UP - Stats + Quotes Flashcards
MEGCI - Lagos, population growth (not percentage)
By 2050, Lagos’ population is expected to double, become 3rd largest city in the world (worldpopulationreview.org, 2022)
MEGCI - Lagos, slum population
~66% of residents live in slums (worldpopulationreview.org, 2022)
MEGCI - Lagos, current population
15.4 million (2022) (worldpopulationreview.org, 2022)
MEGCI - where will most population growth occur in the future?
“By 2030, 90% of population growth will occur in Asia and Africa” - UN 2019
MEGCI- currently found…
2/3 of all megacities are currently found in Asia. Some in Latin America and Africa
WORCI- Alpha++ cities
New York, London (Globalisation and World Cities Research Network)
WORCI - London population
~9 million (House of Commons Library, 2022)
WORCI - London foreign-born population
37% (House of Commons Library, 2022). Mainly skilled migrants.
WORCI - London financial authority –> service exports worth how much?
Service exports worth >150 billion pounds (Informi.co.uk 2019)
WORCI - London, largest workforce sector
Professional, scientific, and technical sector accounts for the largest number of jobs, at 14% (BoardEx, 2019)
WORCI - latitude of most world cities between
Most dominant world cities lie between 35 - 50 degrees North of the equator
WORCI - what is the world city hierarchy? Plus example for each (not alpha ++ etc)
Dominant - London
Major - Singapore
Secondary - Sydney
WORCI - London, GDP
€550b (BoardEx, 2018)
MEGCI - life expectancy lost by Jakarta traffic pollution
5.5 years (WHO 2018)
MEGCI - how much pollution from in Jakarta is from transport?
70% (WHO 2018)