Nibbana Flashcards
What is the first reason why Nibbana is important?
- As it can stop suffering
What is Nibbana?
- Nibbana is the final stage when Buddhists reach enlightenment and knows the tre reality of the human condition.
- Nibbana is the liberation from all suffering, ignorance, and the endless cycle of samsara. It is not just liberation from samsara, it is also from dukkha and the satisfactoriness of life.
How can Nibbana be reached, and who is more likely to do this?
- Nibbana can be reached by following the Eightfold Path, and accepting both the Three Marks of Existence and the Four Noble Truths. This is can be done by Buddhists because they could asbtain from modern society and attachments to material goods and practice skilfull actions.
What is Nibbana described as by Nagasena?
- ‘one cannot point to the wind for the wind does not lend itself to being grasped or to being untouched – but nevertheless there is such a thing called wind’
- This explains that Nibbana is something that you must experience to know what it is like, and cannot be described.
What did the Buddha describe Nibbana as?
- As well as this, the Buddha described Nibbana as a huge relief, something indescribable if never had it before, for example: ‘imagine you had been carrying a huge rucksack filled with rocks your whole life, and then suddenly it was gone’
What is the first implication of of the belief Nibbana?
- An implication of belief in Nibbana is that it provides a goal for Buddhists and therefore can act as a motivator to alter their thoughts and behaviours in order to end suffering.
What is the second implication of the belief Nibbana?
- An implication of belief in Nibbana is Buddhists would have to give up intoxicants to ensure they have a clear mind for meditation.
What is one evaluation point for the belief of Nibbana?
- Overall, Nibbana is vitally important as it gives hope to Buddhists that suffering can be ended - it becomes the spirtual goal of Buddists.
What is a second evaluation point for the belief of Nibbana?
- Overall, it is important because they will be following the Buddha’s example and achieve what their role model achieved.
What is another reason why Nibbana is important?
- It is important to Mahyana Buddhists as they believe everyone can achieve Nibbana.
What do Mahayana Buddhists believe in and what do they do?
- Mahayana believe that the goal is to seek universial enlightenment, to become a Bodhisvatta and then a Buddha.
- The word Bodhisvatta means enlightened, and their goal is to make sure every sentient being can be enlightened. This means that they will put their happiness of all other beings before their own, including staying and helping instesad of going to Nibbana.
- Every good deed they do is given to others, and will risk earning bad kamma so it helps someone else.
Is Nibbana important to Mahayana Buddhists?
- This means that Nibbana is very important to Mahayana Buddhists as it is all of their end goals to reach Nibbana.
- This is demonstrated by the Dhamma who stated: ‘Long is the cycle of birth and death to the fool who does not know the true path’. This explains that we will continue to be reborn if Mahayana Buddhists do not follow the Bodhisvatta’s teachings.
What is the third implication of the belief in Nibbana?
- An implication of the beief in Nibbana is that Buddhists would follow the Bodhisvatta’s teachings and place emphasis on skilful actions such as compassion and kindess, which can help lay buddhists also as it is more helpful in today’s selfish modern society.
What is the fourth implication of the belief in Nibbana?
- A implication of the belief in Nibbana is that as lay buddhists can reach Nibbana through Mahayana Buddhism, they do not have to give up their lives entirely and are still able to live in a modern society whilst being on the Eightfold Path.
What is the third evaluation point for belief in Nibbana?
- Overall, Nibbana is important to Buddhists because all Buddhists will have a true and deep understanding of reality, meaning that they can help others to realise this too and also achieve enlightenment.
What is the fourth evaluation point for belief in Nibbana?
- Overall, Nibbana is important as it is the only way to eliminate the three route posions and be free from kammic results, meaning they will be free from re-birth and any future suffering.
What is the final reason for why Nibbana is important?
- Because Theravada Buddhists has Nibbana as one of their core values for monks and nuns to achieve enlightenment.
What do Theravada Buddhists believe in, in terms of Nibbana?
- Theravada Buddhists believe that only monks and nuns can achieve Nibbana as it requires total dedication which Lay Buddhists cannot do.
- They are less attached to the cravings of the worlsd and there are fewer distractions.
- They also have the support of other monks and nuns who have Nibbana as their goal.
- This means that the mangastic environment is more conductive to striving for enlightenment than a lay lifestyle.
What do Lay Buddhists in theravada do instead of Nibbana?
- Lay Buddhists instead see Nibbana as more of an end goal and instead focus on getting a better rebirth by following the Eightfold Path and earning good kamma.
- This is a significant difference to Mahayana Buddhism who is more welcoming to Lay Buddhists.
How is Nibbana still important?
- Although this is a significant difference in terms of Nibbana, this still shows that Nibbana is a key principle of both groups of Buddhists, and that it is still relevant in modern Buddhism.
What is the fifth implication of the belief of Nibbana?
- An implication of the belief in Nibbana is that Lay Buddhists are more likely to aim for a better rebirth instead of following the Eightfold Path to the full extent of Nibbana, which goes against the Buddha’s teachings as it isn’t fully following what he wants for them.
What is the final implication of the belief in Nibbana?
- An implication of the belief in Nibbana is that Theravada Buddhists would say you would have to become a fully dedicated monk/nun and devote your life towards your spiritual journey towards enlightenment, this would mean giving up your family, your life and material objects, which can be hard for a Buddhist to do.
What is the fifth evaluation point for Nibbana?
- Overall, Nibbana is still an important conecpt despite its disadvantages because it is the motivating factor for Buddhists to follow the Buddha’s teachings and living according to the Eightfold Path. If Buddhists did not have Nibbana as a goal, they would still experience suffering and would never be free from it.