2 Clavicle
Sternocostal Head: anterior surface of the Sternum, Costal Cartilages 1-6, Aponeurosis External Abdominal Oblique M.
I: Lateral edge Intertubercular Groove of Humerus
A: ADduct and medially rotate Humerus, protracts and depresses the Scapula, Clavicular Head flexes the Humerus, Sternocostal Head extends the Humerus from the flexed state
N: Lateral and Medial Pectoral N.
Pectoralis Minor M.
O: Medial aspect of Ribs 3-5
I: Coracoid Process of Scapula
A: Stabilizes Scapula by protracting and depressing it against the Thoracic Wall
N: Medial Pectoral N.
Serratus Anterior M.
O: Lateral external surface of Ribs 1-8
I: Anterior surface of Medial Border of the Scapula
A: Protracts the Scapula, thereby stabilizing it against the
Thoracic Wall, rotates the Glenoid Cavity superiorly
N: Long Thoracic N.
Subclavius M.
O: Upper border 1st rib and 1 Costal Cartilage
I: Inferior aspect of the Clavicle
A: Positions and depresses the Clavicle
N: Nerve to the Subclavius M. (C5-6)
posterior Axioappendicular muscles
- Trapezius M.
- Latissimus Dorsi M.
- Rhomboid Major M.
- Rhomboid Minor M.
- Levator Scapulae M.
Scapulohumeral Muscles
- Supraspinatus M.
- Infraspinatus M.
- Teres Minor M.
- Teres Major M.
- Deltoid M
- subscapularis M.
Supraspinatus M.
O: Supraspinous Fossa of Scapula
I: Greater Tubercle of Humerus
A: With the Deltoid M. ABduct the Humerus, holds the Humeral
Head in the Glenoid Cavity
N: Suprascapular N.
Deltoid M.
O: Lateral 1/3 Clavicle, Scapular Spine, Acromion
I: Deltoid Tuberosity of Humerus
A: Anterior Part (Flex and Medially Rotate the Humerus)
Middle Part (ABduct the Humerus)
Posterior Part (Extend and Laterally Rotate the Humerus)
N: Axillary N.
Subscapularis M.
O: Medial aspect of the Subscapular Fossa
I: Lesser Tubercle of Humerus
A: Medially rotate and ADduct the Humerus, holds the Humeral
Head in the Glenoid Cavity
N: Upper and Lower Subscapular N.
Infraspinatus M.
O: Infraspinous Fossa of Scapula
I: Greater Tubercle of Humerus
A: Laterally Rotates the Humerus, holds the Humeral Head in the
Glenoid Cavity
N: Suprascapular N.
Teres Minor M.
O: Middle part of the Lateral Border of the Scapula
I: Greater Tubercle of Humerus
A: Laterally Rotates the Humerus, holds the Humeral Head in the
Glenoid Cavity
N: Axillary N.
Teres Major M.
O: Posterior aspect of the Inferior Angle Scapula
I: Medial edge of the Intertubercular Groove Humerus
A: ADduct and Medially Rotate the Humerus
N: Lower Subscapular N.
Triangular space
Borders: Teres Minor M., Teres Major M. and Long Head of the Triceps Brachii M.
Contents: Circumflex Scapular A. and V.
Quadrangular Space
Borders: Teres Minor M., Teres Major M., Long and Lateral Heads of the Triceps Brachii M.
Contents: Posterior Humeral Circumflex A. and V., and Axillary N.
Triangular Interval
Borders: Teres Major M., Long and Lateral Heads of the Triceps Brachii M.
Contents: Deep Brachial A. and V., and Radial N.
Brachial Muscles (anterior)
Biceps Brachii M.
Coracobrachialis M.
Brachialis M.
Brachial Muscles (posterior)
Triceps Brachii M.
Anconeus M.
Antebrachial muscles
superficial layer of flexors
- Pronator Teres M.
- Flexor Carpi Radialis M.
- Palmaris Longus M.
- Flexor Carpi Ulnaris M.
Antebrachial Muscles
Intermediate flexors
Flexor digitorum superficialis M.
Antebrachial Muscles
Deep Flexors
Flexor digitorum profundus M.
Flexor pollicis longus M.
Pronator Quadratus M.
Antebrachial muscles
superficial extensors
Brachioradialis M.
Extensor carpi radialis longus M.
Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis M.
Extensor digitorum M.
extensor digiti minimi M.
Extensor Carpi Ulnaris M.
Deep extensors
Supinator M.
extensor indicis M.
antebrachial muscles
outcropping muscles of the deep layer of extensors
Abductor Pollicis longus M.
Extensor Pollicis Longus M.
Extensor Pollicis Brevis M.