Bio Alt to Prac Flashcards
for diagrams ensure
- use at least half of space
- NO sketching
- labels touch related obj. RULER used & best horizontal
- have detail
drawing diagrams [IMPORTANT]
- use only a single, clean, bold line to outline structures of organism - NO SHADING OR SKETCHING
- label lines TOUCH organism
- use more than half of given space
- include all outlines, structures, patterns
variable in investigation we are changing/manipulating
variable in investigation we’re measuring
e.g. water, soil, temp, day/night time
variable/s in investigation we are keeping constant
note: all variable that could impact the dependent variable should be controlled except iv
continuous data
- does not fall into distinct categories
-can have a spectrum of values
e.g. height, weight, skin colour, cm a plant grows
discontinuous data
- falls into distinct categories with no intermediates
e.g. eye colour, occupation, taking transport, fav ff chain
identifying errors (mistakes that decrease accuracy & reliability of data)
- common:
- inaccurate measurement of dependent or independent variable; could be through using incorrect equipment or parallax error
📌 failing to keep controlled variables constant (temp, levels)
📌 failing to do repeats
- contaminated equipment (sterilising swab before og sample)
planning scientific investigations -
-include units for everything
-state IV
- state DV
-state at least 3 CVs. EVERYTHING that could impact DV
- mention doing REPEATS to increase accuracy and reliability of data
drawing tables
-use a ruler - make NEAT & TIDY
- all variables/measurements have a heading that includes units
- include units for every cell [JIC]
drawing graphs:
line, bar [GAPS, 1 con 1 discon], histogram [NO GAPS BTWN, both only con]
- a title
- x and y axis labels including units
-even scale
-plot points in correct position
-MUST use at least half of space given
_ I
names of 2 beakers/test tubes A/B on left column. nth above
main top heading Change of Temperature Per Minute (℃)
Below it 5 columns from ZERO MINUTES [values given in ques] to 5 min as asked. all labelled with “min” at end
“appropriate rounding” => 1 d.p.
connect to previous ques / actually connect to experiment and use appropriate terminology/words - scientific.
The larger the penguin the lower the RATE of heat loss
OR, the larger penguin loses heat more slowly
with exps where objects rep animals etc., don’t state IV as the representative thing but the LITERAL one used in exp.
❌ “type of penguin”
✅ size of the container
CVs [1] - examples in MS
- starting temperature of the water;
- height of water on each container ;
-temperature of environment / surroundings ;
Plan an investigation to determine the effect of temperature on the rate of diffusion in model cells. [6]
[Agar jelly cubes are colourless and can be stained pink with an indicator. When placed in an acid solution, the acid diffuses into the agar jelly cubes and the pink colour starts to disappear. When the acid has reached the centre of the agar jelly cube, the agar is completely colourless]
any 6 of these 7:
- the independent variable is at least two different temperatures
-the dependent variable is the time taken for the cube to become completely colourless
-MAX 3 OF: variables kept constant should be same size agar cubes, volume of acid, pH of acid, same type of indicator, and using the same type of acid - use hydrochloric acid
-repeat investigation two more times
-a relevant safely precaution is googles. also cut away from hand
WORTH 3 MARKS. half of marks but must touch on:
method of maintaining different temperatures ;
method of cutting agar cubes ;
enough acid to cover cubes / AW
- in this investigation three different temperatures of 30℃, 40℃, and 50℃ used.
Cut the pink agar jelly cube into dimensions 1cm x 1cm x 1cm using a knife.
Add the slices of cubes into the acid, enough acid to cover cubes, which is placed on a THERMOSTATICALLY CONTROLLED WATER BATH. Then record the time taken for the cube to become colourless.
State a conclusion for the results of this investigation.
more bubbles in B (yeast suspension
and glucose solution)
less in A (0.1mol/dm^3 glucose solution)
at higher (glucose) concentrations (yeast) respires at a higher rate