Unit Three Baroque Flashcards
Figured bass
Musical shorthand developed in Baroque era
Numbers placed below bass line harmonic progression
Played by basso continuo
Basso continuo
Baroque performance practice: two performers one on bass line other harmony supports melody.
Harpsichord/organ realizes harmonies
One song
New style 16th century
Sing vocal line with accompaniment
Allowed for better expression
The Affections
philosophy Ancient Greek/roman writers
Emotional states of the soul
Single affect
Reaction to polyphony in Renaissance
Binary form
Two part: A and B
A usually ends with open cadence
Rounded binary
A:||:B + A:||
Ternary Form
Three part ABA
B contrast key or material
Terraced dynamics
Changing dynamics abruptly
Stark contrast
Italian ‘work’
Drama sung
Italy. Florence 1600
Stile rappresentativo
representational style
Monodic style synonym
Recit highten emotional power
Male soprano
Or alto
Obtained by surgery when young
Hero roles
Text of an opera
Lyrical solo song
Expressing feelings
Speech-like style singing
Used for dialogue
Recitativo secco
Dry recitative
Supported only by continuo
Recitativo accompagnato
Accompanied recitative
Supported by orchestra
Adds variety to opera works
Group/crowd scenes
Opera Seria
Serious opera
Sung throughout
Historical or mythical
Stile concitato
Agitated style
Monteverdi term
Hidden tremors of the soul
Tremolo and pizzicato
Instrumental movement
Transition scenes
Ground bass
Compositional device
Variations of a short melody continuous
Basic structure of opera
Multi movement
Chorus and solo
Sacred secular recur Aria ensembles
A Hymn tune
Congregation sung
Harmonized four voices in Bach
Greek word “law”
Polyphonic composition
Latin fugere, to flee
Structured imitative contrapuntal
Single theme
Fugal texture
Contrapuntal imitation
Theme pervades
Reoccurring theme/refrain
Theme longer time values
Short vocal passage
More lyrical recit
Oboe da caccia
Alto oboe
Curved hunting horn and pear shape bell
Oboe d’amore
Mezzo soprano oboe
Lower than regular oboe pear shaped bell
Tenor oboe pear shaped bell
Barroco irregularly shaped pearl
First derogative term then ornate art
Baroque Era
Absolute monarchy Religious conflict Vivid color, violent images Ornamentation, intricate arts 1600-1750
Baroque Opera
1600 Florence Italy
Cameras members
Recreate Greek drama
After madrigal
Camerata members
Count Giovanni de Bradi
Camerata achievements
Invented monody
Also discussed science, art
Oldest opera, early operas
1600 L’Euridice
Orpheus and Euridice
Goes to underworld after Euridice died to plead
Le nuove mushice The New Music 1602
Amarilli Mia Bella, expressive style
Castrato singer example
Carlo Maria Broschi 1705-1782 “Farnelli”
Coronation of Poppea
Monteverdi 1642 Giovanni Busenello Lobrettist Roman History Nero, Poppea Mistress
Music director Duke of Mantua
Maestro a Capella basilica San Marco Venic
Monteverdi Style
Baroque: figured bass, major/minor tonality, nobody, doctrine of affects Chromaticism to show expression Word painting Increased emotional intensity Stile concitato Increased role of instruments for mood and characters Increase role of ensembles, Love duet
Monteverdi Works
250 madrigals, 9 books
L’orfeo, l’arianna,
Sacred masses Magnificat,
Poppea Coronation Theme Act 3 Scene 7
Consults and tribunes chorus
Two part recit like
Vocal tremolo on ‘imperial’
Poppea Sinfonia Act 3 S 7
Pur ti miro duet Nero and Poppea
Tender mood
A: ground bass, imitative descending line work painting
B: free bass mor harmony short motives exchanged
Purcell Dido and Aeneas
Nahum Tate Librettist
For students girls school on London
Italian dynamic strings, French regal overture, English lyricism
Poem Aeneid ancient roman Virgil
Prince Aeneas shipwreck Queen Dido fall in love he leaves she kills herself
Dido Recit Thy Hand, Belinda
C minor
Recit secco
Word painting descending vocal line -death
Melisma on darkness - death
Dido Aria When I am laid in the earth
G minor 3/2 time Ground bass, five measure pattern x 11 Word painting: descending melisma laid on earth Remember me- repeated one note
Dido chorus With dropping wings
4 part softens lament intensity
Two note melodic sign ‘soft’
Descending lines on drooping
Henry Purcell
1659-1695 Served 4 monarchs Prolific composer Combined It, Fr and Eng style Word painting Virtuosic keyboard
Purcell Works
Sacred vocal anthems hymns te deum Drama music King Arthur, the Dairy Queen The Dido opera Solo songs Keyboard including suites Orchestra works
Handel notes
Dominated London opera scene
Giulio cesare, serse, Orlando, Alcina 30 years 40 operas
Also combined eng It Fr styles
German Lutheran chorale as framework Sung works 18th century services Multi movement Sacred or secular
Bach Cantata No 80
1715, 1744 revised
Lobrettist Salomo Franck
A mighty fortress is our God
8 movements SATB chorus and solos, continuo and oboes
Mov 1,5,8 pillars of full performance
Original chorale 9 phrases with refrain moves by step
Cantata Mov 1
All D major
common time
Eine feste ..
Tenor opening embellished original melody
Canon and augmentation on fugue
Word painting ‘dreadful pains’ dissonance
Cantata Mov 2
Nit under Machr With our strength sop bass duet Allegro Bass fluid countermelody long melisma Strings unison agitated 16th note Oboe plays along with soprano
Cantata Mov 5
6/8 time Allegro full unison chorus und wern die Welt Melodic chorale theme compound time rearranged All oboes used March effect in chorus
Cantata mov 8
Das Wort sie soller... Original chorale Moderato SATB all Instruments double voices Culmination into simplicity...journey to heaven, relying on Godms graces and not building up our own material gooda
Multi movement
Fast slow fast
Solo or grosso
Featured soloists in concerto grosso
Complete also tutti
Full orchestra
Restated first theme
Used in first and third movements
French: dance collection
Mini dances
Variation of theme in French keyboard
French dance popular
Triple meter
Moderate tempo
Triple meter
German keyboard not organ
Small rectangular keyboard
Metal strikes on strings
Vibrato to key expressive sound
Plucked string
French term harpsichord
Italian for harpsichord
Concerto grosso notes
Baroque instrumental more important
Explored formal construction
Innovative timbre virtuoso
17th century Italy
Brandenburg concerto no2
1721 Bach one of 6
Violin oboe recorder trumpet
F major
Brandenburg Mov 1
Start ripieno tutti
Concertino theme: trill top stepwise the n leap, seq imitation, Mod near by keys
Ritornello Theme: tutti Tonic traid VS scale
Bright cheerful, unifying
No pauses no texture change
spinning forward
Brandenburg other
Movements summary
1: F Allegro Cut time Ritornello
2: Dmin Andante 3/4 concerto sans trumpet
3: F Allegro assai 2/4 four voice fugue
Bach Style
Craftsman polyphonic Perfected older forms Contrapuntal in many genres Large scale works systematic WTC Sets of works: Eng Fr It Lutheran Teacher
Bach Titles
Sec/sacred vocal: Canatas
Coffe St Matt and John passions Mass in Bmin
Orch suites concerti grosso Brandenburg concertos
Chamber: sonata strings flute
Keyboard golden burg Italian concerto preludes fugues
Organ tocatta fugue Dmin passacaglia
Orchestral Suites notes
Dance music became art
Pairing contrasting dances
Started in France and Germany ordre
Binary form
Allamanda Courante Sarabande Gigue Menuet Gavotte Bouree Aria
Handles Water Music Suite
D Maj 1717 22 mov, 3 suites Baroque orchestra
Water music Allegro
D Maj, C time ABA Allegro
Non dance as variation
A: Regal brass ascending tonic triad descending scale
B: more active brass and string dialogue
A returns shortened, cadence before next movement
Water music Hornpipe
D Maj 3/2 ABA Allegro A: bold ascending syncopation Repeated note figure motif sequential High brass imitated by low brass B: Bmin less active features repeated note figure absence of brass A returns
Handel Style
Cosmopolitan Regal Basic elements accessible Contrapuntal Vs homo Bold contrasts Dev Italian opera 40 works da capo virtuoso English oratorio role of chorus Vivid word painting Virtuoso idiomatic keyboard Organ concerto
Handel Titles
Opera: Ronaldo Guilio Cesare Serse Orlando Oratorio: messiah, Judas mecc Israel in Egypt Scared vocal te Deum Keyboard and organ Orch suites concerto grosso
Keyboard music notes
Baroque more Prominent Handel Bach Scarlatti 1685 born Scarlatti keyboard 500works Foreshadow sonata form
Scarlatti Sonata Dmaj K430/L463
18th early
Non presto courtly dance
Homophobic rounded binary
Scarlatti Sonata A Section
Melodic figure symmetric phrase Rising sequence I to V7 Simple harmony Anticipates classical Harpsichord idioms: Passages , Rep notes mod A major ends with codetta
Scarlatti sonata Sec B
Melodic figu in Amajor Dissonance Brief Dmin over Dom pedal Repeat some of A Coda
Scarlatti Style age
1685-1757 Brilliant harpsichord Idioms harpsichord Sequential passages Dissonance suspensions pedal points it Fr Eng Foreshadow sonata form
Scarlatti titles
Sonatas 500
Sacred Stabat Mater salve Regina
opera: Tolomeo et Alessandro