Unit 8 Test Flashcards
Thurgood Marshall
A string civil rights activist, first African American Supreme Court Justice
Brown vs. Board of Education
Supreme Court struck down segregation in schooling as an unconstitutional violation.
Rosa Parks
A black woman, member of NAACP, who shunned segregated things like elevators and drinking fountains, etc.
Martin Luther King Jr
Civil rights activist who lead many boycotts and protests
Its purpose was to carry on nonviolent crusades against the evils of 2nd class citizenship
It hoped to harness the energy pf these student protesters; it would soon create one of the most important student activist movements in US history
freedom riders
People who hoped to provoke a violent reaction that would convince the Kennedy administration to enforce the law.
James Meredith
Air Force veteran who was allowed to enroll in an all white university, but when he got there, he wasn’t allowed to register as a student
Civil Rights Act of 1964
Prohibited discrimination because of race, religion, national origin, and gender.
Freedom Summer
A 1964 project to register African American voters in Mississippi
Voting Rights Act of 1965
A law that made it easier for African Americans to register to vote by eliminating discriminatory literacy tests and authorizing federal examiners to enroll voters denied at the local level
de facto segregation
segregation that exists by practice and custom
de jure segregation
segregation by law
Malcolm X
He believed blacks should build a completely separate society from whites
Nation of Islam
A religious group, Black Muslims, founded by Elijah Muhammad to promote black separatism and Islamic religion.
Black Power
A slogan used by Stokely Carmichael in the 1960s that encouraged African American pride and political and social leadership
Black Panthers
A militant African American political organization formed in 1966 by Huey Newton and Bobby Seale to fight police brutality and to provide services in the ghetto.
Civil Rights Act of 1968
A law that banned discrimination in housing
affirmative housing
A policy that seeks to correct the effects of past discrimination by favoring groups who were previously disadvantaged.
John F Kennedy
35th President, believed America should confront the danger of communism, great public speaker
flexible response
a policy, developed during the Kennedy administration, that involved preparing for a variety of military responses to international crises rather than focusing on the use of nuclear weapons
Fidel Castro
leader of Cuba, communist
Berlin Wall
A concrete wall separating East and West Berlin
hot line
this dedicated phone enabled the leaders of US and SU to communicate at once should another crisis arise
Limited Test Ban Treaty
it barred nuclear testing in the atmosphere
Bay of Pigs
President Eisenhower sent Cuban exiles into Cub to assassinate Castro. It failed epically and the US had to pay $53 million to get their Cubans back.
Cuban Missile Crisis
Soviets put nuclear missiles in Cuba that could destroy the entire nation of America. Kennedy was able to make a deal to prevent WWIII.
New Frontier
President JFK legislative program, which included proposals to provide medical care for the elderly, to rebuild blighted urban areas, to aid education, to bolster the national defense, to increase international aid, and to expand the space program.
Peace Corps
An agency established in 1961 to provide volunteer assistance to developing nations in Asia, Africa, and Latin America
Alliance for Progress
An US foreign aid program of the 1960s, providing economic and technical assistance to Latin American countries.
Warren Commission
A group, headed by Chief Justice Earl Warren, that investigated the assassination of President Kennedy and concluded that Lee Harvey Oswald was alone responsible for it.
The Movement of the Migrant Workers
Many workers from other countries moved to the Pacific Coast, the Midwest, and the Atlantic Coast to work in the fields.
Lyndom B Johnson
President after JFK, his ambition and drive became legendary
Economic Opportunity Act
Approved nearly $1 billion for youth programs, anti-poverty measures, small businesses leans, and job training. For examples, the Job Crops Youth Training Program, VISTA, Project Head Start, and The Community Action Program.
Great Society
President Johnson’s program to reduce poverty and racial injustice and to promote a better quality of life in the US.
Medicare and Medicaid
- Provided hospital insurance and low-cost medical insurance for almost every American ages 65+
- Extended health insurance to welfare recipients
Immigrant Act of 1965
Opened the door for many non-European immigrants to settle in the US by ending quotas based on nationality.
Warren Court
The Supreme Court during the period when Earl Warren was Chief Justice, noted for its activism in the areas of civil rights
the redrawing of election districts reflect in population
Elementary and Secondary Act
$1 billion to help public and parochial schools purchase textbooks, etc
Baker vs. Carr
Federal courts had the right to tell states to redivide their districts more evenly
Mapp vs. Ohio
Evidence seized illegally can’t be used in court
Gideon vs. Wainwright
Required criminal courts to provide free legal counsel to those who couldn’t afford it
Escobedo vs. Illinois
An accused person has the right to have a lawyer present during police questioning
Miranda vs. Arizona
All suspects must be read their rights before questioning