unit 9 Flashcards
African American civil rights movement activist who advocated for the rights of African Americans. Led to the Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka case which banned segregation in schools. LO 9: He fought against racism and segregation, and the civil rights movement was a step in the right direction.
Nelson Mandela
An activist in South Africa against Apartheid, which put white people above all other races, even though they were the minority. He was later elected to be president of South Africa. LO 9: He advocated for his people and created a strong movement against segregation that was successful.
new modes of communication
New modes of communication included radio, cellular, and internet communication. LO 1: technology improved drastically which limited the need for closer distance communication.
medical innovations
Medical innovations included vaccines, which were small injections of a virus to help the patient become immune, and antibiotics, drugs that fight bacterial infections. LO 1: Lifespans were increased and people could live through more with strengthened immune systems.
COVID-19 Pandemic
A recent outbreak of the COVID virus. It started in 2019 in Wuhan, China, and spread very rapidly thoughout the entire world, setting off a global quarantine that has been on off the past three years. There has been many varients of the virus that have reacted differently to vaccines. LO 2: A large amount of the population has or will suffer from the pandemic, and every life has been affected in some way, wether it be a loss of a loved one or a diagnoses of the virus.
Diseases of poverty
Diseases of poverty are usually caused by oor hygiene and overpopulation. These include Malaria
LO 2: These affect people who do not have acces to medicine and even if they did they porbably would not be able to afford them.
diseases of longevity
Diseases that happen becuase people were starting to live longer. Examples included Alzheimers and heart disease. LO 2: People who had access to medicines for diseases of poverty were more likely to live longer, meaning they were also more likely to develop diseases that occured becuase of longer lifespans.
causes of environmental change
new technology created a demand for higher output of goods, and farming devices made that easier. However, the land was overused leading to desertification, and trees were in high demand, leading to deforestation. Other causes are water overuse and air pollution. LO 3: Humans started to revolutionize and make the agriculture system more efficient which put a toll on the environment.
economic liberalization
A free market idea that involves a looser approach to governmental control of the economy. LO 4: It is the opposite of socialism, and chnaged the way the economy flowed.
Deng Xiaoping
Chinese leader who introduced capitalism to China. He introduced it solely to the economy while keeping other communist aspects in the government. LO 4: He altered the very strict China’s economy and made major changes to the way the country worked.
knowledge economy
An economy where access to information is more important than the output of goods. LO 4: There was a shift from trade and production being most important to information and learning from new technology and communication.
World Trade Organization
A global organization that manages trade operations between nations. They oversee deals and make rules that protect each country. Anti-WTO protests happen due to beliefs in human rights and what they believed was an unequal distribution of trade profit. LO 4 and 7: globalization was met with some challenges, like how equality and communication messed with the nationalism people felt so strongly about toward their country.
Multinational Corporations
A company that functions in a large number of places at once and controls goods in more than one country. LO 4: Multination corporations have been around for a while and have controlled large amounts of manufacturing and production in the trading world.
The Association of Southeast Asian Nations. It was created to promote economic growth and provide stability for the countries that joined. LO 4: The organization aimed to stop communism and promote natural growth.
UN declaration of human rights
Made to fight against racists, sexist, classist, and antireligious policies. It aimed to protect women and children especially since they were either refugees, separated from their families, or forced to work in harsh conditions. LO 5: the declarations challenged the old ways of looking at things and made an effort to create change for minorities.
US Civil Rights Act 1965
An act put into place to reduce discrimination against those who were in minority groups and could not get access to education. They could not get an education because of their status, so they shouldn’t have been blamed for not knowing certain information. LO 5: The act created change as more people were allowed to vote and partake in activities they normally coild not do.
Green Belt Movement
A movement in Kenya was started to promote the conservation of the environment peacefully. LO 5: The movement peacefully challenged the stagnation of people against environmental issues.
The movie and music genre in India. It created a global culture and connected many people. LO 6: Globalization allowed for technology to grow which spread Bollywood and its culture very rapidly.
World Cup Soccer
A sporting event that unites a large number of countries through their love of sports and competition. It is a tournament that is competed by two countries that have beat other countries to get to the top. LO 6: Popular culture has grown with technology and globalization has made it easier.
United Nations
An organization that aims to resolve international problems through diplomacy and allyship. LO 8: Globalization led to an increase in communication between and within different states, countries, cultures, etc.