UNIT 8 Transport in Plants + EXAM QUES Flashcards
Functions of xylem
transport of water and mineral ions [taken up from the soil by the roots to the stem and leaves]
& support
Functions of phloem
transport of sucrose and amino
acids in plants AWAY from leaf to the rest of the plant
Identify in diagrams and images the position of
xylem and phloem as seen in sections of roots,
stems and leaves of non-woody dicotyledonous
Xylem - when looking like pills, lower part is xylem
Larger, towards centre, at the top otherwise = xylem
Relate structure of xylem vessels to their function
a) walls
b) contents
c) tube
Describe how the structure of this water-conducting tissue is adapted to its function.
a) thick walls with lignin
(b) no cell contents
(c) cells joined end to end with no cross walls to form a long continuous tube
// exam mark scheme:
thick /lignified, cell walls;
for support;
cell walls are waterproof/no water leaks out;
long/hollow/no cytoplasm/no organelles/no end walls;
water passes through easily/low resistance (to flow);
for lateral movement;
Identify in diagrams and images root hair cells
STATE root hair cells functions
The rectangle with the tube protruding from the right side.
⭐ single-celled extensions of EPIDERMIS cells in the root
⭐️ absorb water and minerals from the soil
⭐️ water enters the root hair cells by osmosis
⭐️ happens because soil water has a higher water potential than the cytoplasm of the root hair cell
What does large surface of root hairs do? Another adaptation?
large surface area of root hairs
increases the uptake of water and mineral ions
/ increases the rate of the absorption of water by osmosis and mineral ions by active transport
⭐️ Mitochondria release energy for active transport
Pathway taken by water through root, stem & leaf?
pathway taken by water through the root, stem and leaf as:
root hair cells,
root cortex cells,
mesophyll cells / layer
air pockets
Investigate, using a suitable stain, the pathway of
water through the above-ground parts of a plant
What is transpiration?
the loss of water vapour
from leaves
Water evaporates from…
water evaporates from the surfaces of the mesophyll cells
into the air spaces
and then diffuses out of the leaves through the stomata as
water vapour
Rhabdostyla is a single-celled organism that has no cell wall and no chlorophyll.
Gases are exchanged across the cell membrane of Rhabdostyla.
The gas produced by Rhabdostyla
carbon dioxide
the process that produces the gas
(aerobic) respiration
the method of removal of the gas
(simple) diffusion
Rhabdostyla lives in freshwater habitats, such as ponds, lakes and rivers.
Freshwater has a very low concentration of solutes.
Rhabdostyla has a contractile vacuole that fills with water and empties at intervals as shown in
Fig. 4.1. The contractile vacuole removes excess water
(b) Explain, using the term water potential, why Rhabdostyla needs to remove excess water.
Water enters by osmosis
Down a water potential gradient (high to low water potential)
through partially permeable membrane ;
needs to remove water to prevent bursting
In an investigation, individual Rhabdostyla were placed into different concentrations of sea water.
The rate of water excreted by the contractile vacuole of each organism was determined. The results
are shown in Fig. 4.2.
(c) Explain the results shown in Fig. 4.2.
as concentration of sea water increases the removal of water decreases ;
as concentration of sea water increases the water potential gradient decreases ;
therefore less water enters at higher concentrations of sea water ;
less excess water ;
(d) Single-celled organisms with cell walls do not have contractile vacuoles.
Suggest why. [3]
cell walls inelastic/keep shape of cell ;
cells are turgid/ have high turgor pressure ;
the cells will not burst ;
Explain how the root hair cell carries out its function [3]
Mineral ions are taken up by active transport
This water potential inside the root hair cell decreases
Water then enters the root hair cell by osmosis
Function of STOMATA [2]
movement of gas / oxygen/ carbon dioxide, into and out of leaf ;
for, photosynthesis /respiration ;
allows transpiration ;
Under identical environmental conditions the rate of water uptake in plant A is higher
than plant B.
Explain why. [3]
more stomata in variety A ;
more transpiration in variety A ;
greater opportunity for loss of water vapour through stomata in variety A ;
by evaporation, from surfaces of (mesophyll) cells / into air spaces
(in leaf) ;
loss of water from leaf (cells) lowers water potential ;
The density of stomata is an example of a leaf adaptation to the environmental conditions.
State two other adaptations of leaves for survival in a dry environment. [2]
hairs ;
thick cuticle ;
small surface area ;
Water lost from the leaves enters the atmosphere.
Describe how water is recycled from the atmosphere back to the roots. [2]
water vapour condenses to form clouds
precipitation ;
rainwater drains into rivers ;
seeps into soil ;
water-conducting tissue
Describe how the structure of this water-conducting tissue is adapted to its function [2]
thick /lignified, cell walls;
for support;
long/hollow, no end walls;
water passes through easily/low resistance (to flow);
Explain the mechanism of water movement from the roots up the tree to the leaves.
1 transpiration;
2 creates a, tension/negative pressure;
3 water potential gradient;
4 osmosis into leaf cells;
8 water evaporates, into airspaces (in mesophyll);
9 water (vapour), diffuses/passes, out through stomata;
Fig. 4.2 shows the rate of water conduction up three different trees in a forest over 24 hours.
(i) Describe the rate of water conduction in tree A, during this 24 hour period.
You will gain credit for using the data in Fig. 4.2 to support your answer [3]
two peaks;
at 10h, and 14/15h;
no water conduction before 4h;
slow/gradual, increase from 4h to 6h/7h;
Suggest how the ecologists used the data in Fig. 4.2 to calculate the total volume of
water used by a tree in 24 hours
calculate area under curve
(iii) In Fig. 4.2, tree A is a tall tree, tree B is a medium-height tree and tree C is a short tree.
Suggest reasons for the different rates of water conduction in the three trees.
different rates of transpiration;
factors affecting transpiration:
different species;
different diameters of xylem
(d) Loggers often cut down the tall trees in a forest.
Describe the effects on the forest ecosystem of cutting down trees. [4]
increase in carbon dioxide, concentration;
habitat/ecosystem, loss;
disruption to food webs;
less biodiversity;
Stomata allow the movement of gases into and out of the leaf. During the daytime oxygen
passes out and carbon dioxide passes in.
(i) Explain why oxygen passes out of the leaf during the daytime.
oxygen is a (waste/ by) product of photosynthesis ;
concentration inside the leaf is greater than outside ;
oxygen moves down its concentration gradient ;
by diffusion ;
idea that the rate of photosynthesis is greater than the rate of respiration ;
Describe the path taken by a carbon dioxide molecule after it has passed through the
stomata during the daytime until it becomes part of a glucose molecule. [3]
passes through air spaces ;
carbon dioxide dissolves in water (in cell wall) ;
diffuses, through, cell membrane ;
diffuses, through, cytoplasm ;
enters chloroplast/ used in chloroplast ;
reacts with water (to form glucose) ;