Muslim Beliefs Flashcards
How did the Sunni and Shi’a split occur?
After death of Prophet Muhammad, there was disagreement over who should have led Ummah. Some Muslims accepted authority of Abu Bakr, who they thought was the first rightly guided Khalifah. These people are now known as Sunnis. Other Muslims believe Ali should have been leader because all leaders should be from the Ahl al-Bayt. These people are now known as Shi’as.
The Muslim community
A religious leader representing Allah or a Prophet
Collection of sayings of the prophet Muhammad
Name the 6 Beliefs of Islam
- Tawhid 2. Belief in Angels 3. Belief in Books 4. Risalah- prophethood 5. Akhirah- belief in afterlife 6. Al-Qadr- predestination
Oneness of Allah, Islamic expression of monotheism. -“He is God the One, God the eternal. No one is comparable to Him”
How does Tawhid influence Muslims?
Recognizing Allah as the sole creator encourages Muslims to express gratitude to him through prayer. It reminds them of the omnipotence and transcendence of Allah(SWT), helping them to commit everything to him and thank him for his blessings in their lives
Belief in Angels of Allah(SWT). It is essential for Muslims to believe in all the angels and to have respect for them. To oppose them is to oppose Allah. Out of respect for the Malaikah, Muslims look left and right after prayer to the angels and everyone else they’re praying next to.
Outline 3 Muslim beliefs about angels
Angels are immortal. They are made of light and have wings. They are pure and cannot sin. They obey and serve Allah at all times. They have no free will. Angels have no fixed material/physical form.
What is the significance of angels for Muslims?
They help believers in their time of need. They play a crucial role in operating and maintaining the whole universe. Angels are an extension of God’s love and power. To reject his angels is to reject Him.
Quotes about angles
“We only descend at your Lord’s command” - Jibril
“The trustworthy spirit” with which Allah communicates with his prophets.
The angel of death who is responsible for parting the soul at the moment of death “The Angel of Death put in charge of you will reclaim you, then you will be brought back to your Lord”
Blows trumpet to mark end of life and beginning of Judgement Day
Angel of Mercy. Brings rain and thunder. Rewards those who lived good lives.
Chief angels including Jibril, Mika’il and Izra’il
Non-physical beings who can be good or evil by choice. They have free will and are made from fire.
Most Famous Jinn
Iblis/Shaytan / Satan = a spiritual being, created from fire, who was thrown out of paradise for refusing to bow to Adam.
Belief in the nature and importance of prophethood. Belief that Prophethood is an important channel of communication between Allah and Humans. Many Muslims name their children after prophets and strive to raise and imitate them.
Recitation - Muhammad was illiterate, thence it was spoken to him.
How is Qur’an dissimilar to other Holy Books?
It’s free from distortions and changes. Final Book, revealed to final prophet. Qur’an was revealed through speech.
How are other Holy Books dissimilar to the Qur’an?
They have been distorted or translated. They are true/apparent for only a limited time. Other Holy Books are not books in themselves.
How is the Qur’an similar to other Holy Books?
They all came from prophets. They all provide moral guidance. They all stem from Allah.
Beliefs about the Qur’an
Unchangeable because sacred language of God Composed of Jibril’s message to Muhammad over 23 years. Miraculous: no human could have written it. Its power is fully realized when read aloud. All prior scriptures led up to the Qur’an
Quotes describing the Qur’an
“free from any distortion” “a blessed Scripture”
How many prophets have there been?
124,000 +
Name 8 Prophets
Isa (SA) Dawud (SA) Ayyub (SA) Musa (SA) Adam (SA) Ibrahim (SA) Isma’il (SA) Muhammad (SA)
Why are Risalah and nubuwwah important for Muslims?
Prophets demonstrate how Muslims should best live their lives in order to please God. Rasuls record the messages revealed to them. These are direct messages from God, which help Muslims to fulfill his will. They remind Muslims of the common heritage they share with other faiths particularly Judaism and Christianity.
Outline 3 Muslim beliefs about Risalah
All of the prophets are considered to be equal: “We make no distinction between any of them.” Allah chose the prophets to reveal his truth. They are responsible for the revelation. Messages from Allah were sent to the prophets using angels.
Quotes about equality of prophets
We make no distinction between any of them”
Quotes about Ibrahim
“Allah’s friend”
Quotes about Muhammad
“the seal of the prophets”
Adam and Hawwa
Adam first prophet and first human. His task was to look after Earth and be a Khalifah. He and Hawwa lived in a beautiful garden were told to enjoy its comforts. They were instructed to avoid a tree, which represented evil, but they were deceived - “Satan made them slip.” This story teaches Muslims to withstand and ignore temptation and to follow Allah’s commands to prevent displeasing God.
Beliefs about akhirah
-Some believe in physical resurrection, which is why Muslims are buried not cremated. Some believe that they are buried out of respect and just the soul is taken away. -Immortality of the soul -Izra’il takes the soul to Barzakh
Quotes about Judgement
“no one will be wronged in the least”
Quote about Jannah
“What a blessed reward! What a pleasant resting place”
Belief in life after death and the day of judgement
Stage between death and the time of judgement
How does Belief in Akhirah influence Muslims?
It reminds Muslims about their limited time on the Earth and the inevitable meeting with Allah. This encourages them to be more conscious of their actions because they believe that at Qiyamah these will be presented before them and God.
How does Belief in Al-Qadr influence Muslims?
It teaches Muslims about the need to accept God’s will, and many Muslims seek blessings on Laylat Al-Qadr.
Quotes for free will / problem of evil
“Do the believers not realize that if God had so willed, He could have guided all mankind?”
Laylat Al-Qadr
The Night of Power. It occurs during Ramadan, on the night when Muhammad began receiving the Quran from the Angel Gabriel.
The 5 roots of Usul ad-din
-Belief in oneness (Tawhid) -Belief in Divine Justice (Adalat) -Belief in prophethood (Nubuwwah) -Belief in imams (Imamah) -Belief in the Day of Judgement -Qiyamah- (Mi’ad)
Belief in God-given leadership. Shi’a Muslims believe that this leadership has been given to the ahl al-bayt, the house of Muhammad who are believed to be pure, perfect and infallible. -“obey God and the Messenger, and those in authority among you.” “God wises to keep uncleanness away from you, people of the House.”
Importance of Imamah
Today, Shi’a Muslim communities are led by imams, who are seen as having been chosen by God. Shi’a Muslims believe that that leaders such as the imams are necessary to protect the religion and give people guidance on how to live correctly.
Characteristics of Allah
- Tawhid 2. Immanence & Transcendence 3. Omnipotence 4. Beneficence 5. Mercy 6. Fairness & Justice
God is continuously and actively involved with all of his creation while existing above it. -“We were never far from them” “We created man - We know what his soul whispers to him: We are closer to him than his jugular vein”
Quotes about the omnipotence and transcendence of God
“He has power over all things”
Quote about the beneficence of God
“Lord’s bounty is not restricted”
Quote about God’s mercy
“mercy embraces all things”
Muslim beliefs about God’s mercy regarding punishment?
Many Muslims believe that hell is not forever, even those who are punished will enter paradise once they have been purified of their sins.
How many names is Allah given to help Muslims understand his transcendent nature?
Why are the characteristics of God important?
Better understanding of Allah’s nature enables Muslims to establish a close relationship with him through worship. Understanding of Allah helps Muslims to strive to reflect his divine attributes.