Unit 9 - Geography of Resources Flashcards
Fossil fuel is an energy source that was formed from the residue of _____ buried millions of years ago.
plants and animals
The three forms/types of fossil fuel:
Natural Gas
A fossil fuel that formed in tropical locations, in lush, swampy areas that are full of plants.
Coal formed in _____ locations, in lush, swampy areas that are full of plants.
The slow movement of Earth’s drifting continents 250 million years ago caused the tropical swamps to relocate to the midlatitudes. As a result, today’s main coal reserves are in _____ countries rather than in the tropics.
_____ produces nearly one-half of the world’s coal, other developing countries one-fourth, and developed countries (primarily the United States) the remaining one-fourth.
This fossil fuel formed millions of years ago from residue deposited on the seafloor. Some still lie beneath such seas as the Persian Gulf and the North Sea, but other reserves are located beneath underwater land millions of years ago.
Petroleum formed millions of years ago from residue deposited on the _____. Some still lie beneath such seas as the Persian Gulf and the North Sea, but other reserves are located beneath underwater land millions of years ago.
_____ and _____ together supply one-fourth of the world’s petroleum, other developing countries (primarily in Southwest and Central Asia) one-half and developed countries (mainly the United States) the remaining one fourth.
Russia and Saudi Arabia
This fossil fuel formed millions of years ago from sediment deposited on the seafloor.
Natural Gas
Like petroleum, natural gas formed millions of years ago from _____ deposited on the seafloor.
One-third of natural gas production is supplied by ____ and _____, one-third by other developing regions, and one-third by developed countries (primarily the United States) (Rubenstein, 2017).
Russia and Southwest Asia
The number of resources remaining in discovered deposits.
Proven Reserves
The amount of a resource in deposits is not yet identified but thought to exist.
Potential Reserves
Earth’s energy resources are divided into two categories namely:
- Nonrenewable Energy Resources
- Renewable Energy Resources
This are resources that form so slowly that for practical purposes, they cannot be renewed.
Nonrenewable Energy Resources
Example of Nonrenewable Energy Resources
Fossil Fuels: Coal, Petroleum, and Natural Gas
This are resources that have a nearly unlimited supply and are not depleted when used by people.
Renewable Energy Resources
Sources of Renewable Energy Resources
o Hydroelectric Power
o Wind Power
o Solar Energy
Generating electricity from the movement of water is called?
Hydroelectric Power
The benefits of wind-generated power seem irresistible. Construction of a wind turbine modifies the environment less severely than does the construction of a dam. And wind power has more tremendous potential for increased use because only a small portion of the resource has been harnessed.
Wind Power