Unit10. A lifelong process Flashcards
knowledgeable about
Conocedor, culto, informado bien informado
The graduate student was very knowledgeable
Experto en …
The researcher is very knowledgeable about the life
So did …
So did my fascination
(También lo hizo mi fascinación …)
- Research
He has to research before he can write the essay.
Middle Eastern country
Del este
- An eastern wind was blowing.
- País del Medio Oriente
In the end
Ultimately, finally, eventually
Al fin y al cabo, finalmente, a la larga
- He finished his work in the end.
(person, music)vivaz, alegre,
- Ben was a lively person who liked to party
(place) animado - There was a lively party at the end of the street that kept the neighbors awake.
As we were a mixed and unmarried group
Ya que éramos un grupo mixto y de solteros.
haggle over
- We eventually found another hotel, where we haggled over the price of rooms.
Settle in
sentirse cómo, como en casa
- It took me a few months to settle in to my new job.
dentro de, dentro, adentro
- The project is due within three days.
- The culture shock was so great that within the first week one of the group returned home.
pagadero, programado, previsto
- The gas safety check is due next Monday.
- The car is due to get its oil changed.
pan sin levadura (pan plano-> tortitas)
mangas, fundas, cubiertas
Local, establecimiento, institución …
- The police warned the nightclub owner that they would close his establishment if they caught anyone selling drugs on the premises.
Tell each other about your education to date.
Contaros sobre vuestra educación hasta la fecha
To equip
Proveer, equipo, dotar, preparar
- The school is aiming to equip every student with a laptop.
Daily Life
Vida cotidiana
- Some people only practice their religion on holidays, while for others it’s a part of their daily life.
in any way
de algún modo, de alguna manera
- If I’ve offended you in any way, I apologise.
To look around
Para inspeccionar, para echar un vistazo ..
- Then our course leader arranged flats for us to look around.
Buñuelos de garbanzos picantes
To tear
(tore, torn)
Tear off
romper, rasgar
- She’s torn her knee, and won’t be able to play.
- He tore off the wrapping(envoltorio) to discover what was inside.
western style
Estilo occidental
From sunrise to sunset
Desde el amanecer hasta la puesta de sol
sign up
Apuntarse, inscribirse …
It’s time to sign up for the volleyball team. Practice starts next week.
Count on
contar con, confiar en
You can count on her to be on time.
Let down
decepcionar, desilusionado, decepcionado, …
dejar caer, tirar
UK (desinflar),
- Don’t let me down!
- She felt let down when no one came to her party.
- The bad news was a letdown. (chasco)
Put off
Postponer, postergar,
- I don’t want to put you off, but that make of car you’re thinking of buying is very hard to maintain.
- I’m busy this afternoon; can we put our meeting off until tomorrow?
Set off
salir, partir, empezar un viaje …
- We’ll have to set off very early to avoid the rush-hour traffic.
- That morning, we set off on our trip to California.
go through with something
seguir adelante con, llevar algo a cabo, continuar
- The city council is going through with its plans to widen the road
Live sth down
Superar la verguenza
- His friends ensured that he could never live down the day he accidentally wore his sister’s pants.
pay up
Saldar una deuda
Pagar en su totalidad
- You’ve owed me that money for over a month. It’s time to pay up.
- Having arranged a loan to buy my house, I owe my bank a lot of money.
Tomar prestado, pedir un préstamo
- Can I borrow your pen?
- Most religions borrow ideas from older ones.
Prestar, hipotecar (loan)
- He bank will only lend if the customer can provide proof of earnings.
- Natalie lent her skills to her company
Come up
surgir, rise (elevarse, ascender, …)