Universe - Origins Flashcards
When and How did the Big Bang happen?
- The universe “sprang” into existence 13.7pm years ago from a singularity.
Who is known as the Father of the Big Bang?
- Georges Lematire was a Belgian Cosmologist and a Catholic Priest and is known as the “Father of the Big Bang”
What does the BBT attempt to answer?
- Attempts to answer what happened during and after the moment of the ‘bang’
Was the Big Bang an explosion?
- No, it rapidly expands over time, and many people believe it still expands today.
What are the evidence for the BBT?
- Cosmic Background Radiation
- Redshift Theory
- Relative Abundance of Elements
What is Cosmic Background Radiation?
- When the universe began there was an unimaginable amount of heat. This was ‘microwave energy’.
- It is the cooled remnant of the first light that could ever travel freely throughout the universe.
- In 1965, this was found as astronomers Penzias and Wilson found this microwave energy.
- As time passes, we have been able to use multiple telescopes such as Planck to find this and make it clearer.
What is the Redshift Theory?
- The spectrum of light coming from the galaxies seems to shift towards the end of the spectrum.
- This means that the light’s wavelength appears longer - this proves the objects are moving away from us and each other: the Big Bang is still expanding.
- Distant galaxies = redder as they’re moving away.
- This means the universe has to be expanding from somewhere - a ‘central’ point.
What is Abundance of Elements?
- BBT proposes that all matter was formed as the universe expanded and cooled.
- It also suggests how much of each element would have been made, and when scientists looked old stars, they see lots of hydrogen helium proving the theory is correct.
What are the strengths of the BBT?
- There is strong scientific evidence for these theories from a variety of sources, it also has been checked out by scientists for over 75 years since it’s been proposed.
- Offers an explanation to something which occurred without anyone there to observe it.
- Provides an answer to how did the universe came together with lots of proof.
What is the weaknesses of the BBT?
- It is based on circumstantial evidence which is not as powerful as empirical evidence.
- Very complex - people may not understand it.
- Theory doesn’t offer explanations as to why we are here - no purpose for us?
How old is Genesis 1?
- Around 3,500 years old.
Christians believe God created the world in a process known as “creatio ex nihlo”. What does this mean?
- Christians believe that God created the universe “creatio ex nihlo” - created out of nothing
What does Genesis 1 mainly focus on?
- The 7 Days of Creation
What do the Literal Christians believe in terms of Genesis 1? (1)
- They believe every word in the account is true and infalliable, the Bible gives us facts about all things - including the origins of the universe.
- The 7 days of creation are 24 hour periods.
- The world was created 6,000-10,000 years ago.
What do the Literal Christians believe in terms of Genesis 1? (2)
- If you don’t take the story literally, then you question the Bible’s authority + accuracy, then this would lead to the removal of God himself.
- If Genesis is not accurate - we lose our purpose as humans are no longer created in god’s image, we are just like any other species.
What do the Metaphorical Christians believe in terms of Genesis 1? (2)
- They do not believe Genesis 1 as an account of what actually happened.
- There is some truth within Genesis 1 but it’s purpose is a ‘meaning maler’
- The Six days are a poetic way to describe periods of indeterminate time
- Concept of God is open if read symbolically - isn’t rejected.
- Accepting science doesn’t undermine faith but enhances it - it’s possible to believe in both.
What are the strengths of Genesis 1?
- Genesis is based on ‘evidence’ from the creator (God) himself.
- It’s a simple + understandable account of the origins of the universe.
- It gives meaning + purpose to humans - we are created/to look after Gods Creation
- Suggests existence of creator who is there for us and cares about us.
What are the weaknesses of Genesis 1?
- Based on belief with no scientific/empirical evidence to back up the account
- Modern day scientific advances contradict Genesis 1
- Can be open to interpretations, not a clear answer.
- May have been understandable in a different context - not suitable for today’s society
What are the similarities between BBT and Genesis 1?
- Both accounts start with “nothing”.
- Both accounts suggest there was a beginning.
- Both accounts happened a long time ago.
- Both accounts have a ‘first cause’: BBT = singularity / Genesis 1 = God
What are the differences between BBT and Genesis 1?
- God is only creator for Genesis 1.
- Genesis based on faith, BBT based on evidence
- Different time periods - BBT = 12-15bn Years - Genesis 1 = 7 days
- Genesis 1 gives us purpose whilst BBT doesn’t.
- BBT = No need for God
- Literal Interpretations of BBT contradicts Bible
- Genesis = why, BBT = how
How are Genesis 1 and BBT compatible?
- BBT also suggests a beginning
- No pre-existing matter
- Something cannot come out of nothing and something had to cause the Big Bang.
- BBT is open to the existence of God: if something can’t come from nothing, BBT needs a creator.
- Both accounts offer a full explanation on origins of the universe
What is the Cosmological Argument?
- Created by St Thomas Aquinas to prove existence of God.
- Can use to argue that the universe has a creator.
- The Universe had to be caused into existence, it cannot be the cause of itself, as everything is caused by something else.