Unit 8 Flashcards
Enlightenment’s effect on French Revolution
-main ideology
-criticized absolutism
-advocated for popular sovereignty
-Natural Rights
-classical liberalism
American Revolution’s effect of French Revolution
-Enlightened actions
-France involved
-Rivals w/ England
-French-Indian War
Ancien Regime
Period before French Revolution (1789)
Estates system
Class structure
First Esate
-exempt from taxes (taille)
Second Estate
-exempt from taxes
-feudal privileges
Third Estate
-everyone else
-wealthy, Enlightened, and educated
-could become noblesse de robe
-urban workers
-rural agriculture workers
-French judicial courts
-made of nobles
Louis XV
-had Rene de Maupeou check parlements
-Madame Pompadour -> desacralization of king
Rene de Maupeou
-Chancellor under Louis XV
-parlements checked monarchy -> got rid of them
Madame de Pompadour
-mistress of Louis XV
-believed to be making political decisions -> desacralization
Louis XVI
-dismissed Maupeou
-mistake because no one checking parlements
-Married Marie Antoinette
Marie Antoinette
-married Louis XVI
-not well liked
-hated peasants
-had a luxury lifestyle that peasants paid for
Financial issues
-debt from wars
-Louis XIV’s war
-American Revolution
-can’t pay due to inadequate tax base
Charles de Calonne
-Financial advisors of Louis XIV
-calls upon Assembly of Notables
-nobles say that he needs to call upon Estates General
Cashiers de Doléances
-king asked different estates to give their grievances
Voting issues
-every estate got 1 vote
-Third Estate wanted to have more delegates and vote by head
Abbé Sieyès
-“What is the Third Estate?”
-1st Estate
“What is the Third Estate?”
-Abbé Sieyès
-advocated for third estate being more representated
-Third Estate does everything and 1st and 2nd do nothing
Estates General of May 1789
-voting issue not solved
-creation of National Assembly
National Assembly
-Enlightened 1 and 2 and all of 3 estate
-formed in response to the voting issue of the Estates General 1789
-legal equality
-created a constitution
-no more estates
Intellectuals joining French Revolution
-Enlightened morals
3rd estate in French Revolution
Realistic and practical concerns
Louis XVI’s response to National Assembly
Mercenaries meeting in Paris to go to Versailles
Storming of the Bastille
-Parisians went to gather arms to fight the king
-July 14th 1789
The Great Fear
-Summer of 1789
-Peasants hear that nobles will fight them
-Peasants destroyed all feudal objects
-Nobles flee to get support
August 4th Decrees
-National Assembly abolishes feudalism
-legal equality
Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen
-blueprint for constitution
-National Assembly