Unit A6 Flashcards
List the Internal influences in OHS within the company
- Finance
- production targets
- unions
List and explain the two types of organizations
- formal: organization chart, written rules and procedures, legitimate authority
- informal: Represented by individual and group behavior
What is a system
“A system is a regularly interacting or interdependent group of items forming a united whole”
List the Characteristics of Systems
- Every system is part of a still larger system and itself encompasses many subsystems
- Every system: Whether biological, physical or social, has a specific purpose to which all its parts are designed to contribute
- A system is complex: Any change in one variable will effect change in others
- Equilibrium: A system strives to maintain balance between the various pressures affecting it, internal and external
Explain Open and Closed Systems
- The vast majority of organisations are open-loop, rather than closed-loop, systems
- A “closed” (or “impervious”) system is one in which there is no interaction between any part of the system and the external environment
List the External influences in health and safety within the company
- enforcement agencies
- insurance companies
- contractors / clients
- contracts
- trade unions
- public opinion
- courts
- legislation
What is an organizational chart
Identifies formal levels of authority and responsibility within organization, usally running from top to down
What is the role of line management in the org structure
Direct line of authority from works manager to shop floor
Explain staff relationships
Line responsibility between the employees and the department
Explain functional relationships
Certain members of staff have a company wide remit to carry over activities across the board
Explain the role of consultation with employees
- workers can configure to prevention by spotting and warning of potential hazards and give notice
- involving employees educates and motivates them
- ideas and experiences of workers are regarded as a useful contribution to safety improvement
- people have a right to be involved in decisions that affect their working life
- cooperation between two sides is essential to improve working conditions - must be base on equal parter ships
List the functions of safety reps
- be given adequate info on OHS matters
- be consulted on major OHS matters and changes
- protection from dismissal or prejudicial treatment
- be able to contribute to the OHS decisions making process
- access to all parts of workplace
- allowed reasonable time and given training to perform functions
What is the main role of safety reps
Is to work proactively to prevent worker exposure to occupational hazards
List the typical activities of safety reps
- workplace observations and inspections
- examination of records
- listening to complaints
- reading info
- asking members what they think
What is the role of union members?
Respond to workers concerns
Initiate action on hazards it recognized
Educate union members
Help represent workers OHS grievances to management
Typical activities of committee would include
Regular meetings to discuss issues, suggest possible solutions and progress reports on insured being handled
Developing OHS training programme
Researching specific OHS issues
Accompany inspectors
Joint OHS labour & management meeting - typical activities
- promote OHS in workplace
- monitor workplace for hazards and legal compliance
- agreeing the OHS policy and its implementation.
- walking with management to solve OHS problems / complaints
- involving in planning of purpose does changes
- keeping unions informed of planned actions