Theatre for the Deaf (expressions) Flashcards
become accessible
ставати доступним, стати доступним
something has become easy for people to use; It was not easy or available before, but now it is.
on the other hand
з іншого боку
it is a phrase used to introduce an alternative or contrasting point of view or situation.
considerable financial rewards
значні фінансові винагороди
it means significant or substantial amounts of money that you can earn or receive.
hearing people
люди, які можуть чути
people who are able to hear and are not deaf
theater interpreters
перекладачі театру
people who help deaf or hard of hearing individuals understand and enjoy performances in a theater.
rehearse an entire play
репетирувати цілу виставу
to practice or go through the entire performance of a play from start to finish before the actual performance in order to prepare and perfect it.
workload doubles
подвійне навантаження
it means that the amount of work to be done has become twice as much as before.
within the acting space
в рамках акторського простору, в межах акторського простору
it means inside the area where actors perform in a play or a theater production.
side-by-side and face the audience
пліч-о-пліч і обличчям до аудиторії
it means that two or more people or objects are positioned next to each other, and they are looking in the direction of the audience.
the acting space
акторський простір, простір, де відбувається вистава
the area or location where actors perform in a play or theater production
inclusive style
інклюзивний стиль
means doing things in a way that welcomes and includes everyone, no matter who they are or what makes them different.
close proximity
безпосередня близькість, близьке сусідство
means being very near or close to something or someone.
mentally blends
ментально змушується, поєднувати в голові
means mixing or combining thoughts and ideas in your mind to create a single
dedicated professionals
віддані професіонали
people who are focused and persistent in their work
take great pride
to feel a strong sense of satisfaction in something you have done or achieved