unit2 Flashcards
Abrupt (adj.)
Synonym: sudden, unexpected
Collocation: change, halt, departure (n.)
Example: I was surprised by the abrupt ending to the conversation
abrupt halt سکته ناگهانی
ناگهانی - گستاخ - حاضر جواب
Bizarre (adj.)
Synonym: peculiar, outlandish
Collocation: find (v.) / quite, somewhat (adv.)
Example: I found the whole situation quite bizarre.
a bizarre appearance of the natives
عجیب و غریب منفی
peculiar (adj.)
Synonym: Bizarre , outlandish
Example: I feel peculiar today
شگفت انگیز مثبت
outlandish (adj.)
Synonym: Bizarre ,peculiar
Example: he always were outlandish cloths
Example: How can she wear that outlandish hat to a business meeting?
عجیب و غریب، بیگانه وار
Coincide (v.)
Synonym: concur, coexist
Collocation: be timed to (v.) / with (prep.)
Example: The singer’s arrival was timed to coincide with the opening of the festival
مصادف شدن
concur (v.)
Synonym: Coincide , coexist
strongly concur with that idea.
هم رای بودن
coexist (v.)
Synonym: Coincide , concur
Example: america and china realized that they must coexist
همزیستی کردن
Commence (v.)
Synonym: begin, initiate
Collocation: operations (n.) / commence something. Commence doing something. Commence to do something
آغاز کردن
initiate (transitive verb)
Synonym: begin, Commence
Example: She is not allowed to make diagnoses, initiate drug treatment, or certify death.
او مجاز به تشخیص، شروع درمان دارویی، یا گواهی مرگ نیست
Disinterested (adj.)
Synonym: unbiased, impartial
Collocation: onlooker, spectator (n.)
Example: Her advice appeared to be disinterested.
بی طرف ، علاقه نداشتن
unbiased (adj.)
Synonym: Disinterested, impartial
do you think your opinion is truly unbiased?
عاری ازتعصب
impartial (adj.)
Synonym: unbiased, Disinterested
a judge must be impartial and a partial judge belongs in prision
منصفانه، بی غرض
onlooker (n.)
Example: It was like having a third person, an onlooker, in the room.
تماشاچی، تماشاگر
spectator (n.)
Synonym: observer, onlooker
Example: I prefer to do my exercises without spectators.
تماشاگر، بیننده
Distort (v.)
Synonym: misrepresent, misstate
Collocation: slightly, deliberately (adv.)
Example: Newspapers are often guilty of distorting the truth.
Example: distorting your view
تحریف کردن، از شکل طبیعی انداختن
dis منفی ساز
misrepresent (v.)
Synonym: Distort, misstate
Some sellers will attempt to misrepresent the condition of a house to buyers.
بدجلوه دادن، بدنمایش دادن
misstate (v.)
Synonym: Distort, misrepresent
Be careful not to misstate your case.
درست بیان نکردن، غلط اظهار داشتن
Elaborate (adj.)
Synonym: sophisticated, intricate
Collocation: highly, exceptionally (adv.) / be, Seem, sound (v.)
Example: highly elaborate carvings on the cave walls
Example: elaborate equipment
استادانه درست شده ، به تفضیل و دقت شرح دادن
intricate (adj.)
Synonym: sophisticated, Elaborated
Example: the intricate designs on a butterfly’s wing
پیچیده، بغرنج ، پر از جزئیات ظریف و درهم پیچیده
Engender (v.)
Synonym: generate, give rise to
Collocation: controversy, feelings, problems (n.)
Example: The place engendered immediate feelings of friendship and belonging
ایجاد کردن
give rise to (v.)
Synonym: generate, Engender
so many things concurred to give rise to the problem.
Unhygienic conditions give rise to disease.
موجب شدن ، باعث بروز شدن
controversy (N.)
Example: the new leader tried to avoid controversy
مباحثه، مشاجره
Fragile (adj.)
Synonym: brittle, delicate
Collocation: alliance, cease fire, (n.) / be, look, seem (v.) / exceedingly, extremely (adv.)
Example: The economy remains extremely fragile.
ضعیف، شکستنی،نازک نارنجی
brittle (adj.)
Synonym: Fragile , delicate
As you get older your bones become increasingly brittle.
شکننده، ترد
Intensify (v.)
Synonym: heighten, escalate
Collocation: tend to, appear to (v.)
Example: the extreme cold intensified over the night
تشدید کردن
Synonym: Intensify , escalate
Increased levels of fat in the diet could heighten the risk of cancer.
بالا بردن
Synonym: Intensify ,heighten
We do not want to escalate the war.
(جنگ و آتش سوزی و غیره) بالا گرفتن، فزونی یافتن
Lucrative (adj.)
Synonym: profitable, rewarding
Collocation: contract, business (n.) / potentially, highly (adv.)
Example: A financially lucrative venture
profitable (adj.)
Synonym: rewarding ,Lucrative
The deal was profitable to all of us.
مفید، سودبخش
rewarding (adj.)
Synonym: profitable, Lucrative
Teaching can be a very rewarding career.
پر ارزش، پر پاداش
Massive (adj.)
Synonym: gigantic, enormous
Collocation: accumulation, increase (n.)
Example: a massive increase in fast food consumption.
بزرگ، عظیم
Collocation: aggregation, collection, gathering
Her only interest was the accumulation of money.
انباشتگی، ذخیره
gigantic (adj.)
Synonym: Massive , enormous
a gigantic building -a gigantic victory
غول پیکر- عظیم
Obsolete (adj.)
Synonym: Outdated, outmoded
Collocation: make sth, be, become (v.)
Example: With technological changes many traditional skills have become obsolete.
متروکه، متروک، منسوخ، کهنه
Outdated (adj.)
Synonym: Obsolete, outmoded
-his style is outdated
Synonym: Obsolete , outmoded
منسوخ، قدیمی
outmoded (adj.)
Synonym: Outdated, Obsolete
The political system has become thoroughly outmoded.
از مد افتاده، منسوخ
Plague (v.)
Synonym: torment, harass
Collocation: plague sb/sth with sth
Example: The project has been plagued by delays.
بلاء، افت، طاعون، آزار رساندن
torment (v.)
Synonym: Plague , harass
the torment of the mother whose son was dying
شکنجه، عذاب
harass (v.)
Synonym: Plague , torment
I feel harass by all the work at the office.
اذیت کردن، بستوه اوردن
Presumably (adv.)
Synonym: Probably, apparently
Example: I couldn’t concentrate, presumably because I was so tired.
Secluded (adj.)
Synonym: isolated, private
Collocation: a secluded garden, beach, spot (n.)
Example: We managed to find a fairly secluded spot for our picnic
خلوت ، دنج
isolated (adj.)
Synonym: Secluded, private
Example: an isolated place
جدا افتاده ، مجزا
Shortcoming (n.)
Synonym: flaw, defect
Example: She made me aware of my own shortcomings
قصور ، نقطه ضعف
flaw (n.)
Synonym: Shortcoming , defect
Example: The most serious flaw in his character is his dishonesty.
a flaw in a gem or a crystal vase جواهر
عیب، اشوب ناگهانی، تند باد، ترک
defect (n.)
Synonym: Shortcoming ,flaw
Example: He was born with a hearing defect.
نقص ، کمبود ، پناهنده سیاسی شدن
Suppress (v.)
Synonym: repress, subdue
Collocation: suppress sth.
Example: The rebellion was brutally suppressed
خودداری کردن، سرکوب کردن