Muslim Practices Flashcards
The Five Pillars
The five most important duties for all Muslims; to believe, to pray, to give to charity, to fast, and to go on pilgrimage.
The Ten Obligatory Acts
Important duties for Shi’a Muslims, which include the Five Pillars.
The Muslim declaration of faith.
Prayer with and in worship to God, performed under conditions set by the prophet Muhammad.
Ritual washing before prayer.
A niche in a wall that indicates the direction of Makkah (Mecca).
Qiblah Wall
The wall in a mosque that contains the mihrab.
A sequence of movements in ritual prayer.
Repeating a passage of text from memory.
Kneeling with the forehead, nose, hands, knees, and toes touching the floor, in submission to God.
Jummah Prayer
A weekly communal prayer performed after midday on Friday, which includes a sermon.
The ninth month of the Muslim calendar, during which Muslims have to fast from dusk to sunset.
Not eating or drinking for a certain length of time, usually for a religious reason.
The Night of Power
(1) The night when the first revelation of the Qur’an was made to Muhammad. (2) The festival that marks the start of God’s revelation to Muhammad.
Purification of wealth by giving 2.5% of savings each year to the poor.
Good actions or voluntary payments that are undertaken for charitable reasons.
A 20% tax paid by Shi’a Muslims on their excess income.
A journey by a believer to a holy site for religious reasons; an act of worship and devotion.
The annual pilgrimage to Makkah (Mecca) that every Muslim should try to make at least once in their life.
The black cube-shaped building in the centre of the Grand Mosque in Makkah (Mecca); the holiest place in Islam.
Someone who has completed Hajj.
A struggle against evil; this may be an inward, personal collective struggle.
Greater Jihad
The personal inward struggle of all Muslims to live in line with the teachings of their faith.
Lesser Jihad
The outward struggle to defend one’s faith, family, and country from threat.
Holy War
Fighting for a religious cause or God, probably controlled by a religious leader.
A Muslim festival that celebrates the end of Ramadan.
A Muslim festival that celebrates the prophet Ibrahim’s willingness to sacrifice his son for God.
Day of Ashura
A festival that is important for Shi’a Muslims in particular, who remember the battle of Karbala and death of Husayn on this day.