Life - Origins Flashcards
What is the religious theory to how life was created?
- Genesis 2
What is the first part of the story of Genesis 2?
- God created Adam from the dust of the ground and breathed life into him.
Where did God put Adam, and what was he in charge of?
- Garden of Eden, in charge of the rest of creation by naming all of the animals.
Did Adam bond with any of the animals?
- No, none were a suitable companion for him.
What did God do for Adam after learning he had nobody?
- God put Adam in a deep sleep and took one of his ribs and formed Eve, a human like him but a woman.
What is the Literal Understanding of Genesis 2?
- Every word in the account is true and infallible.
- If it’s not taken literally, we question God’s existence and the Bible’s authority and accuracy.
- The universe was created with the purpose of supporting human life, and if we don’t take the story literally, we’d have no purpose, we are just another animal.
What is the Metaphorical Understanding of Genesis 2?
- Creation of Adam & Eve should be understood as a metaphor, with the evidence for evolution, how can all creatures be created on the 6th day?
- If read as symbolic, leaves idea of God since they’re not rejected along with a non-scientific view that humans are special as they are different to every other animal.
What are the Strengths of Genesis 2?
- Based on ‘evidence’ from creator himself.
- Simple and understandable account of the origins of life.
- Gives us meaning + purpose as we are created/to look after God’s creation
- Suggests existence of a creator who cares about us.
What are the weaknesses of Genesis 2?
- Based on belief only with not scientific support top back up the account.
- Modern day scientific advances contradict the Genesis 2 story.
- the Bible is open to many interpretations - no definitive answer, making it less useful.
- May have been a good answer in the period it was written - not in today’s society
Would reject as:
- there is a lack of evidence to support the existence of a creator
- regarded as a myth from a specific time + place
- evidence we do have contradicts genesis 2, e.g. age of earth, a worldwide flood.
- religious scriptures show a confusing + contradictory God (shouldn’t have he already seen the betrayal of Adam & Eve?)
What is the scientific belief on how life was formed on Earth?
- Theory of Evolution
What is the Theory of Evolution?
- All kinds of living things that exist today were developed from earlier types.
- Simplistic forms of life formed 3.5 billion years ago.
What is the first two steps of the process of Evolution?
- Variation: individuals in a species have many of these, some are unique + inherited.
- Genes: inheritors variation come from the parent + found in genes.
What is the third step in the process of Evolution?
- Adaptation: individuals that are most able to adapt to the environment are most likely to survive and breed and pass their traits onto their offspring.
What are the final two steps of Evolution?
- Extinction: individuals that are poorly adapted are less likely to survive and breed and will eventually die out.
- Mutation: tiny changes build up over billions of years and often lead to the development of a new species altogether.
Who is Charles Darwin?
- He is a scientist who observed 13 different types of finch in the Galapagos Islands and each island had a different type of tortoise which was suited to its environment.
- Linked to this evolution with the theory of natural selection.
What is the evidence to support evolution?
- Fossils - the records show how species have changed.
- Anatomy - embryos and bone structures are similar.
- DNA - DNA codes show how one species is related to another.
- Distribution - species adapt in similar ways across the world.
- Observation - changes can be seen to take place in microscopic bacteria.
What are the strengths of Evolution?
- It is researched meticulously by science + continues to be today.
- Links to a variety of scientific disciplines together from biology + geology.
- Supported by DNA
- Provides an explanation of observable realities such as the biodiversity on Earth + similarities between species + explanation for extinction.
What are the weaknesses of Evolution?
- Evidence is circumstantial and based on inference compared to empirical evidence.
- There are gaps - incomplete fossil records which question the theory.
- Doesn’t suggest any answers to the purpose or meaning of human life.
- Intermediate stages imply that complex life had stages where their complexity was reduced to something less complex
How are Genesis 2 and Evolution similar?
- Both accounts suggest there is a beginning
- Both happened a very long time ago.
- Both have a first cause: God + Single-Celled Organisms.
- Both recognise design + complexity in all life-forms.
How are Genesis 2 + Evolution different?
- God is only creator for Genesis
- Genesis based on faith - Evolution based on evidence.
- Different time periods: Evolution = 3.5 billion years and Genesis = 7 days.
- Genesis account gives us a purpose whilst Evolution means we’re an accident.
- Evolution removes the need for God.
- Genesis answers why + Evolution answers how
Who was the Teleological argument created by and by?
- Created by William Paley to prove the Existence of God.
- Referred as the Design Argument.
What were William Paley’s observations of the universe?
- The universe displays a high level of complexity as everything has order and works towards a purpose.
- Complexity can only be explained by design as it is not chance.
- Therefore, there is a designer who is vastly powerful and intelligent = God, as h objects made by humans are the product of intelligent design, and as we are in God’s image, God had to do that to make us.
What do Creationist Christians accept?
- Accepts the Teleological Argument and enforces Genesis 2 account of God as creator of life.
What do Metaphorical Christians believe?
Can use the Teleological Argument to explain evolution as God as the creator, he caused evolution to occur - allowing them to accept both explanations.
What do the Scientific believers, believe?
- No God as designer of life - evolution is the cause of life, but science and religion can still agree that there has to be a beginning.