Unit3. All in the mind Flashcards
excepcional, prominet, conspicouos
espectacular, destacado,
- His play in that game was outstanding and we shouldn’t expect to see that level from him again any time soon.
- He is an outstanding member of the community, known for his many good deeds.
To communicate
comunicar, informar, comunicarse, transmitirse, …
- The printer communicates with all of the computers in the building via wifi.
- Mel just isn’t good at communicating.
To set off
To set (sth) off
set off on …
begin a journey, trigger, switch on
salir, partir, salir hacia algo, partir hacia algo
activar algo, disparar algo
- We’ll have to set off very early to avoid the rush-hour traffic.
- That morning, we set off on our trip to California.
- He set off an alarm when he opened the back door.
sabio, inteligente, sensato
- Everybody went to the wise old man for advice.
- He was considered a good manager because of his wise decisions.
- Driving at night with no lights was not a wise thing to do.
fiery particle,electrical flash
chispa, atisbo, pizca
- Tony brought the two wires together, creating a spark.
- The arrest of the protester was the spark that started a global movement.
- The mechanic checked the engine to see if the plugs were sparking.
to Throw
(threw, thrown)
propel through the air, toss (lanzar-)
lanzar, tirar, tiro, lanzamiento
Manta, chal, fular
- He threw the ball to his friend.
- The throw was a good one and went right to the other guy.
- There is a throw beside the couch that you could use to cover yourself if you get cold.
To came across
To came across as
encounter, give impression, …
give certain impression
toparse, encontrarse con,
dar la impresión de , parecer
- I don’t know Emily very well, but she comes across as an intelligent girl.
- We came across Monica in the post office.
too sentimental, too sweet
empalagoso, …
Would you agree?
Estarías de acuedo?
That’s just my opinion
Sólo es mi opinión.
Is a monologue lasting about three minutes
Es un monólogo (que dura) unos tres minutos.
How good are you at recognising …?
Cómo de bueno eres reconociendo …?
divertido, gracioso, entretenido
- The new comedy show is amusing.
- Unlike most of the children, Matt found the ballet amusing.
- (Unlike most of the children) A diferencia de la mayoría de los niños …
alarmante, inquietante, lerturbador
- Jane Eyre made a disturbing discovery when she ventured into the attic.
Inútil, sin sentido
- It’s pointless telling Barney to stop hanging around with the wrong people; he never listens.
either … or
o(bien) … o(bien)
- Either you love me or you don’t!
cualquiera de los dos
- Wear either dress - they both look good.
- I like both books. I’d be happy with either.
- There’s a rest area on either side of the road.
Tampoco (also in negative)
- I didn’t like the film either.
habilidad, capacidad, aptitud
- After years of practicing, Bill now has the ability to play the piano beautifully.
To Prove
Probar, probar que, resultar, demostrar, …
- The scientist attempted to prove his theory.
- His conclusion proved false.
- To prove the theorem, you must show your work.
None of
ninguno, ninguno de …
- None of these apples is ripe.
nadie, para nada …
- The knight raised his sword, declaring, “None shall pass”.
para nada, en absoluto
- After that interview, I’m none the wiser as to what the job entails.(conlleva, implica, …)
No one (nobody), no-one
- No one knew the correct answer.
neither … nor
Ni … ni
- Neither he nor she understood what was happening.
- Steve and David? Neither is going to the movies tonight.
hardly (barely)
hardly ever
apenas, casi nunca, dificilmente,escasamente
- Jim hardly ever visits his parents.
- Holly is hardly the kind of person who can raise a child.
emprendedor, persona dinámica, realizador, ejecutor, hacedor
- I like a boss who is a doer rather than a talker.
- The doer of this terrifying deed must be held responsible.
to reliant on
Dependiente,… de, condicionado por
- Our success is reliant on everyone doing their job.
- She is severely disabled (incapacitado) and is reliant on her mother for everything.
at heart
De corazón
At heart she is still in the old world.
To shape
Moldear, dar forma
- He shaped the clay to form a pot.
To draw on
echar mano de, recurrir de, hacer uso de ..
- Kepa drew on her experience as a hockey captain when was asked to lead the project.
ritmo, paso
- His heart was beating at a pace which frightened the nurses.
attention span
período, alcance, abarcar
- Over a span of days, the house was erected.
- His ideas spans both philosophy and economics.
período de concentración
- Most adults have an attention span of about 20 minutes.
(En ambos ejemplos “span” no utiliza tercera persona, entiendo que la segunda es adv/adj)
To bring up
- The couple adopted the child and brought him up.
sacar un tema
- It is not a good idea to bring up politics with my family.
Puro, auténtico, vertical/escarpado(barranco)
- That idea is sheer genius!
- Sift the flour to remove any lumps.
- The old man sifted the sand to look for bits of gold.
To put up with
whining (llorón, llorica, …)
Tolerar, aguantar
- I will not put up with your whining any more. Go to bed this minute!
niegla, perplejidad, confusión …
To exert
- The CEO of the hospital exerted his authority to get the patient treated sooner.
- John exerted considerable pressure on the door, but it wouldn’t budge (mover).
To budge
Moverse, desplazarse, ..
- I can’t make the rock budge even a little bit!
They are coping
(to the crisis)
How they cope with it.
Están haciendo frente a la crisis.
Cómo le hacen frente
rasgos, tributos, cualidades, ..
- Politeness(cortesia) is often considered a typically English trait.
To inherit
(from relative or genes)
- James inherited his grandfather’s nose.
To hold
held, held
retener, detener,…
- The police held him for forty-eight hours
- She holds her child’s hand when they cross the street.
- Pete had held the baby while his wife got in the car.
good at something
bueno en algo
To fill out
(form: complete)
Rellenar, completar, …
- I am going to fill out an application for the job.
To cope
Enfrentarse, hacer frente, salir adelante, superar
- You are going through a difficult emotional time, but you will cope.
- Renoir coped with severe rheumatoid arthritis for the last 25 years of his life.
They are likely to be
Es probable que sean
individuo, individual, personal, original
- Only one individual turned up at opening time.
- Each apartment has its own individual balcony.
not just as … but as
no sólo como … sino
Horas extras, prórroga
- I’m doing some overtime this week, as I need extra money.
- The match ran into overtime.
- Can you work some overtime hours next month?
To ensure
garantizar, asegurar
- You should avoid drinking coffee in the evening to ensure a good night’s sleep.
To pursue
perseguir, proseguir, continuar
- James is pursuing his studies in comparative literature.
To take after
Mi afeitado se semeja mi madre
Parecerse, salir a, asemejarse
- Many people say that Maria takes after her grandmother. Sam really takes after his father.
Robin hood me acabó timando
(deceive, trick)
Timar, embaucar
- The young man hoodwinked the housewife into giving him money.
Te puedes poner la colonia más tarde o luego
(after that fact)
más tarde, luego …
- You can’t board the flight then change your mind about it afterwards
- Let’s eat and go to a movie afterwards.
Te enganchó con el compromiso de la boda
compromiso matrimonial, citas, comprimiso
- Adam and Charlotte’s engagement is quite recent.
to chart
trazar, representar mediante gráficos
historia médica, carta de navegación, gráfica
- The doctor looked at the patient’s chart.
- The chart shows the average temperatures by month.
- The navigator charted the way to the island.
representar mediante gráficos
mezcla, mixtura, preparado
- The teacher got a mixture of different reviews.
- The engine was getting a bad mixture and wasn’t burning cleanly.
sin sentido, sin motivo, mécanico (sin pensar)
- I have a mindless job at the movie theater.
corto, tonto, estúpido
- That mindless fool hit my car again!
educación, crianza
- Her upbringing made her very suspicious of strangers.
rather than
bastante, preferir (!!!),
- He was rather disturbed by the images of the war.
- I would rather go to a bar than go to the movies.
Por supuesto!, ¡Y tanto que sí!
- Would I like another slice of that delicious cake? Rather!
más que …
- I’ll have wine rather than beer with my dinner.
par, colega, iguales,
- His peers voted him best actor.
to nurture
- Parents need to nurture their children to help them become good people.
crianza, educación
- Nature and nurture have to work together to make great people.
to extent
alcance, extensión
- What is the extent of the damage?
- he extent of the fire was about three hectares.
In a sense
en un sentido
It’s non stop!
Es un no parar!
Where is all this leading?
¿A dónde nos lleva todo esto?
to propel
propulsar, impulsar
- What propels these tiny creatures through the water?
much more
mucho más
- they are much more used to replacing
to glue
Pegar, encolar, pegamento
- John used glue to stick(pegar) the newspaper cutting into his scrapbook(libro de recuerdos).
aburrido, soso
- The thesis was so dull that I fell asleep reading it.
sin brillo, apagado
- The dull brown suit made her look older than her real age.