Unit IA1 Flashcards
List the three reasons that are given for managing health and safety within an organisation:
Ethical and Moral reasons.
Legal reasons.
Financial reasons
Explain Ethical and Moral reasons for managing OHS
- A Duty of Care exists between employer and employee (and those others affected by their actions
What is Duty of Care?
Duty of care is the obligation to exercise a level of care towards an individual, that is reasonable - in all circumstances - to avoid injury to that individual or his property
What is a A negligent act?
A negligent act is an unintentional but careless act that results in loss. Only a negligent act will be regarded as having breached a duty
What is a Prohibition Notice
A prohibition notice is issued by the Inspector and prohibits the work described in it, if the inspector is of the opinion that the circumstances present a serious risk of personal injury. The notice is usually to take immediate effect although it can have a deferred time limit
What is an Improvement Notice
An Improvement Notice is issued by an inspector (when a statutory requirement is not being complied with) and specifies a time period to remedy the contraventions
What is Statute Law
Statute law is the written law of the land. It includes Acts of Parliament, Regulations etc. An Act of Parliament is called primary legislation and any regulations made under it are called secondary legislation
What is Common Law
This part of the English law is not embodied in legislation. It consists of rules of law based on common custom and usage and on judicial (court) decisions. English common law became the basis of law in the USA and many other English-speaking countries
What is Civil law
Civil Law is the section of the law that deals with disputes between individuals or organisations
List the Direct costs associated with incidents
Death. Hospital, etc. treatment. Permanent disability. Sick pay. Legal costs. Insurance claims. Damage to buildings, vehicles, machinery, etc. Product loses and or damage. Material loses and or damage. Overtime working
List the indirect costs associated with incidents
Investigation costs. Fines. Hiring or training replacement staff. Loss of experience and expertise. Lowering of morale. Loss of goodwill. Loss of image. Business interruptions. Product liability. Production delays. Increased premiums
List the Societal Factors Influencing Health & Safety Priorities
- economy - both global and national
- new developments in technology and industry
- innovations in management philosophy
- changes in the attitudes of society in general and workers in particular.
- Demographic changes
- the Globalisation of Business
List the Definition of hazard according to OHSAS 18001
“As a source or situation with a potential for harm in terms of injury or ill-health, damage to the workplace, damage to the workplace environment or a combination of these”
List the definition of a hazard according to HSE guidance to risk assessments
“Anything that can cause harm.” (chemicals,electricity, working from ladders
List the definition of risk according to OHSAS 18001
Combination of the likelihood and consequences of a specified hazardous event occurring
Suitable and sufficient in terms of risk assessment ( in terms of MHSWR (3) include:
- All persons affected by the operation is considered.
- Identifies the risks from or in connection with work.
- All persons affected by the undertakings are considered.
- It is appropriate to the nature of the work.
- It identifies the period of time for which it is valid
List the Benefits of formal health and safety management system
- A system for continually identifying legal & other requirements
- A clear management structure delegating authority and responsibility.
- A clear set of objectives for improvement, with measurable results.
- A structured approach to risk assessment within the organization.
- A planned and documented approach to health and safety.
- The monitoring of health and safety management issues, auditing of performance and review of policies and objectives
List the elements of HSG 65
Policy Organizing Planning Measuring performance Audit and review
List the three aspects of organizing according to HSG 65
List the six elements of OHSAS 18001
OHS Policy Planning Implementation and operation Checking and corrective action Management review Continual improvement
What should a OHS policy consists of?
- statement of intent
- organization
- arrangements
List the aspects under the arrangement section of the OHS policy
- relevant HIRA
- emergency procedures
- first aid
- permit to work
- procedures for contractor and visitors
- OHS inspections and audits
- accident and illness reporting
- electrical equipment inspection and maintenance
- employee OHS code of practice
- PPE control
- machinery safety
- constitution for safety committee
- housekeeping procedures
What is the role of the OHS specialist?
Role of OHS specialists is to assist the relevant employer in applying the provisions of health and safety law. An important aspect of his/her duty is rod design and implement a safety management system
What is TQM
Total Quality Management(TQM) is a business philosophy that seeks to encourage both individual and collective commitment to quality at every stage of the production process from initial design and conception to after-sales service
What is ISO 14001
This series of standards is designed to cover the whole area of environmental issues for organisations in the global
market place
List the benefits of Integration of Management Systems
- Simplified systems, optimized resources and a common framework for continual improvement
- Employees can perform their jobs using one set of work instructions rather than multiple
- There are similarities between the quality, environmental and OHS programs. And although they have different target audiences, their structure and approaches to regulatory compliance and similar
- A single training process for new employees minimises contradiction
- Reducing the amount of documentation
- Integrated Management System reviews can help ensure that elements develop at the same rate
- Bringing together expertise in each discipline to address specific issues. This would promote the exchange of fruitful initiatives
List of the limitations of of integrated system
The existing systems may simply work well. A process of integration could threaten the coherence and consistency of current arrangements
There can be a tendency to develop over documented, bureaucratic processes. This is true for single management systems and increases for systems intended to meet the requirements of multiple standards
International recognition -. BS EN ISO environment and quality management standards are internationally recognised and certificatable, but the OHSAS 18001 Occupational health and safety management systems- specification, though certificatable, is not internationally recognised
What is ethics
The field of ethics (or moral philosophy) involves systematizing, defending, and recommending concepts of right and wrong behavior
Generally speaking there are four principles for highly ethical organisations
- They are at ease interacting with diverse internal and external stakeholder groups
- They are obsessed with fairness
- Responsibility is individual rather than collective, with individuals assuming personal responsibility
- They see their activities in terms of purpose
Define a Conflicts of Interest
Conflicts of interest can be defined as any situation in which an individual or corporation (either private or governmental) is in a position to exploit a professional or official capacity in some way for their personal or corporates benefit
List the Types of conflicts of interests
Self-dealing, in which an official who controls an organization causes it to enter into a transaction with the official, or with another organization that benefits the official
Outside employment
Family interest
Explain the benefits of adopting a self regulatory model?
- model is usually developed by those involved in the management of OHS therefore creating ownership
- quicker to achieve then statutory models
- can result in higher levels of compliance
- can easily be adapted and revised
- can offer cheaper and quicker means to address issues
- results in closer relationship between client and industry
Explain the limitations of adopting a self regulatory model
- No umbrella standard to strive for
- Those involved in the organization may not operate within the self regulatory rules with possibility arising in working with other companies
- Model may not always fit local circumstances
- Issues may be missed and this would result in lower levels of compliance
- There is no third party or independent auditing - may not be valued