Untitled spreadsheet - Sheet1-20 Flashcards
What is Agape?
Christian love.
What does Cafod stand for?
A charity: Catholic Agency for Overseas Development.
What is Christian Aid?
A charity working in the developing world, providing emergency and long-term aid.
What is Church Army?
An evangelistic organisation founded within the Church of England.
What is Corrymeela?
A Christian community based in Northern Ireland promoting peace and tolerance.
What does Ecumenical mean?
Relating to the worldwide Christian church.
What is Evangelism?
Preaching of the faith in order to convert people to that religion.
What are Food Banks?
Charity groups collecting donated food to distribute to the poor in Britain.
What is a Fundamentalist?
Christians who take the Bible literally.
What is Iona?
A remote island in Scotland with a fourth-century monastery, used by Christians today as a religious retreat due to its tranquillity and peace; St Columba set up a small monastic community here in 563CE.
What is Lourdes?
A Catholic site in France where the Virgin Mary appeared to Bernadette in a series of visions in 1858, now a place of pilgrimage with a water spring believed to have healing powers and miraculous healings.
What is a Mission?
An organised effort to spread the Christian message.
What is Reconciliation?
The process of making people in conflict friendly again.
What are Street Pastors?
A Christian organisation of people working on the city streets at night caring for people who need help or are involved in anti-social behaviour.
What is Tearfund?
A Christian charity working to relieve poverty in developing countries.
What is The World Council of Churches?
A worldwide community of Churches seeking unity, a common witness, and Christian service.
What is Interfaith Dialogue?
Different faith communities and groups coming together to better understand one another and to serve the wider community with mutual respect that allows them to live peacefully side by side, despite differences in beliefs and ways of life.
What is The Christian Muslim Forum?
Aims to help Christians and Muslims live and work together creatively in a diverse society. It was launched in 2006.
What is Persecution?
Persistently cruel treatment due to religion or belief. It is estimated that 100 million Christians worldwide experience this because of their faith.
What is Open Doors?
Founded in 1955 to support persecuted Christians in the USSR. Today it supports persecuted Christians by distributing Bibles, offering practical support, and raising awareness.
What is Worship?
Giving ‘worth-ship’ Acts of religious praise, honour, or devotion; May involve prayer, meditation, Bible readings, singing songs, preaching, sharing food, pilgrimage, celebrating festivals, using religious art, music, and drama; Christians usually have weekly Sunday public worship services on the day of Jesus’ resurrection.
What is Liturgical Worship?
A church service that follows a set structure or ritual, led by a priest who makes symbolic actions; hymns or chants are sung by the congregation or choir.
What is Non-Liturgical Worship?
A service that does not follow a set text or ritual.
What is Informal Worship?
A type of non-liturgical worship, sometimes spontaneous or charismatic in nature.
What is Private Worship?
When a believer praises or honours God on their own.
What are the key points for the Reason for Worship?
- To always praise and thank God for His blessings
- To ask for forgiveness of sins
- To seek God’s help for oneself or others in need
- To deepen Christians’ relationships with God and give them comfort and strength to live a Christian life.
What is Prayer?
Silent or verbal communication with God, involving thanksgiving, confession, or requests for help or guidance.
What is Set Prayer?
Prayers written down and said by many people, e.g. The Lord’s Prayer.
What is Informal Prayer?
Spontaneous and unique prayers said by individuals.
What are Hail Marys?
Prayers said by Roman Catholics to Mary, representing time periods of Jesus’ life.
What is The Lord’s Prayer?
A prayer that Jesus gave His disciples, teaching them how to pray; states that God is the father and creator of all people on Earth; may be recited daily or on special occasions.
What is The Rosary?
A string of beads used by Catholics to recite prayers.
What are the Types of Prayer (ACTS)?
Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, and Supplication.
What is Eucharist / Mass / Communion / The Lord’s Supper?
Different terms for the bread and wine; Christians have slightly different interpretations of the ritual.
What is Transubstantiation?
In Catholic Mass, the host (bread and wine) transforms into the body and blood of Christ through the Holy Spirit.
What is Memorialism?
Taking bread and wine to remember the Lord’s Supper and his later death and resurrection.
What is Consubstantiation?
The bread and wine is blessed and is holy, but does not change substance.
What is Baptism?
A symbolic washing to remove sins and be purified; Some Christians teach that this is also to be given the Holy Spirit and receive eternal life in heaven.
What is Infant Baptism?
A welcome into Christianity for babies, cleansing them of original sin. Parents choose godparents to make promises to God on behalf of the baby.
What is Believer’s Baptism (Adult)?
Some Churches believe that baptism should be done by adults who agree themselves. This is sometimes called being ‘born again in Christ.’
What is Pilgrimage?
A journey for a religious reason - not compulsory in Christianity. Completed for a range of reasons: healing, focus on faith, confession, inspiration, or asking for something.
What is Christmas?
Celebration of the birth of Jesus: The Nativity story.
What is Easter?
Celebration of the death and resurrection of Jesus.
What is Advent?
The solemn time leading up to Christmas.
What is Lent?
The solemn time (sometimes a time of fasting) leading up to Easter; Holy Week recalls the events in the last week of Jesus’ life.
What is a Sacrament?
A ceremony in Christianity that is ‘an outward sign of inward and spiritual grace’. Usually at a point of change in a person’s life, e.g. Baptism, Marriage, Communion, Funerals.