Peace and Conflict Flashcards
Peace- Christianity (1)
Blessed are the peacemakers (sermon on the mount)
Justice- Christianity (1)
Seek Justice (Isaiah)
Forgiveness- Christianity (2)
Forgive not seven but seventy-seven times (Jesus)
If you forgive others, your heavenly father will also forgive you (Jesus)
Reconciliation- Christianity (1)
God reconciled himself to us through Christ (St Paul)
Peace- Islam (1)
Say words of peace (Surah 23)
Justice- Islam (1)
Stand up firmly for justice (Surah 4)
Forgiveness- Islam (1)
Forgive others and God will also forgive you (Hadith)
Reconciliation- Islam (1)
Whoever makes reconciliation, his reward is from God (Hadith)
Negative Attitudes towards violence- Christianity (5)
St Paul
Martin Luther King
Jesus- those who live by the sword, die by the sword
Jesus- turn the other cheek
Exodus- do not kill- goes against the 10 commandments
St Paul- Your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit- sanctity of life argument
Martin Luther King JR- we must pursue peace through peaceful means
Positive attitudes towards violence- Christianity
Old Testament
St Thomas Aquinas
Old Testament- Eye for an eye- revenge
St Thomas Aquinas- Doctrine of Double effect- justify using violence in self-defence if the intention is to protect yourself from harm
Jesus- violently protested- Matthew 21, protested against commercialisation of the Temple- didn’t harm anyone
Negative Attitudes towards violence- Islam
Surah 23
Surah 2
Surah 7
Surah 23- Say words of peace
Surah 2- God gave you a life- all life is sacred
Surah 7- God created you from a single soul- oneness of humanity
Positive attitudes towards violence- Islam
Surah 2
Lesser Jihad
Surah 2- Fight in the way of God those who fight you- violence may be justified
Lesser Jihad- Fight in defence for a religion
Terrorism- christianity
St Paul
St Pau1
Pope Francis
Catechism of the Catholic Church
Exodus- do not kill
Genesis- imago dei
St Paul- your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit
St Paul- live at peace with everyone
Pope Francis- We cannot be silent when terrorism abuses religion
Catechism of the Catholic Church- Terrorism threatens, wounds and kills indiscriminately; it is gravely against justic and charity
Terrorism- Islam
Surah 4
Surah 4- Do not kill yourself or others
‘For’ War- Christian
Just War Theory- strict conditions for legitimate defence by military force require rigorous consideration
St Paul- Submit to the governing authorities
Just war Theory
Jus ad bellum:
Declared by authority
Has a just cause
Has a right intention
As a last resort
Reasonable chance of Success
Jus ad bello:
Innocent civilians not targeted
Use of force must be proportionate
‘Against’ War- Christian
Quakers- Utterly deny all outward wars
Martin Luther King- We must use the weapon of love
Martin Luther King Jr- Pursue Peace through Peaceful means
‘For’ War- Islam
Surah 2- Fight in the way of God those who fight you, but do not overstep the limits
Muhammad- perfect man, but fought in wars, eg. the Conquest of Mecca
‘Against’ War- Islam
Muhammad Ali- Islam is Peace and not violence
Surah 4- Do not kill yourself or others
Surah 5- Whoever kills a soul it is as though he has killed all mankind
Holy War examples
Christianity- The crusades; take vengeance, Numbers 31
Islam- Conquest of Mecca; Kill the polytheists- Surah 9
‘For’ Pacifism- Christian
Quakers- Utterly deny all outward wars, and may become ‘conscientious objectors’
Jesus- Prince of Peace
St Paul- Live at peace with everyone
Martin Luther King Jr- pursue peace through peaceful means
‘Against’ Pacifism- Christianity
Catholic Church- Strict conditions when war is justifiable
St Thomas Aquinas- Set our JWT
Jesus- I have not come to bring peace but a sword
Utilitarianism- Greatest Good for the greatest number that is the measure of right and wrong (Jeremy Bentham)
‘For’ Pacifism- Islam
Muhammad Ali- Islam is peace and not violence
Surah 4- Do not kill yourselves or others
Surah 7- God created you from a single soul
‘Against’ Pacifism- Islam
Lesser Jihad- it is sometimes necessary to fight in war, eg in self- defence
Muhammad- perfect man but fought in wars
Surah 2- Fight in the way of God those who fight you
‘For’ WMDs- Christian
St Paul- Submit to the governing authorities
St Thomas Aquinas- WMDs could potentially meet the criteria for the JWT
Old Testament- an eye for an eye
‘Against’ WMDs- Christian
St Thomas Aquinas- fight in a proportionate way
Pope Benedict XVI- In a nuclear war there are no victors, only victims
Genesis- Take care of it (The garden- earth)
Pope Francis- Let us be protectors of God’s creation
Exodus- Do not kill
‘For’ WMDs- Islam
If someone has attacked you, attack him just as he has attacked you
‘Against’ WMDs- Islam
Surah 2- Do not overstep the limits
Surah 4- Do not kill yourself or others
Hadith- God has appointed you his stewards- nuclear was and destroying the world goes against the duty to be a khalifah (steward)