Three Marks of Existence Flashcards
What are the Three Marks of Existence?
- The Three Marks of Existence are foundational Buddhist beliefs about the world and the human condition. The three marks of existence are annica, anatta and dukkha.
What is the definition of annica
- Impermanence.
- This means that nothing ever stays the same and everything must change in life.
- This must be experienced to be fully understood.
- This is key to all Buddhist beliefs.
What is an example of annica?
- Change can be seen in various ways, such as quick ways like the weather changes as it daily, but it can be in slower ways such as a mountain or a volcano.
What is a second example of annica?
Hertaclitus said, ‘We never step in the same river twice’.
- This is because the river is always changing, and so are we.
What does the Dhammapada say about annica?
- “The mind freed from conditioned things has reached the end of cravings.”
- This explains that humans must accept annica to reach enlightenment.
How does annica relate to the Life of the Buddha?
- This relates to the Life of the Buddha because he let go of his cravings and realised that nothing was permanent, giving him a more realistic outlook on life, which led him closer to enlightenment.
What is an implication of belief in annica?
- An impact of belief in annica (impermanence) is that understanding it could help Buddhists become less attached to material things.
- If we know that things do not last, we become less likely to crave them.
What is another implication of belief in annica?
- An impact of belief in annica is that it may give people comfort in times of suffering.
- If they know that suffering will not last, it might be easier to endure.
What is one evaluation point of annica?
- In conclusion, the belief in annica is important as the Buddha experienced it in his life when he witnessed the 4 sights. Although his father had tried hard to shield hom from suffering, even the Buddha could not escape the impermanence of life.
What is a second evaluation point of annica?
- In conclusion, the belief annica is important because it is at the root of all Buddhist teachings. An example of this is that Buddhists know they can escape the 3 root poisons because they will not last forever.
What is anatta?
- It is the teaching of ‘no self’. This means that ‘I’ or ‘me’ is a concept rather than a permanent thing.
What are the 5 Skandhas?
- Buddhists believe that what the ‘self’ is made up of is 5 Skanda’s. Our body, perceptions, sensations, mental formations, and consciousness.
What is an example of the 5 Skandhas?
- “But in reality, there is no such thing as a permanent self, nothing solid or unchanging that we can hold onto.”
- This explains that Annata can be related to annica that both the self and items are not permanent, and as Buddhists accept this, they can become closer to enlightenment like the Buddha teaches them to.
How is anatta used in another example?
- The concept of anatta in the story of King Mildanada and the Buddhist monk Nagasena. He compares the self to a chariot which is a sum of its parts.
What is one implication of anatta?
- An impact of belief in anatta is that Buddhist monks shave their heads.
- This shows that they are not attached to the idea of the self or any personal adornment.
What is a second implication of anatta?
- An impact of belief in anatta is that lay Buddhists may become less selfish. The realisation of ‘no self’ means that they should become less focused on ourselves and more concerned with compassion for others.
What is one evaluation of anatta?
- In conclusion, the belief anatta is important because it is essential in understanding Buddhist teachings on samsara.
- In order to escape the cycle of samsara, Buddhists must detach themselves from the 3 root poisons and accept that feelings of anger, hatred and greed are impermanent.
What is dukkha?
- Dukkha means suffering. Suffering is part of our whole lives from birth to death and cannot be escaped.
What can Dukkha be seen through?
- Dukkha can be seen through many experiences in our daily lives, such as pain, frustration at impermanence, and frustration on our human limitations, and unrealistic expectations.
What is an example of Dukkha?
- The story of Kisa Gotami and the mustard seed shows that suffering affects everyone.
- The Buddha taught that the only way to escape suffering was to understand it fully.
What is an implication of Dukkha?
- An impact of belief in Dukkha is that Buddhists may endure suffering as they know that everyone suffers.
- Buddha taught this in the story of Kisa Gotami where she needed to find a mustard seed from someone who had not experienced suffering.
What is an evaluation point of Dukkha?
- In conclusion, the belief in Dukkha is important as it is both one of the three marks of the existence and the 4 noble truths.
- This suggests that accepting dukkha is an essential Buddhist belief and will help Buddhists reach enlightenment.
What is a final evaluation point for all the Three Marks of Existence?
- In conclusion, the teachings of the 3 Marks of Existence are significant as they tell the essential facts of life.
- Anatta applies to all things, annica and dukkha tell us about the human condition.
What are the Three Route Poisons?
- Greed, represented by the cockrell.
- Hatred, represented by the snake.
- Ignorance, represented by the pig.