Unit Three: Ecology Flashcards
Levels of organization of ecology
Organism Population Community Ecosystem Biosphere
The study of the interactions of organisms with each other and with the physical environment
Population density
Number of individuals per unit area
Population distribution
Pattern of dispersal of individuals across an area of interest
Types of population distribution
Random (most common)
How do we measure population growth?
Age at which reproduction begins
How often each individual reproduces
Chances of survival until reproduction
Usual number of offspring per reproductive event
Type one survivorship
Type two surivivorship
Type three survivorship
How would a more developed country look compared to a lesser developed country in a age structure diagram?
A developed country has slow to no growth and a lesser developed country has rapid growth.
Exponential growth
Rapid and curved line
Logistic growth
Restricted and s shaped
Carrying capacity
Largest number off organisms of a particular species that can be sustained indefinitely by a given environment
Density dependent factors
Density independent
R selection
Produce lots of offspring and invest very little in each (bacteria)
K selection
Allocate energy to their own growth and survival of their offspring (humans)
Assemblage of populations interacting with one another within the same environment
Place where an organism lives and reproduces
The role it plays in its environment
Generalist species
Varied niche
Specialist species
Specific niche
Organisms compete for a niche
Intraspecific competition
Same species compete
Interspecific competition
Different species compete
Predator kills prey for food
One organism is harmed the other benefits
One organism benefits and the other is not affected
Both organisms benefits
Competitive exclusion principle
No two species can indefinitely occupy the same niche at the same time
Prey defense mechanism
Camouflage Warning coloration Mimicry Odor Poisonous chemicals
Batesian mimicry
Lacks the defense of the organism
Mullerian mimicry
Shares the defense of the organism
Ecological succession
Establishment of a community in a previously uninhabitable area of a community in a distributed area
Primary succession
Community begins to develop on a site previously unoccupied by living succession
Secondary succession
When an existing community is disrupted and a new one develops at the site
Climax community
Final stage of succession
Keystone species
A species that an ecosystem largely depends on
Problems with exotic species
Bio magnification
Decrease in biodiversity
Creates an unbalance in the tropic levels
Place where organisms interact among themselves and with the physical and chemical environment
Tropic levels
Tertiary consumers (decomposers)
Secondary consumers
10% rule
Only ten percent of energy from one level is available to the next level
What is the relationship of biomass, energy, and numbers as you go up a pyramid?
They decrease
Biological magnification
Process by which substances become more concentrated in organisms in the higher tropic levels of a food web
How does the distribution of solar radiation affect a climate?
Increases the temperature leading to global warming
Rain shadow effect
Causes little precipitation in that area
Carbon cycle
An element is drawn from the atmosphere and increase the average temperature of the earths atmosphere and oceans
Nitrogen cycle
Continuous process by which nitrogen circulates in the air, soil, water, and organisms of the biosphere
Enrichment of water by inorganic nutrients caused by human acrivities
Diversity of organisms and its is important to provide genetic variation
Threatened species
Species vulnerable to endangerment
Endangered species
Species vulnerable to extinction
How is biodiversity valuable?
Used directly for medicine, consumptive, and agriculture
Used indirectly for bio geochemical cycles, waste disposal,provision of fresh water, prevention of soil erosion,climate regulation, and ecotourism
What are the major causes of the loss of biodiversity?
Habitat loss
Exotic species
Over exploitation
Keystone species
Key species to an ecosystem
Flagship species
Species people love that raise awareness
Source population
Breeding group that produces enough offspring
Sink population
Breeding group that does not produce enough offspring