Unit 1 Flashcards
to access, v. /ˈækses/
the Internet
доступ до чогось, підключитися
до Інтернету
approach or enter (a place)
You must access the Internet in
order to have the information from
several files.
to adapt, v. /əˈdæpt/
пристосовувати, пристосувати,
адаптувати матеріал
make (something) suitable for a new use or purpose;
Hospitals have had to be adapted for
modern medical practice.
to allow, v. /əˈlaʊ/
to do smth
дозволити кому зробити щось
permission to do
give (someone)
The dissident was allowed to leave
the country.
to assert,v. / əˈsɜːt /
твердити що (говорити)
state a fact or belief
confidently and forcefully
The company asserts that the cuts
will not affect development.
to become accessible, adj.
/ əkˈsesəbəl/ to
стати доступним для
1.(of a place) able to be
reached or entered
- (of a person, typically
one in a position of
authority or importance)
friendly and easy to talk
The town is accessible by bus.
He is more accessible than most
to become aware, adj. /əˈweə/ of
having knowledge or
perception of a situation
or fact
Most people are aware of the
dangers of sunbathing.
to become a fixture, n.
/ ˈfɪkstʃə /
стати невід’ємною частиною
become an integral part
Although portable USB drivers
have become a permanent fixture in
the everyday life of the typical user.
to become a threat to cultural
diversity, n.
/ daɪˈvɜːsɪtɪ /
ставати загрозу культурному
threaten cultural
This problem exists in developing
countries and often goes
unreported, becoming a threat to cultural diversity.
to beckon, v. /ˈbekən/
somebody over
підкликати когось
make a gesture with the
arm, hand to
encourage someone to
come nearer or follow
The romantic Rhine with its palaces
and castles beckons you on a boat
to be critical for
бути необхідним (критичним)
be necessary for
Improving literacy will be critical
for creating an equitable basis for
to be discourage, v.
/ dɪsˈkʌrɪdʒ / from
відмовлятись від чогось
give up something
Girls are frequently discouraged
from technical and scientific
to be in close proximity, n.
/ prɒkˈsɪmɪtɪ /
бути безпосередньо близько до
nearness in space, time,
Primary schools in the rural areas
of Jamaica are usually located in
clusters, with schools in close
proximity to each other.
to be little out of touch
бути поза зв’язком деякий час
be out in contact with for
a while
He is little out of touch the facts
on the ground.
to be obliged, adj.
/ əˈblaɪdʒd / to
бути зобов’язаним
have an obligation to pay
orrepay something, be in
debt to the tune of
The employer shall be obliged to
create favourable conditions
for the overall development of the
physical and mental aptitudes.
to be pointed out
на що слід звернути увагу, бути
виділеним ( наприклад про
give force or emphasis to
(words or actions)
From the ecological point of
view two aspects should be pointed
out here.
to be under the impression
бути під враженням
to be under the idea,
feeling, or opinion about
something or someone
The experts are under the
impression from their interviews.
body language
мова тіла
the process of
nonverbally through
Be sensitive to body language that
signals agreement or enthusiasm.
to bring enormous benefits
приносити величезну користь
procure great profit, gain
Improved wastewater management
will bring enormous benefits for the
protection of water resources from
to bump into
натрапити на когось
to run into someone
He decided to visit the town, where
he bump into a young man.
case in point
конкретний приклад/ випадок
specific example / case
The Republic of Korea is an
interesting case in point, in that it
follows the pattern of
the Triad.
to cause confusion, n.
/ kənˈfjuːʒən /
викликати плутанину
lack of understanding,
Giving examples could cause
to chat to/with
розмовляти з кимось
talk in a friendly and
informal way
This hotel has a small social
lounge, where you can sit and
read, or chat with friends.
colossal project, n.
неймовірний проект
an individual or
collaborative enterprise
that is carefully planned
to achieve a particular aim
Congress showed no hesitation,
almost unanimously approving this
colossal project.
to communicate with
спілкуватися з безпосередністю
the quality of a person’s
involvement in direct and
instantaneous interaction
with something that
causes a feeling of
urgency or excitement
Parents living separately from their
children must participate in their
education and have the right to
communicate with immediacy.
communication tool
інструмент зв’язку
means of sending or
receiving information,
such as phone lines or
The website is a key communication
tool to facilitate continuous ethics
education throughout a staff
member’s career.
to conduct business
займатися бізнесом
the practice of making one’s living by engaging
in commerce
It plans to conduct business in some
influential regions and cities across
the nation.
to conduct the e-business
займатися інтернет бізнесом
organize and carry out
The ability to conduct the ebusiness at “home” generates many advantages for those engaged in
to connect with
зв’язатись з
bring together or into
contact so that a real or
notional link
is established
If your organization feels
comfortable doing so, connect
with local businesses to see if they
would be willing to partner with
to contribute to
зробити внесок в
give (something,
especially money)
in order to help achieve or
provide something
She contributed to a private
to cope with
впоратись з чимось
(of a person) deal
effectively with
something difficult
Education must assist the child to
cope with the emergency,
danger, threat or manipulation.
cue, n. /kjuː/
знак, сигнал, репліка
a thing said or done that
serves as a signal to an
actor or
other performer to enter or to begin their
speech or performance
On the director’s cue the actor
entered the stage.
to enquire about
робити запит про щось/
запитати про
ask for information from
He enquired about cottages for
to encourage children to become
заохочувати дітей ставати
give support, confidence,
hope to children to speak
two languages fluently
The aim of Danish educational
policy was to encourage children to
become bilingual.
to estimate smth
оцінювати щось
roughly calculate or judge
the value, number,
quantity or extent of
The aim is to estimate the effects of
macroeconomic policy on the
ever-increasing pace
постійно зростаючі темпи
work at a steady and consistent growing speed
Each society will probably be better
armed to cope with ever-increasing
pace of change that characterizes
today’s world.
to experience the joy of
відчувати радість від чогось
to feel the joy of
The ultimate aim is that children like John in other African
countries can also experience the joy of reading .
to face difficulty
стикатися з труднощами
confront and deal with or
accept a difficult task,
fact, situation
Children born out of wedlock
continue to face difficulty in
obtaining birth certificates due to
social stigma.
to fascinate /ˈfæsɪˌneɪt /
захоплювати, зачаровувати
draw irresistibly the
attention and interest of
This world began to fascinate me
and I found myself drawn into it
more and more.
first language
перша мова
a person’s native
She speaks Tiwa as her fist
to give short shrift
приділяти недостатньо уваги
pay insufficient attention
Government gave short shrift to
human rights, women’s rights and
economic, social and cultural
to give offence to somebody
образити когось
cause to feel upset,
annoyed, resentful, hurt
someone feeling
We must never decline our duty for
fear of giving offence, but we must
sometimes deny ourselves in that
which is our secular interest,
rather than give offence.
гліф (елемент письма, конкретне
графічне представлення
a hieroglyphic character
or symbol, a pictograph
With its several hundred
toponymic glyphs and detailed
tributary record, the Matrícula de
tributos is a valuable document.
to go mainstream
стати популярним
the dominant trend in
opinion, fashion, or the
Vegetarianism has gone mainstreamed.
to have regular Internet access
мати постійний доступ до
have constant admission
to the Internet
All schools, universities and learning institutions should have regular Internet access.
to hear from
отримувати звістку від, чути від
receive news from,
perceive with the ear the
sound made
by someone or something
Your opinion is important to us,
so we’d love to hear from you.
heritage, n. / ˈherɪtɪdʒ /
property that is or may be
Cultural heritage must be
preserved, developed, enriched
and transmitted to future
to imbue digital speech
надавати онлайн спілкуванню
більшої емфатики
give online
communication more
Modern means of communication allow us to imbue digital speech.
immense, adj. / ɪˈmens /
величезне навантаження,обсяг
the great amount of work
to be done by someone or
Countries undergoing rapid
economic development must
deal with immense workload.
to indicate blame
вказувати на вину
point out, show guilt
The inquiry indicated blame the engineer for the accident.
increasing need for
зростаюча потреба чогось
require something
because it is essential or
very important
They spoke about the increasing need for cooperation between competition agencies.
in hot water
незручне становище
awkward position, causing or feeling embarrassment or inconvenience
You have put me in hot water.
to learn a language to a high
вивчити мову на високому
gain or acquire knowledge of a language by study orbeing taught
at a high level
He would also be interested to learn a language to a high standard.
to lead to run on currency
привести до девальвації валюти
lead to a system of
money devaluation
External crises hits, it leads to run on currency, a spike in interest rates and economic instability.
to lose touch with somebody
втрати зв’язок з кимось
become unable to find
Local authorities lose touch with people and community groups.
to make regular use of
постійно використовувати
take,hold,or deploy something regularly as a means of achieving a result
They also suggested to make regular use of existing productive capacities.
to make something attractive to a
wider audience
зацікавити широку аудиторію в
to interest a wide
audience in something
The international registration systems make them more attractive to a wider audience and extend their benefits to new users.
to mix languages up
змішувати мови
combine or put together to
form one
If children grow up with two
languages, it is possible that they
mix languages up and one will be
better than the other.
mother tongue
рідна мова
the language which a person has grown up speaking from early childhood
The theme of the discussion was
“mother tongue education,
multilinguism, and the right to
native speaker
носій мови
a person who has spoken the language in question from earliest childhood
It is important that the document is
checked and proofread by a
qualified native speaker
a person who criticizes, objects to, or opposes something
He continues to win, despite many
number is dwindling
число зменшується
the number decreases
Today, the number of cultivated
lands are dwindling
obvious benefits
очевидні переваги
an advantage or profit
gained from something
Despite certain obvious benefits the policy presents certain issues and challenges for the Mission.
on daily basis
done, produced, or
occurring every day
On daily basis, Israel engages in a careful assessment of how best to ensure fulfilment of its humanitarian obligations
official language
oфіційна мова
languagewhich relating to an authority orpublic body
and its duties, actions
Arabic shall be the official language of the Commission and its working groups.
outrageous, adj./aʊtˈreɪdʒəs/
act of
обурливий вчинок
shockingly bad or
excessive deed
We have seen the most outrageous
act of North Korean behavior in
to pass the tradition on to
передати традицію
transmission of customs
or beliefs from generation
to generation
A folk arts and crafts museum
was created to pass the tradition
on to future generations .
pithy phrase
лаконічна, стисла фраза
a small group of words
standing together as a
conceptual unit,
forming a component of a
The pithy phrase “significant
harm” should be replaced with a
more forceful expression
to plug a gap
заповнити прогалину
block or fill in an unfilled space or interval, a break
in continuity
It was developed a Global Action
Plan to plug a gap in increasing
supply of pandemic influenza
proficient, adj. /prəˈfɪʃənt/
досвідчений оратор
a person who speaks must
be competent or skilled in
There were 54 women members of
this Parliament, including
proficient Speaker, and five women
ministers, including for justice and
to preserve, v. / prɪˈzɜːv/
зберігати щось
maintain something in its
original or existing state
Libya supports all efforts to
preserve the wealth of the
oceans as the common heritage of humanity
to push on a word in the app
вводити слово в додаток
enter a word in the
Swipe down or right click on the
addition to push on a word in the
to reach the milestone
досягнути віхи (показника)
an action or event making
a significant change or
stage in development
Documentation Centre for the
Great Lakes Region is expected to
reach the next milestone in 2023.
relatively small number of
відносно невелика кількість
comparatively small
quantity or amount of
One of the reasons why Japan had
a relatively small number of
refugees was the geographical
distance of the countries of origin.
to remove the need for
усунути потребу
take a thing that is
wanted or required
Measures to remove the need for
child labour represent a
potentially important means of
increasing school enrolments
among both girls and boys
regional accent
регіональний акцент
a distinctive mode of
pronunciation of a
language, especially
one associated with a
particular nation, locality
or social class
Discrimination on the basis of language or regional accent is often closely linked to unequal treatment on the basis of national or ethnic origin.
to send instantaneous, adj.
/ˌɪnstənˈteɪnɪəs/ jitters
навести миттєву паніку
cause instant panic, feelings of extreme nervousness
Your brain can send instantaneous
jitters and dispatches it to your
tongue, mouth, and lips
to score highly in
отримувати високі оцінки в
get high marks in
She went on to a teachers’ training college and scored highly in exam.
to shake in disbelief at
трястись (труситись, сіпатись)
від невіри в щось
jerk from inability or refusal to accept that something is true or real
At first we shake in disbelief at the
fact that this could be happening in
Ireland, where drinking and smoking are a large part of Irish
to slow down academic
уповільнювати освітній
reduce the speed of development which
relating to education
and scholarship
The financial crisis of 1998 slowed
down academic development in
different countries and regions in
varying degrees.
small talk
світська розмова
(невеличка розмова)
polite conversation about
unimportant or
uncontroversial matters,
especially as engaged in
on social occasions
While you are sipping a long drink
or savoring a short one, the
bartender will entertain you with a
small talk, a joke, or a trick.
to spark a trade war
розпалювати торгівельну війну
ignite a commercial
conflict between different
nations or states
This may spark a trade war as Asia-Pacific economies might take retaliatory measures
staggering, adj. /ˈstægərɪŋ /
приголомшливий, нестійкий
deeply shocking, astonishing
That staggering cost of tax evasion
exceeds the gross domestic product
of two-thirds of the countries in the
stick to
follow the rules, or
practices of
The Delegation of Switzerland
believed it would be easier to stick
to the draft proposed by the Chair
to struggle with
боротися з чимось
make forceful or violent efforts toget free of restraint or constriction
It is not that I struggle with city,
but rather I investigate forms of
target, adj. /ˈtɑːgɪt / market
цільовий ринок
an area or arena in which
commercial dealings are
Children and young people
constitute a significant target
market for a large number of
different businesses.
to take into consideration
брати до уваги
take into account the
Peacebuilding activities should,
take into consideration the specific
needs of displaced populations and
of their receiving communities
to take great pride in
гордитись чимось
be especially proud of (a
particular quality or skill)
We take pride in having successfully completed projects that have step by step taken us closer to
our fundamental objective
to talk business
обговорити справи
discuss matters
When we talk business with clients,
we have CRM-system, we have
business processes which describe,
who and on which place can work.
temporary problem
тимчасова проблема
a matter or situation regarded as unwelcome or harmful
and needing to be
dealt with and overcome
The main temporary problem
confronting holding centers is a
lack of legal status.
to tend to develop
мати схильність до розвитку
grow or cause to grow
and become more mature,
advanced, or elaborate
Bigger countries tend to develop in
a more stable fashion in each of the
indicators than smaller countries
to tend to do smth
мати схильність щось робити
have a tendency to do
Some of the parties have such
programs only in their slogans; they
do not tend to go beyond that.
tucked away
concealed from the view
or notice of others
The resort is tucked away on a
surreal landscape that feels
secluded from it all.
unwary person
необережна людина
not cautious, not aware of
possible dangers or
Accidents can happen to the unwary
to use the web by
використовувати інтернет
мережу на чомусь
use the internet for
something (device)
You can also use Voice Search to
search the web by speaking, instead
of by typing.
to usher in new ways of
запровадити нові способи
introduce new ways of
exchanging information
or news
These new technologies could usher
in new ways of communication in
the era of digital public service
vast changes
вагомі ( великі) зміни
the act or instance of
making or becoming
Vast changes in the management
and organizational structure,
caused by errors in the
classification, based on monitoring.
to vary in
варіювати в
differ in size, amount, degree, or nature from something else
of the same general class
They vary in terms of their
complexity,underlying assumptions
and reliance on resources.
vital to do something
життєво необхідно щось
absolutely necessary or
important to make
It is vitel to remember the longterm needs of children who have been affected by armed conflict.
whistled form of communication
cвистяча форма спілкування
exchange information
through a high-pitched
sound made by
forcing breath through a small hole between partly closed lips
For hundreds of years, this whistled form of communication has been a critical for the farming community in the region.
world’s stock markets
світові фондові ринки
an area or area in which commercial dealings are
conducted at the global level
These world’s stock markets have
provided some of the best returns in
the world over the last several