Unit 1 Flashcards
to access, v. /ˈækses/
the Internet
доступ до чогось, підключитися
до Інтернету
approach or enter (a place)
You must access the Internet in
order to have the information from
several files.
to adapt, v. /əˈdæpt/
пристосовувати, пристосувати,
адаптувати матеріал
make (something) suitable for a new use or purpose;
Hospitals have had to be adapted for
modern medical practice.
to allow, v. /əˈlaʊ/
to do smth
дозволити кому зробити щось
permission to do
give (someone)
The dissident was allowed to leave
the country.
to assert,v. / əˈsɜːt /
твердити що (говорити)
state a fact or belief
confidently and forcefully
The company asserts that the cuts
will not affect development.
to become accessible, adj.
/ əkˈsesəbəl/ to
стати доступним для
1.(of a place) able to be
reached or entered
- (of a person, typically
one in a position of
authority or importance)
friendly and easy to talk
The town is accessible by bus.
He is more accessible than most
to become aware, adj. /əˈweə/ of
having knowledge or
perception of a situation
or fact
Most people are aware of the
dangers of sunbathing.
to become a fixture, n.
/ ˈfɪkstʃə /
стати невід’ємною частиною
become an integral part
Although portable USB drivers
have become a permanent fixture in
the everyday life of the typical user.
to become a threat to cultural
diversity, n.
/ daɪˈvɜːsɪtɪ /
ставати загрозу культурному
threaten cultural
This problem exists in developing
countries and often goes
unreported, becoming a threat to cultural diversity.
to beckon, v. /ˈbekən/
somebody over
підкликати когось
make a gesture with the
arm, hand to
encourage someone to
come nearer or follow
The romantic Rhine with its palaces
and castles beckons you on a boat
to be critical for
бути необхідним (критичним)
be necessary for
Improving literacy will be critical
for creating an equitable basis for
to be discourage, v.
/ dɪsˈkʌrɪdʒ / from
відмовлятись від чогось
give up something
Girls are frequently discouraged
from technical and scientific
to be in close proximity, n.
/ prɒkˈsɪmɪtɪ /
бути безпосередньо близько до
nearness in space, time,
Primary schools in the rural areas
of Jamaica are usually located in
clusters, with schools in close
proximity to each other.
to be little out of touch
бути поза зв’язком деякий час
be out in contact with for
a while
He is little out of touch the facts
on the ground.
to be obliged, adj.
/ əˈblaɪdʒd / to
бути зобов’язаним
have an obligation to pay
orrepay something, be in
debt to the tune of
The employer shall be obliged to
create favourable conditions
for the overall development of the
physical and mental aptitudes.
to be pointed out
на що слід звернути увагу, бути
виділеним ( наприклад про
give force or emphasis to
(words or actions)
From the ecological point of
view two aspects should be pointed
out here.
to be under the impression
бути під враженням
to be under the idea,
feeling, or opinion about
something or someone
The experts are under the
impression from their interviews.
body language
мова тіла
the process of
nonverbally through
Be sensitive to body language that
signals agreement or enthusiasm.
to bring enormous benefits
приносити величезну користь
procure great profit, gain
Improved wastewater management
will bring enormous benefits for the
protection of water resources from
to bump into
натрапити на когось
to run into someone
He decided to visit the town, where
he bump into a young man.
case in point
конкретний приклад/ випадок
specific example / case
The Republic of Korea is an
interesting case in point, in that it
follows the pattern of
the Triad.
to cause confusion, n.
/ kənˈfjuːʒən /
викликати плутанину
lack of understanding,
Giving examples could cause
to chat to/with
розмовляти з кимось
talk in a friendly and
informal way
This hotel has a small social
lounge, where you can sit and
read, or chat with friends.
colossal project, n.
неймовірний проект
an individual or
collaborative enterprise
that is carefully planned
to achieve a particular aim
Congress showed no hesitation,
almost unanimously approving this
colossal project.
to communicate with
спілкуватися з безпосередністю
the quality of a person’s
involvement in direct and
instantaneous interaction
with something that
causes a feeling of
urgency or excitement
Parents living separately from their
children must participate in their
education and have the right to
communicate with immediacy.
communication tool
інструмент зв’язку
means of sending or
receiving information,
such as phone lines or
The website is a key communication
tool to facilitate continuous ethics
education throughout a staff
member’s career.
to conduct business
займатися бізнесом
the practice of making one’s living by engaging
in commerce
It plans to conduct business in some
influential regions and cities across
the nation.
to conduct the e-business
займатися інтернет бізнесом
organize and carry out
The ability to conduct the ebusiness at “home” generates many advantages for those engaged in
to connect with
зв’язатись з
bring together or into
contact so that a real or
notional link
is established
If your organization feels
comfortable doing so, connect
with local businesses to see if they
would be willing to partner with
to contribute to
зробити внесок в
give (something,
especially money)
in order to help achieve or
provide something
She contributed to a private
to cope with
впоратись з чимось
(of a person) deal
effectively with
something difficult
Education must assist the child to
cope with the emergency,
danger, threat or manipulation.
cue, n. /kjuː/
знак, сигнал, репліка
a thing said or done that
serves as a signal to an
actor or
other performer to enter or to begin their
speech or performance
On the director’s cue the actor
entered the stage.
to enquire about
робити запит про щось/
запитати про
ask for information from
He enquired about cottages for
to encourage children to become
заохочувати дітей ставати
give support, confidence,
hope to children to speak
two languages fluently
The aim of Danish educational
policy was to encourage children to
become bilingual.
to estimate smth
оцінювати щось
roughly calculate or judge
the value, number,
quantity or extent of
The aim is to estimate the effects of
macroeconomic policy on the
ever-increasing pace
постійно зростаючі темпи
work at a steady and consistent growing speed
Each society will probably be better
armed to cope with ever-increasing
pace of change that characterizes
today’s world.
to experience the joy of
відчувати радість від чогось
to feel the joy of
The ultimate aim is that children like John in other African
countries can also experience the joy of reading .
to face difficulty
стикатися з труднощами
confront and deal with or
accept a difficult task,
fact, situation
Children born out of wedlock
continue to face difficulty in
obtaining birth certificates due to
social stigma.
to fascinate /ˈfæsɪˌneɪt /
захоплювати, зачаровувати
draw irresistibly the
attention and interest of
This world began to fascinate me
and I found myself drawn into it
more and more.
first language
перша мова
a person’s native
She speaks Tiwa as her fist
to give short shrift
приділяти недостатньо уваги
pay insufficient attention
Government gave short shrift to
human rights, women’s rights and
economic, social and cultural