Unit Test Flashcards
How did the decrease in trade following the fall of Rome affect cities
Cities disappeared and trade decreased
How did Charlemagne help spread Christianity?
Through his conquests
The system of feudalism is based on….
An agreement between lords and vassals
What is something true of serfs
They were bound to the soil
What contributed to the rise of feudalism
Warfare and political disorder
What is one way to describe a knight
A professional soldier
Why did towns begin to grow around 1000
Powerful lords brought peace and stability
What is an example of a person who would likely belong to a guild
What caused the rise of feudalism in both Europe and Japan
The lack of strong central government
What medieval legacies common to both Japan and Europe still survive
Ideal of loyalty
What was one sign of the decline of feudalism
Both the European monarchies and the Catholic Church were increasing their centralized power
What did pope Gregory do to settle the conflict its Henry IV
He excommunicated Henry
A religious order is………
A group of people who follow the rules of their order
What kinds of students did cathedral schools attract?
Sons of European nobles
What event led to the first crusade?
The Seljuk Turks attacked the Byzantine empire
How did the wars of the crusades end
The wars continued until the 14th century, when the crusaders surrendered
What was the effort to drive Muslims from the Iberian peninsula called
The Reconquista
How did the bubonic plague help weaken the feudal system
European workers became scarce enough to demand higher pay for their labor
What is something true of the Hundred Years’ War
It was a series of battles, not a continuous war. New weapons introduced during the war made the armored knights easy to defeat
Who led the French to victory in the 1400s?
Joan of Arc. A peasant girl driven by religious visions. She led the French to victory at the battle of Orleans, but was captured and executed by the English for heretics and witchcraft.
The Magna Carta guaranteed the….
Right to trial by jury
The English parliament later expanded the Magna Carta to….
Declare the parliament could appoint Kings
Who founded the Ottoman Empire
What was the outcome of the ottomans conquest of Constantinople
It meant the end of the Byzantine empire.
A place where people practice a life of prayer and service to God
Who lived in monastic orders?
Monks and nuns
He conquered much of Europe and spread Christianity through his conquests
Received land and protection from a lord in return for loyalty
A peasant farmer in d
Feudal society who labored for a noble in exchange for protection and certain rights
The estate of feudal noble, usually including a fortified building or castle
The code of behavior for Knights saying they need to be brave, show mercy to women and the weak, and be loyal to their lord or noble
People given priestly authority by the church
A series of military expeditions from Christian Europe to Palestine between the 11th and 13th centuries
The series of campaigns, ending in 1492, by which Christian armies drove Muslim rulers out of Spain
A group of representatives with some powers of government (nobility, high ranking church officials,and city reps.)
Great Schism
A division in the Roman Catholic Church from 1378 to 1417 which occurred when the churches two centers of power, Avignon and Rome, split and elected different popes
Bubonic plague
A disease known as the Black Death that struck in the 1300s that killed nearly 1/3 of Europe.
Summarize the main ideas of John Wycliffe.
He preached that Jesus, not the pope, was the true head of the church. He believed the clergy should own no land or wealth.
How did the Hundred Years’ War change warfare in Europe
New developments in weapons made it easy to defeat Knights.
Why did the bubonic plague cause people to turn away from the church?
Because the prayers of the people would not help the plague, so they believed the church lost its power.
When were the Middle Ages?
500-1450 (took place after Rome fell)
What was the process of becoming a knight?
In their mid-teens, they serve as squires. They learn many different skills a knight will need, and they serve a knight when they are a squire. After about 5 years of service, the squire becomes a knight.
What are the Middle Ages often referred to as
Medieval period
What climate for crops is there in Europe
Most of Europe receives plenty of rain, therefore, there is much forest and farmland.
What were some changes to Europe after the fall of Rome?
Decline in size and power of government. Reduction in long distance trade. Decline in learning. Disappearance of cities and rise of rural villages and farms. Growth on numerous Germanic kingdoms.
What did Clovis and the franks do?
In 486, they invaded Roman Gaul and defeated the last great roman army.
When did Clovis die?
What did Charlemagne do?
He created a highly organized and well run empire. He ruled justly and often traveled around his empire to make sure that his appointed leaders did also.
What did monks and nuns do?
Studied Christian works, and made copies of the bible.
What was something special about manors?
Almost everything they needed was made on the property. The manors were self reliant.
Knights were often……
Vassals or lesser nobles
What was a Knight’s code of behavior called?
What is a way to describe a medieval town?
Dirty, cramped and busy
What shaped the economy in feudal Europe?
The manor system
Groups formed by people of the same occupation to control the quality and quantity of their product.
What duties did the lord of the manor and his serf owe one another?
The serf was to work hard for the lord, and the lord would protect the serf and give him/her some rights
What role did women play in feudalism?
In feudal Europe, women hardly ever got to chose who they married. They would be trained in household chores such as sewing, spinning, weaving, and farming. They were pretty much slaves.
How did Gregory I increase the political power of the pope
He sent monks to England to preach Benedictine rule
What was the outcome of the battle of tours?
Muslim forces retreated back into Spain
Describe European geography
Many rivers and lakes
The Catholic Church took a leading role in………………….as well as religion
Clergy order
Pope Cardinal Bishop Priests Monks and nuns
Papacy’s authority was often……
Greater than that of kings and emperors
The Curch earned money from…..
The land it owned and taxes
Feudal Europe and feudal Japan both……
Had behavior codes (chivalry and bushido).
Feudal Europe and feudal Japan were different because……..
Japan mostly followed Shintoism and Zen Buddhism, while Europe followed Christianity. Haiku was popular in Japan, while epic poems were popular in Europe. Women were almost equals in Japan, but they were practically slaves in Europe.
Holy Roman Empire began……
Around 962 and it included much of central and Western Europe
What are Friars?
Friars traveled while preaching the word of God. They owned nothing and mainly lived by begging.
What are Franciscans?
They are the most important order. They are people who live without property, and they served as teachers, healers, and friends to all living things.
When were Franciscans founded?
Early 1200s
Who founded the Franciscans?
Francis of Assisi. He was named a saint for doing so.
What did Thomas Aquinas argue?
That classical philosophy could exist in harmony with religion
The church helped establish……
When was the first crusade?
Were any of the crusades successful? If so, which one(s)?
The first crusade was the only successful one
How many crusades were there?
There were eight official crusades, but there was also a children’s crusade
When was the second crusade?
What did Saladin do, and when?
He gathered a large force to attack the crusader states in 1187, and he won back Jerusalem.
When was the third crusade?
From 1189-1192
When was the fourth crusade?
From 1202-1204
By when had Muslims recaptured Palestine?
By 1270
What happened with Jews during the crusades?
Christian hostility towards Jew rose. They were expelled from England in 1290, and from France in 1306.
Who drove the crusaders out of Palestine?
Muslim leaders
When did the reconquista end?
In 1492
Where heretics were punished
Someone who strays from what the church, or the rulers think is the correct religion to follow. On some occasions, just believing differently on one matter could make you a heretic.
When were the crusades?
From 1096-1270
What was the purpose of the crusades?
To take control of the holy lands away from the Muslims
What was the Hundred Years’ War?
A series of wars between France and England from 1337-1453
What caused the Hundred Years’ War?
A battle for power between the duke of Normandy and the English king.
During the plague the Jews were treated badly because…….
They were blamed for the plague.
When did King John come to power?
In 1199
When was John forced to sign the Magna Carta?
When was the model parliament assembled?
In 1295
When did Edward I die?
What were the two houses in parliament?
House of the lords and house of the commons
Habeus corpus
The right to not have people imprisoned unlawfully
The majority of English men could not vote until……
The 1800s
When did Osman found the Ottoman Empire?
The 1300s
What was the governmental setup?
Sultan, divan, military leaders religious authorities and large landowners, common people
When did Suleyman I come to power?
In 1520
What did Suleyman I do?
He organized a law code that could effectively govern the vast empire
What did the ottomans conquer?
Much of southwest Asia and Northern Africa.
When and how did the Byzantine empire end?
The ottomans conquered it in 1453 and the Byzantine empire was no more
Cristian and Jew communities in the Ottoman Empire were called……..
What were elite janissaries?
Slaves enlisted from the conquered people
What was the role of women in the Ottoman Empire?
Women’s rights in the empire depended on where you lived and your social class. They definitely had many more rights that women in Europe, but not nearly as many as they do now.