Baroque and Classical from History 1 Flashcards
Baroque Era dates?
Which era is in 1600-1750?
Baroque era
Classical era years?
End of 18th century is the ….
High Classical Era
Baroque characteristics…
Grand, ornamental
Classical characteristics
Balanced, dramatic dyanmic changes
Composers in Baroque
Composers Classical era
American Revolution dates
French Revolution
Opera Genres
Opera SeriaOpera BuffaDrama GiocosoSingespiel
Style is ….
Repertoir, Composition Title, Genre
Mozart paragraph points
Elegant, songful melodiesDriven by the court, not folkCourtley astheticsMood ranged from lively to somber
Mozarts writting notes
Contra-punctal lines interweave thru diff orchestral partsModerate chromatic harmonyPyscological depth operaExpanded the architecture of opera finale: act 2 Marriage of Figgaro
Beethoven years
Beethoven teenager
Took care of family and went to U of Bonn fell in love with Lorchen 17-22
Beethoven childhood
1-8 lived with father as teacher11-17 in Bonn taught by Christian Gottlob Neefe
Beethoven 20’s
Went to Vienna in 1792, french recolution getting too closetonBonn.1796 tour Europe started selling works
Beethoven established era 1800-1806
Lot of political movement just prior1801 started loosing hearingDarkest time 1802Increased to 1806 highest point: wrote 3-8 symphony, violin concerto, Waldstein sonatas
Beethoven war era
1808-1812Hard times, still composedHaydn passed away 1809Beethoven Maelzel fundraising: Battle symphony
Beethoven decline era
1812-1820’sStruggled with loss of hearingSocially strugglingBrother died 1815, nephew Karl problems very distracting
Beethoven final years
1820’sReceived grwat commisions europe, america. Wrote 9th symphonyStarting to break barriersAlso weakinging healthPassed away 1827
Handel’s Style
powerful rhythmic drivePreferred diatonic harmonyatmosphere for scenesexpressive phrasing in vocal, majestic archesvirtuosic arias
Mozart’s Style
Simple, elegant, songful melodies*Dramatic thematic contrastinterweaving contrapunctual lines, colour orchesmoderate chromatic harmony3 opera: buffa (Figaro), seria (Idomeneo), singspiel (Magic Flute)
Haydn’s Style
Terse, angular themesDrone bass (folk-like song)expanded orchestra, more brass, clarinet, percuExpressive harmonyLogical structure: sonata cycle
Beethoven’s Style
fused Haydn and Mozart (early)longer movements, expanded development and codadevlop ternary sonata form (late)highly expressive piano sonatas (Pathetique, appastionata)Concertos combine virtuosity with symphonic structure
Schubert’s Style
prolific song writer (Lieder)accomp-t becomes descriptive, equal performersongs convey passion and despairfolk-like songsnovel harmonic language and key changes for describing text
French overture
AAB. Baroque, complementing two sections.
da capo aria
Baroque form, voice solo with instrument acompt
figured bass
interval notation off bass
basso continuo
Structure: bass and chords
equal tempermant
tuning: notes are leveled with frequency (12 equal tone)
the details sung
recitative stypes
secco (dry continuo), accompagnato (orchestra)
rondo-like motif, opening theme returns in other areas
turn: one vowel, move between several notes
sonata allegro form
2 themes, intro, develop, recap
cyclic form
theme occurs again throughout
rocket theme
fast, low to high theme
Haydn years
Haydn general points
Father of the symphonyMusic was playful while elegantUsed common dramatic themes: Sturm und Drang and sensibility styleMonothematicInflunced by folk songs and dancesMimic guitar and bagpipes
Haydn Early years
Born in Rohrau, Austria 1732Musical siblingsSt Stephens choir, educationExperience performing mass festivals
Haydn teenager
Kicked out of choirMade money teaching and street preforming: lots of impromptu
Haydn 20’30’
Kapellmeister EsterhazyMarried Maria Anna KellerPrince NikolaiWrote for Opera, theater and chapelWrote so many symphonies and sqSecluded in EsterhazyMid1780’s commisssionsVisited friends in Vienna
Haydn 58-63
58- leaves EsterhazyTour London- London SymphoniesSurprise, Clock, Drumm Roll, Oxford symphonies445 folk songs arr george thompsonFamous, conspiring w youth Mozart, Beethoven
Haydn late years
Return Vienna: The Creation, The Seasons oratorioSix masses Prince Nicholas 2Nelson massHealth deterioratedNapolean arrive in Vienna 1809, he died
Haydn Titles
104 symphonies: 94: surprise, 100 Military, 104: LondonConceros: p,v,c,t68 string quartets: op76 no2 Quinten, no3 Kaiser>40 piano sonatasOrot: The Creations, The SeasonsSacred: lord Nelson mass, mass in the time of warOpera: 1;: ArmidaTheater works
Haydn String Quartet
Op76, no21797Quinten- desc 5thsMOV. 4Dmin-DmajSonataVivace assai2/4Exposition: syncopatedTheme 1: ascending intervals pianoFermattheme2: Fmaj descending seqDevlop: theme 2, diff texture, dim7 tensionRecap: dmaj theme1Cello absentCoda: rapid triplets, end FF
Beethoven titles Early
-1802Moonlight op2Pathetique op10Symphony 1,2: HaydnPiano Concerto 1,2String piano trio: Haydn 6SQ Sturm ImmitationHM 10PS tremelo Cminor pref
Beethoven Middle titles
Romatic 1815 abruptMod chrom expDevCoda Scherzo cyclical form linkedMovnts piccolotromboneCTbasson
3-8symphonies *3 eroica, 6 PastoralFideleo OperaViolin concertoEmperor concerto5Appasionata, Waldstein sonatasRazumosky string q
Beethoven Late titles
adsmeditat conterpt expan Chrous Sno9 variation Missa solemnisLast 4 sonatas: Hammerklavir, op111 sonata 32 9th symphonyGreat FugueDiabelli variations
Shubert Intro
Born 1797 ViennaContrib to LeiderClassical+RomanticBohemian artistFather school masterViolin piano viola family SQSalieri taught him, Imperial Chaple Choir
Schubert Early
16, wrote ErlkingSchool teacherFreelance musician, sold songs
Schubert Middle
Esterhazy summerFriends: mayrhefer, vogschubertiadesLonging for the unreachableNot a virtuoso performer: networkWanted to write operaOpera Die Zwillingsbrader, Alfonso und EstrulaSyphillis depression my Prayer
Schubert later
Great Symphony in C 1826 29Visited BeethoveenDie Winterreise, Der Doppelganger, othersmass EbDied 31 yrs old
Schubert Style 2
Classical +romanticSonata, std orchestraInf by Mozart lyric, Beethoven symphonicPoet GoetheDeep emotions: Death and the Maiden, Die winterriese Fantasy F minMelody to produce colour
Schubert Titles
600 Leider: standchen, ave maria, die forelle, mignons leidSong cycle: Die winter, Die schone Mullerin9 symphony: 9 great, 8 unfinishedChamber: 15 SQ death and the Maiden, troutPiano many varian dance sonata duetChoral: 7 massesOpera: dieZwillinsbrader
Keyboard improv shortPaired with fugue
Structured, immitative contrapunctalSingle theme
First statment o main theme in fugue
Second statement in main theme fugueDominant key
Real answer
Exact transposition o the subject
Tonal answer
Statement of subject: intervals ajustednto fit harmony
A recurring counter melodyWith subject+answer
Passage in fugue no subject or answerFrequently sequential
Thematic material longer time values
To tightenOverlap subjects
Thematic material upside down
Thematic shorter time values
Pedal point
Sustained note harmonies change
Tierce de Picardie
Minor key ends in tonic majorCommon in Baroque
Mozart Early
1756 born Salzburg AustriaPiano prodigy, performed at 6Toured Paris, London, swt met Bach9 yrs toured performed
Mozart middle yrs
As Concert master for 4 yrs: sym, SQ, sonata opera, ciolin concert,piano concerto 9: 21yrsLeft Austria 21, poverty return home mom sick: court organist: Coronation mass23: vienna freelanceOpera Die EnthfuhrungMet ConstanzeBach handle infl: Magic Flute, Sym 41Friend w HaydnProlific paid Marriage Figaro, Don Giovanni
Mozart later
Chamber composer Emporer Joseph IIWarring country, low moneythe magic flute, Requiem, piano concerto BbLast perform 1791 piano coned BbDied 1791
Mozart Titles
40Sym: 38: Prauge, 41: Jupiter27 piano concerto23 SWSonatas, fantasies, variations20 opera: Don G, Cosi fan tutti, marriage, magic flu, Vocal leider, concert arias, motets and masses, Coronation mass, requiem mass
Antonio Vivaldi bio Style 2
1678-1741Violin and conductorVeniceCathlic prist red hairComposer of oper but concertos were famousDev 3mov concertoRitornelli form alotIdiomatic stringsVirtuoso stringProgramAsymettric phraseInventive, animatedItslian colour, movem rhythm driveSense of what came nextConcertos: multiple combinations
Vivaldi Titles
> 400 concertos, >200 violinOp3: l’esto armonicoOp8: The Four SeasonsOp9: Harp —op12English concertos 9concerti Cmaj RV558>40 operas: Orlando Furioso, GriseldaSacred: oratorio, Juditha Triumphs, motets and Gloria
Bachs ppl
johann christoph- older brothe raisedLubeck- influCarl Phillip sonMaria Marbara wifeWilheim Friedmann sonDuke Weimar pAtronPrince Cothen patron friendAnna magdelena wilcke wife2Johan christian sonJohann christoph son
Handels ppl
Prince Ferdinand de mediciprince Francesco Maria RuspolIgeorge ludwig Elector Hanoverqueen anneEarl of BurlingtonDuke Chandos
Mozarts ppl
Emperor Joseph IILorenzo da Ponte- librettistHaydn friendsConstanze Weber wifeEmanuel Schikander librettist magic flutelLeopold II king Bohemia
Haydn ppl
Count Ferdinand von MorzinEsterhazy: Prince NickolaiMaria anna keller wifeGeorge thomson- songs 445Napolean
Beethovens ppl
Christian Gottlob Neefe teacherLorchen loveNapoleanCaspar brotherKarl nephewJohanna sister in law
Schuberts ppl
SalieriJohann Micheal VoglJohann mayrheferSchoberGoethe
Jojann Senastian BachGeneral
1685-1750Musical familyBaroque craftsmanshipAlways wrote with intention,AwarenessReligious artist/scholar
Bach early
Born in Eisenach Germany 1685Orphan, brother taught himGreek latin theologyVirtuoso organ violinInstrument repair16: organist and vioinist Luneberg18: first job rebuilt organ
Bach Armstadt Mulhausen
Court violinist chamber musician org1705- left to meet Buxtehude in Lubeck1707 marriedWrote first contatas ( too hard for singers)
Bach Weimar
1708-1717 canata period3d in com Court organist under Duke WeimarFamous organ worksLutheran service: canata chorale prelude1717 one month jail
Bach Cothen
1717-1723 Instrumental periodMore $ less dutyKapellmeister Prince Leopold Cothen friendNo music in church CalvinistWell Tempered Clavier bk1Remarried Anna Wilcke two childBrandenberge concertos POP4 orch suites, lute suites, 6 unacc violin
Bach Leipzig
1723-1750Cantor St Thomas SchoolTeaching comp dire church servDirector Collegieum musicim UniGoldberg varjations Art of FugueWrote 1 canata a week, 5 yrs1942 Well Tempered Clavier bk21750 died stroke
Bach Style
High baroqueReligious: christian events focusHighly mathematical, constructivist, used chorael to anchor opening chorusGerman+French+italian
Bach Titles
Keyboard: notebook for Anna mag for wilheim friedman. Well Temp, tocattas6 french and 6 eng suites, italian concertos, fantasy and fugueOrgan: chorale preludes passacaglia fuguesChamber: 6 unac viol and celloOrch: 6 brandenberge concertos, 4 orch suites, vili harp concertosVocal: 200 cantatas, passions St matthew St john mass B min
Handel Titles
Opera: Rinaldo, GiuliomCesare, serse, orlandoOro: messiah, judas maccabeus, israel in egyptSacred: ofe for saint cecilia, Te DeumKryboard: organ harpOrch: suites(water music, music for royalmfireworks) concerti grosso, organ concertosChamber: trios and sonatas
George Frideric Handel sumary
1685-1759Vortuoso violinist and organistEsteemed conductorGerman + italian + french + englishGot italian opera style stuck in his head
Handel early
1685 born Halle GermanyFather well off surgeon/barber did not approve music careerMade him study layStudied music after w died
Handel Hamburg
1703-1706Violinist and harpsichordistOpera orchestraWrote Almira, Nero
Handel Italy
1706-1710Prince Ferdinand de mediciprince Francesco maria ruspoliAbsorbed italitan as seen in operas, oro and concertosVisited major cities
Handel Hanover
1710-1712Kapellmeister George Ludwig Elector of Hanover
Handel London
1712-1759Anuity Queen Anne1714 elector becomes kingErl Burlington an Duke of Chandos patrons1719 founded Royal Academy of Music for operaFamous singers Faustina and Francesca1728 brittosh subject1742 Messiah premeried Dublin sucsses1753 retired, failing eyesightPasses away at Westminster abbey
Handels messiah general
Test to internationalsOratorio1742librettist Charles Jemens1: prophecy of christ and birth2: christ suffeing snd death, spread doct3: redemption of the world4 solo, string orch + continuo, oboe, bassoon. Trumpet and timpani
Handels messiah overturn
SinfonyFrench overtureA rep , BE minTime: CSec A: Grave homophonicDotted rhythmElegant, grand, awe but sadSecB: allegro moderato, polyphonic fugal3 voices , into violin oboeReal fugue answr 2.3voicesWords spread out to the world
Handels messiah There Were Shephards
Recit secco sopranoC majTime: CThere were shephards adibing in the field, keeping watch over their flocks by night’Recit accom Fmaj Andante TimeCand Lo’ the angel of the Lord came, shone they were afraid-excited accompRecit secco Dmaj, TimeCAnd the angel said fear not good tidings born this day Christ the LordRecit acc Dmaj timeCAnd suddenly all angels praise God saying…
Handels Messiah Glory to God
ChorusdmajAllegro CGlory to GodPeace^ earth dwnRejoice greatly sop ariaBb maj Allegro C ABARejoice high leaps runs excitedGreatly emphasizesec B GminHe is the righteous saviour, speak peace unto the heathenContrast: legato minor homophonic slower diff rythm
Handels Messiah Hallelujah
ChorusD mjaAllegro CHallelujha for the Lordomnipotent reignethHomoeythmic texture grand wide the massesImmitative polyphony and he shall reignClimax progressionsHallelujah
Schubert early early
Born 1797 ViennaFather school masterLearned violin and piano fromFatherPlayed viola family SQImeperial Chapel Choir 9yrsSaleri taught theory and comp
Schubert 2 large contributions
1: Leider: piano and voice changed forever2: modulate distant keys no prepShows profound phycological stateSense of alienation( out of body) chromatic modulationExtreme change mood state