Unit 9 Flashcards
abode, n. /əˈbəʊd/ syn. dwelling, home, apartment
The defendant is of no fixed abode.
the place where someone lives
acid rain
In the early 1980s acid rain became the favorite cause of doom.
кислотний дощ
rain that contains large amounts of harmful chemicals
to address the issue prudently
We’ll address that issue prudently at the next meeting.
ретельно вирішувати проблему
solve the issue or problem in a way that is careful and avoids risks
to adopt a diet
I adopt low-salt diet to reduce my blood pressure.
дотримуватись дієти
follow an eating plan in which someone eats less food
annual meeting, n. /ˌænjuəl ˈmiːt̬ɪŋ/
Shareholders are expected to approve the plan at their annual meeting Tuesday.
щорічні збори
a meeting that happens once every year in which a company or other organization discusses the past year’s activities and elects new officers
to avert
We tried to avert our thoughts from our massive financial problems.
відвертати, відхиляти
turn away your eyes or thoughts
to be doomed
He was doomed to be a one-term president like Jimmy Carter.
бути приреченим на
be the certain cause of someone or something having a bad end, esp. to die or to fail
to be driven to extinction
Many species of plants and animals are driven to extinction.
бути доведеним до межі вимирання
a situation in which something no longer exists
to be eco-conscious citizens
We are eco-conscious citizens, we use eco products such as wind turbines and solar panels.
бути екологічно свідомими громадянами
citizens who worried about the environment
to be protected by regulation
Great white sharks are protected by regulation along the California coast.
охоронятися законом
kept safe from danger or harm by law
to be poised at the brink of environmental crisis
The city is poised at the brink of environmental crisis.
знаходитись на межі загрози екологічної кризи
be the borderline of the environmental crisis
boisterous crowd
A boisterous crowd of about 15,000 attended the concert.
буйний натовп
noisy, energetic, rough, large group of people who have come together
to bring the environmental issue into the public eye
At the conference they brought the environmental issue into the public eye.
ознайомити суспільство з екологічною проблемою
acquaint society with the environmental problem
bustling, adj. /ˈbʌslɪŋ/
This used to be a bustling town but a lot of people have moved away over recent years.
if a place is bustling, it is full of busy activity
to call for action
We must call for action to deal with the problem before it spreads to other areas.
закликати до дії
the process of doing something, especially when solving a problem or difficulty
to cause harm to
The difficult driving conditions caused harm to several drivers.
завдавати шкоди
make something happen, especially something bad
to change drastically
Nothing changes drastically, does it – I’ve been away two years and the office still looks exactly the same.
кардинально змінювати
make or become different in a way that is severe and sudden or has very noticeable effects
climate change
The President called for urgent action on climate change.
зміни клімату
changes in the world’s weather
consumption, n. /kənˈsʌmpʃən/
Consumption of electricity is always higher during the summer months because of air-conditioning.
споживання чогось
an amount of something that is used, or the process of using something
to contaminate, v. /kənˈtæmɪneɪt/
Much of the coast has been contaminated by nuclear waste.
заражати, оскверняти, забруднювати
make something less pure or make it poisonous
to crack climate jokes
I cracked a few climate jokes to try to cheer everyone up.
жартувати про клімат
tell jokes about climate
to cultivate livestock, n. /ˈlaɪvstɒk/
The villagers cultivate livestock.
вирощувати худобу
grow animals and birds that are kept on a farm, such as cows, sheep, or chickens
to decimate, v. /ˈdesɪmeɪt/
syn. to kill, to destroy
Populations of endangered animals have been decimated.
kill a large number of something, or to reduce something severely
deforestation, n. /diːˌfɒrɪˈsteɪʃən/
Deforestation is destroying large areas of tropical rain forest.
вирубка лісів
the cutting down of trees in a large area, or destruction of forests by people
delicacy, n. /ˈdelɪkəsi/
In some parts of the world, sheep’s eyes are considered a great delicacy.
something especially rare or expensive that is good to eat
to deprive, v. /dɪˈpraɪv/ of
He claimed that he had been deprive of his freedom.
позбавляти від чогось
take something, especially something necessary or pleasant, away from someone
developing country
Ministers insist that freer trade could reduce poverty in developing countries.
країна, що розвивається
a country with little industrial and economic activity that is seeking to become more advanced economically and socially
to discard, v. /dɪˈskɑːd/ smth
Cut the melon in half and discard the seeds.
викинути щось
throw something away because you no longer want or need it
to dispose, v. /dɪˈspəʊz/ of sth
The agency has put an end to new efforts to dispose of hazardous waste in sensitive environmental areas.
get rid of something, especially by throwing it away
drastic measures
Drastic measures to help the refugees are badly needed.
рішучі заходи
a way of achieving something, or a method for dealing with a situation
emission of greenhouse gases
There is a risk of accidents with large emissions of greenhouse gases into the biosphere.
викид парникових газів
the act of sending out greenhouse gases
endangered species, n. /ɪnˈdeɪndʒərd ˈspiʃiz/
Mountain gorillas are an endangered species.
вимираючі види
a type of animal or plant that might stop existing because there are only a few of that type alive
environmental awareness
He has brought an environmental awareness to the conditions surrounding heatstroke.
екологічна обізнаність
having special interest in or experience of something and so knowing what is happening in that subject at the present time
to evolve, v. /ɪˈvɒlv/
Did humans evolve from apes?
develop gradually, or to cause something or someone to develop gradually
exhaust, adj. /ɪɡˈzɔːst/ fumes
Exhaust fumes is the main cause of city pollution.
вихлопні гази
waste gases or air expelled from an engine, turbine, or other machine in the course of its operation
to experience some alarm over
Villagers have experienced some alarm over the news of a proposed new road.
відчувати тривогу через
a warning of danger, usually a loud noise or flashing light
extinction of species and habitats
The extinction of species and habitats occurred millions of years ago.
вимирання видів та середовищ проживання
a situation in which something no longer exists
to face the shortage of resources
Britain’s mineral resources include coal and gas deposits, but nowadays they face the shortage of resources.
стикатись з дефіцитом ресурсів
face resource scarcity
famine, n. /ˈfæmɪn/
Thousands of people emigrated during the Irish potato famine of 1845-1846.
a situation in which there is not enough food for a great number of people, causing illness and death
fossils, n. /ˈfɒsəl/
The fossils were found in the middle part of the road-cut.
копалинa, скам’янілість
the remains of a prehistoric organism preserved in petrified form
genetically modified, adj. /dʒəˌnetɪkəli ˈmɒdɪfaɪd/
(GM) foods
The ecological risks of genetically modified foods remain poorly understood.
ГМО продукти
a genetically modified plant or animal has had some of its genes changed scientifically
global pollution
It is the biggest global pollution incident in the history of the world.
глобальне забруднення
damage caused to water, air, etc. by harmful substances or waste relating to the whole world
global warming
Fossil fuels such as coal and gas produce greenhouse gases and contribute to global warming.
глобальне потепління
a gradual increase in the earth’s temperature, caused by gases
habitat, n. /ˈhæbɪtæt/
With so many areas of woodland being cut down, a lot of wildlife is losing its natural habitat.
середовище проживання
the natural environment in which the animal or plant usually lives
to have a crucial role
The kidneys have a crucial role in the removal of waste products from the blood.
відігравати основну роль
the extremely important or necessary position or purpose that someone or something has in a situation, organization, society, or relationship
to have tremendous health hazards
Moreover, in the health area, it is quite clear that ignorance about nutrition has tremendous health hazards for the population.
бути дуже небезпечним для здоров’я
something that is dangerous for health
high density urban areas
Expensive executive homes do not sit easily with high density urban areas.
густонаселені міські райони
urban areas consisting of a lot of buildings close together
to hold the key
Because the two main parties have won almost the same number of votes, the minority group holds the key to the result.
контролювати щось
to have control of something
to implement more eco-friendly solutions into daily operations
Local councils will implement more eco-friendly solutions into daily operations
впроваджувати більш екологічні рішення у щоденну діяльність
implement more environmentally friendly solutions in everyday activities
to kick off, phrasal verb
What time does the game kick off?
стартувати, починатися
if a game of football kicks off, it starts
lumber, n. /ˈlʌmbə/
The lumber was used to build a substantial sleeping hut, as well as a watchtower.
лісоматеріал, деревина
wood that has been prepared for building
massive influx of natural disasters
Insurance companies often charge extra to cover floods, earthquakes, or other massive influx of natural disasters.
масовий наплив природних катаклізм
a natural events that result in great harm, damage, or death, or serious difficulty
natural resource depletion
This process is enhanced by the acidification of the soil profile as a result of natural resource depletion .
виснаження природніх ресурсів
depletion of the materials such as water, coal and wood that exist in nature and can be used by humans
NGO (non-governmental organization)
Co-operation between NGOs and governments is not always easy.
громадська організація
an organization that tries to achieve social or political aims but is not controlled by a government
nuclear power, n.
/ˌnjuːkliə ˈpaʊər/
The expansion of nuclear power is a politically charged issue.
атомна енергетика
the power produced when the nucleus of an atom is divided or joined to another nucleus
to negotiate, v. /nəˈɡəʊʃieɪt/
The government has refused to negotiate with the strikers.
вести переговори, домовлятися
to have formal discussions with someone in order to reach an agreement with them
on the fringes
There is some industry on the fringes of the city.
на краю
the outer or less important part of an area, group, or activity
on the sidelines
Several countries chose to remain on the sidelines during the war.
на узбіччі
not taking part in an activity
outburst of laughter
These outbursts of laughter were usually prompted by the presence of a female customer.
вибух сміху
a sudden forceful expression of emotion
Overpopulation is one of the country’s most pressing social problems.
the fact of a country or city, etc. having too many people for the amount of food, materials, and space available there
overuse of pesticides
When the farmers overuse of pesticides on their crops, they damage people’s health.
надмірне використання пестицидів
use too often or too much a chemical substance to kill harmful insects, small animals, wild plants
to pile up
Magazines just pile up on my desk at work.
to put (things) near or on top of each other, or to collect in this way
to play a vital role
Schools play a vital role in society.
відігравати життєве важливу роль
an extremely important position or purpose that someone or something has in a situation, organization, society, or relationship
to plummet, v. /ˈplʌmɪt/
House prices have plummeted in recent months.
стрімко зменшуватись
to fall very quickly and suddenly
polar ice caps
The mountains were covered with polar ice caps.
полярні крижані шапки
cover the top of something with ice
to pollute
The pesticides used on many farms are polluting the water supply.
make an area or substance, usually air, water, or soil, dirty or harmful to people, animals, and plants, especially by adding harmful chemicals
precipitation, n. /prɪˌsɪpɪˈteɪʃən/
The forecast is for dry, cloudy weather with no precipitation expected.
water that falls from the clouds towards the ground, especially as rain or snow
to preserve, v. /prɪˈzɜːv/ smth
We want to preserve the character of the town while improving the facilities.
охороняти, зберігати
keep something as it is, especially in order to prevent it from decaying or being damaged or destroyed
to prevent the risk
Here we just recall the basic rules to prevent the risk.
запобігати ризику
stop something from happening or someone from doing something
process of desalination, n. /ˌdiːsælɪˈneɪʃən/
The process of desalination has become a viable option for the development of reliable fresh water supplies.
процес опріснення
the process of removing salt from sea water
to provide valuable information about
Can you provide valuable information about tours to Alaska?
надавати важливу інформацію про
give important news, facts knowledge
quip, n. /kwɪp/
It was Oscar Wilde who made the famous quip about life mimicking art.
жарт, саркастичне зауваження
a humorous and clever remark
to rage
The storm raged outside.
бушувати, лютувати
happen in a strong or violent way
to rally,v. /ˈræli /
Supporters of the new shopping development are trying to rally local people in favor of it.
збирати(ся), об’єднувати(ся)
to (cause to) come together in order to provide support or make a shared effort
rare commodity
The country’s most rare commodities include tin and diamonds.
рідкісний товар
not common or frequent, very unusual substance or product that can be traded, bought, or sold
to recoup, v. /rɪˈkuːp/
The gambler recouped his losses in the next game.
окупити, компенсувати
get back money that you have spent or lost
recycling scheme
There’s a new recycling scheme in our town for reclamation plastic bottles.
схеми переробки
an officially organized plan or system for reclamation
regulation in force
I have acted strictly in accordance with the regulation in force.
чинне законодавство
an official rule or the act of controlling something
to represent the ultimate challenge
Finding a solution to this problem represent the ultimate challenge faced by scientists today.
являти собою складне завдання/ бути серйозним викликом
(the situation of being faced with) something that needs great mental or physical effort in order to be done successfully and therefore tests a person’s ability
residue, n. /ˈrezɪdʒuː/
The white residue in / on the kettle is a result of minerals in the water.
осад/ залишки
the part that is left after the main part has gone or been taken away, or a substance that remains after a chemical process such as evaporation
to resort to humor
Fortunately, she resorts to humor in the situation.
вдатися до гумору
turn to the ability to be amused by something seen, heard, or thought
to retain.v. /rɪˈteɪn/
He managed to retain his dignity throughout the performance.
залишати, утримувати
to keep or continue to have something
rubbish, n. /ˈrʌb.ɪʃ/
syn. trash, litter
I forgot to put the rubbish out this morning.
waste material or things that are no longer wanted or needed
sea-level rise
The subject of sea level rise is surrounded by uncertainties.
підняття рівня моря
when the average level of the sea where it meets the land go up
severe measures
What severe measures can we take to avoid terrorism?
суворі заходи
a way of achieving something, or a method for dealing with a situation
sewage, n. /ˈsuːɪdʒ/
The storm caused raw sewage to flow into the bay.
нечистоти/ каналізація
waste and liquid from toilets, the system of carrying away waste water and human waste from houses and other buildings
soil pollution
It is the biggest soil pollution incident in the history of the country.
забруднення ґрунту
damage caused to soil by harmful substances or waste
solar power
In some parts of the world solar power is already being used for domestic and commercial purposes.
сонячна енергія
electricity produced by using the energy from the sun
to take account of
A good architect takes account of the building’s surroundings.
брати до уваги (враховувати)
to consider or remember something when judging a situation
to tout, v. /taʊt/
He is being widely touted as the next leader of the party.
to advertise, talk about, or praise something or someone repeatedly, especially as a way of encouraging people to like, accept, or buy something
toxic wastes
I accept that the toxic waste generated must be disposed of.
токсичні відходи
poisonous, or relating to poisonous substances
undisputed fact
It’s an undisputed fact that women on average live longer than men.
безперечний факт
about which there is no disagreement
urban development
The protests were part of their campaign against urban development.
міський розвиток
the process in which town grows or changes and becomes more advanced
urban runoff
Urban runoff is a major source of water pollution.
міський стік
the draining away of water from a building or structure
urban sprawl
Huge tourist attractions have produced choking urban sprawl.
розростання міст
the spread of a city into the area surrounding it, often without planning
urgent need for action
This problem calls urgent need for action from the government.
нагальна необхідність перейти до дій
the process of doing something, especially when dealing with a problem or difficulty
venue, n. /ˈven.juː/
The hotel is an ideal venue for conferences and business meetings.
місце проведення
the place where a public event or meeting happens
This city produces 20 million tons of household waste each year.
unwanted matter or material of any type, especially what is left after useful substances or parts have been removed
waste disposal
Article 3 makes specific reference to waste disposal by incineration.
утилізація відходів
the action or process of throwing away of waste
Major wildfires have destroyed thousands of acres in Idaho.
лісова пожежа
a fire that is burning strongly and out of control on an area of grass or bushes in the countryside