Unit4. Just the job Flashcards
all in all
on the whole
En definitiva, después de todo, con todo, en resumidas cuentas.
- All in all, I think you did a fine job. The trip wasn’t perfect, but all in all, I’m glad we went.
appeal, to, for
be attractive, ask for help
gustar, ser atractivo para (to), pedrir reclamar (for)
The idea of working a sixty-hour week doesn’t really appeal.
It is the film’s intense love story that appeals to teenage girls.
She appealed for his help.
candidate for a job, person who applies for …
candidato, solicitante, …
- We have 300 job applicants but only five open positions.
- Out of the original fifty applicants, only eight made it to the final interview round.
Ayuda, socorro
She was quick to come to my assistance when I needed some help.
connect mentally, to be involved
Asociarse, relacionarse
Socio, auxiliar
make physically wider, expand
ampliar, expandir
- The violinist’s manager is attempting to broaden the appeal of classical music to a larger audience.
chain store
cadena de tiendas
cliente, comprador
- Our firm is accepting new clients.
- The IT department monitors the network of clients and servers, among other things.
comerciante, traficante
- Belinda has always been interested in antiques and she became a dealer five years ago.
disappointed, disillusioned
desencantado, desilusionado
- Riley was disenchanted by her mediocre college experience.
no safe, suspicious
arriesgado, sospechoso, corrupto
- Don’t stand on that dodgy chair! Use this one instead; it’s more solid.
- The email asking for her bank details looked dodgy to Wendy, so she didn’t respond.
disadvantage, tax refund, …
desventaja, reintegro
- The only drawback of going to Paris at this time of year is that there will be long queues for all the tourist attractions
assume obligation, gear
involucrarse, dedicarse, engranar(gear), enfrentarse
completely, uniquely
completamente, únicamente
- He wasn’t entirely convinced by my argument.
- The decision is entirely yours.
peer, colleague
colega, compañero, miembro
hombre, sujeto, tipo
amistad, como amigo, en son de paz, …
Their friendship has lasted for years
Don’t be afraid, we come in friendship and don’t want to argue.
computer bug, problem
fallo técnico, problema técnico
- Ron called the IT guy to fix a glitch in the program
- Jim’s project had a few glitches and fell behind schedule.
extremely large or important
enorme, gigante
- The huge balloon is bigger than she is.
- The new employment laws had a huge impact on the economy.
spend money, commit money to, …
invertir, dedicar, …
- Ben invested his life’s savings into stocks.
- Laura invested in a new house and car after her promotion.
delight, sourde of pleasure
Júbilo, alegría, deleite, placer
- He couldn’t hide his joy when he heard that his enemy had been fired.
- Reading books was his joy.
grande, de embergadura, alto, obeso
- They bought a large house.
- This is a very large project, which will affect hundreds of people.
- Most pro basketball players are very large.
largo, tardar
Will she be long?
atraer, tentar, cebo(encanto, atractivo)
gran, grave
- Peter was a major influence in his students.
- Illegal downloads pose a major threat to the music industry.
make up
(your mind) decide
(to) make peace
(with) compensate
apply cometics
a large number of, many peolple or things
- Many have tried to climb the mountain and failed.
- Donna has many cousins.
treat badly
Tratar mal, maltratar, …
- Neighbours couldn’t believe she’d mistreated her children so badly.
en adelante, más adelante
- From the late 1990s onwards, there has been huge growth in the use of home internet.
Out of
de los
Out of the original fifty applicants
to point out
observe, draw attention
mostrar, puntualizar, remarcar, …
- The tour guide pointed out the historical monuments as the bus drove past them.
- He pointed out the mistake in her translation.
Crear, generar, plantear, aparentar
- Emily posed the question of why everyone had to obey Paul.
cosechar, segar, recoger frutos …
- If you spend ten minutes a day learning a foreign language, you’ll soon reap the benefits.
stock owner
- The company’s shareholders are unhappy about the recent bad publicity.
should have a say
debería tener una opinión
So long
Hasta luego, hasta pronto
sort out
organize, plan put in order
Poner en orde, ordenar
- Julia intended to go home early in order to sort out the dinner arrangements.
have no food, deny food to, …
pasar hambre, privar de comida
- The crops have failed and the people are starving.
distribuidor, abastecedor, …
- We haven’t received that order yet; can you phone the supplier and find out what the problem is?
hold up, aid, back
soportar, respaldar, apoyar, …
The pole supports the roof of the building.
The government supported the aid organisation financially.
take on
compete against, assume, accept
hacerse cargo de, asumir competir con alguien
- Taking on the directorship was his first mistake.
- He took on management in an attempt to improve conditions for the workers.
tatally, completely, exhaustively
completamente, plenamente, cuidadossamente
- Robert was thoroughly fed up after a day of dealing with unruly teenagers.
- Patricia checked all the details thoroughly.
próspero, pujante, floreciente
- In just a few years, this fellow has built a thriving business.
- The thriving plants were ready to be transplanted to larger containers.
secure, close-fitting, without slack
ajustado, seguro(apretado), tenso
- She looked good in her tight jeans.
- Make sure the knot is really tight.
- The cord is so tight that it doesn’t move when you pull it.
To be bound + To infinitive
está destinado, obligado
- Kevin is stuck in a traffic jam, so he is bound to be late.
To find
come across
encontrar, recuperar
I found ten dollars in the street yesterday.
I lost my phone last week but I found it this morning.
To lead
(led, led)
guide, head, manage, …
Guiar, conducir, dirigir
The tour guide leads the people through the city.
To look for
search for, seek
buscar algo perdido y que lo necesitas
(suele utilizarse en progresivo)
I’ve been looking for my gloves all week.
To pave
a path, a road
Pavimentar, sentar las bases, …
The workers are paving the new road.
To search
look for
buscar algo detenidamente, examinar, registrar
buscar información en internet
Detectives have searched for clues all day long
To seek
look, search for, try to optain
buscar, pedir consejo o ayuda, pedir aprobación, pedir refugio o asilo
(algo intagible que no sea físico)
The detective is seeking some clues to the crime.
Problem solving
Solución de problemas
completamente, totalmente, …
- We were utterly unprepared for the number of applications we received.
a great area, extremely big or wide
- Carol stared at the vast rock, unsure whether to climb over it or find a way around it.
- The explorers set out to cross the vast desert.
huella, pisada
- Tom sat on the beach and watched the waves wash away his footprints.
perfil, reseña, …
- The police have drawn up a profile of the killer with the help of a psychologist.
a prueba de tontos, fácil de manejar, infalible
- Canned gravy is foolproof because you don’t even have to mix any ingredients!
to show up
to show sth up
asomar, aparecer,
- We were supposed to meet for tea at 5 o’clock, but she didn’t show up.
ser visible
- Sometimes a tumor does not show up on an x-ray.
poner al descubierto
- This picture really shows up Caroline’s beautiful features.
to quote
- Anthony likes to quote Shakespeare.
- That is one of my favourite quotes by Twain.
Presupuestar, cotizar
- The salesman quoted a price.
By all means
por todos los medios
sin falta
claro que sí
tablón, pizarra, tablero
- Come to the front of the class to write the answers on the board.
- Somebody put a board over the mud so people could walk on it.
- To win at backgammon, you must be first to remove all your pieces from the board.
anuncio, comercial
- The point of the ad is to inspire customers to buy more products.
Socavar, minar, debilitar, quitar autoridad
- Fighting broke out (comenzó) during the ceasefire, undermining the peace talks.
salario, paga, sueldo
- All most people want is a job that pays a decent wage.
All most people
Todo lo que la mayoría de la gente
Período de práctica
- Tom got an internship at his dad’s company during college.
applying for roles
solicitando papeles
en otro lugar, en otra parte
- The book didn’t contain the information the student wanted, so she had to look elsewhere.
now has no outlet
ahora no tiene salida
tienda de ofertas/descuentos
- You should shop at the outlets. The clothes are cheaper there.
salida (en todos los sentidos)
- Writing provided an outlet for his creativity.
To expend
gastar, agotar, invertir, usar, emplear
- We have expended the whole budget just getting our office opened.
sort myself out
clasificarme a mí mismo.
árbitro, referencia, juez, jueza
- The referee showed the player a yellow card.
- Please give details of two referees, one of whom should be your most recent employer.
but rather
sino más bien
asunto, problema, material, importar
- I really don’t want to talk about that matter at the moment.
- What’s the matter? Do you need some help?
- It doesn’t matter to me if it’s sunny or not. I still want to go to the beach.
quitar el aliento
impresionante, hermoso
- The view from the top of the Sydney Harbour Bridge is breathtaking.
follow up
imponente, despampanante, deslumbrante
- The young woman was stunning.
asombroso, pasmoso,sorprendente
- The boss called all the staff to a meeting to break the stunning news.
even though
a pesar de
- I decided to walk to the library even though it was raining.