Back arthrology Flashcards
Types of joints
- synovial joint
- fibrous joint
- cartilaginous joint
- compound joint
Synovial joints
- Planar
- ginglymus (hinge)
- trochoid (pivot)
- condyloid
- sellar (saddle)
- spheroidal (ball and socket)
- compound synovial
Types of synovial joints function
Types of fibrous joints
- Sutures
- schindylesis
- gomphosis
- syndesmosis
Types of sutures
- serrated suture (interlocking bone with a jagged edge)
- Squamous suture (joined bone with two beveled surfaces)
- planar suture (two blunt ends joined by fibrous connective tissue)
What are these?
G- peg in socket joined by fibrous connective tissue
SChind- tongue in groove joined by fibrous con tiss
Syndes- two bones separated by a fibrous membrane
types of cartilaginous joints
cartilaginous joints, temporary carilaginous unions of hyaline cartilage
usually between diaphysis and epiphysis of growing bone
Secondary carliaginous joints
strong slightly moveable joints united by fibrocartilage
such as spine body disc body
compound joint?
a joint that includes articulations from more than one of the three main categories of joints
C1/C2 joint type
compound synovial joint (planar and trochoid)
Intervertebral joints C3-S1
C1-S1 joints for all of these
zygapophyseal joint (planal synovial)
What joint can happen at the cervical intervertebral joint?
At the Cervical Intervertebral Joint the joint between the Uncinate Process of the inferior Vertebra and beveled inferior surface of the superior Vertebra is described as an Uncovertebral Joint (of Luschka). It is unclear whether this joint should be classified as Synovial.