[Unit 7B] Getting things gone Flashcards
I’m going to the dentist for a check-up next week, and I think I may have a _ (= дырка в зубе, кариес), so I might need a filling.
I’m going to the dentist for a check-up next week, and I think I may have a cavity, so I might need a filling.
His hood cover is badly _ (= капот сильно помят).
His hood cover is badly dented.
I’m going to the dentist _ a ch_-_ (= иду к стоматологу на осмотр) next week, and I think I may have a cavity, so I might need a filling.
I’m going to the dentist for a check-up next week, and I think I may have a cavity, so I might need a filling.
He’s torn his clothes. He needs to _ _ _ (and _).
Ему нужно отнести её в ремонт, (а заодно и почистить).
He’s torn his clothes. He needs to get them mended (and cleaned).
I’m going to the dentist for a check-up next week, and I think I may have a cavity, so I might need a f_ (= пломба).
I’m going to the dentist for a check-up next week, and I think I may have a cavity, so I might need a filling.
I need to _ (заменить молнию в мастерской).
I need to get the zip replaced.
I _ (clean, my suit = отдала свой костюм с химчистку) last week, but they didn’t make a very good job of it. I won’t use that dry cleaner’s again.
I had my suit cleaned last week, but they didn’t make a very good job of it. I won’t use that dry cleaner’s again.
or: got my suit cleaned
He has a toothache. He probably has a cavity - he might need a filling or a tooth _ (= коронку).
He has a toothache. He probably has a cavity - he might need a filling or a tooth crown.
My car is coming up for a service, and I’ve also got a small dent in the side, so I’ll _ (fix) then.
My car is coming up for a service, and I’ve also got a small dent in the side, so I’ll get that fixed then.
I’m _ (repair, my watch), but I can’t pick it up till next week.
I’m getting my watch repaired, but I can’t pick it up till next week.
I had my suit cleaned last week, but they _’t _ a very _ job _ _ (= they did it poorly). I won’t use that dry cleaner’s again.
I had my suit cleaned last week, but they didn’t make a very good job of it. I won’t use that dry cleaner’s again.
or: didn’t do a very good job of it
He needs to _ (заменить капот - the hood cover).
He needs to get the hood cover replaced.
I’ve _ my jacket (= порвала), so I’ll have to get it mended.
I’ve torn my jacket, so I’ll have to get it mended.
Honey, I’m _ (the car - отдал машину в ремонт).
Honey, I’m getting the car repaired.
or: getting the car fixed
That shop _ a_ s_ of r_ (= там можно отремонтировать много чего).
That shop does all sorts of repairs.
I’m going to have my hair cut after work. I just want a _ (= мне нужно только слегка подровнять).
I’m going to have my hair cut after work. I just want a trim.
He got his hair cut, but _ didn’t make _ very g_ job _ _.
(= ему подстригли не очень хорошо)
He got his hair cut, but they didn’t make a very good job of it.
or: didn’t do a very good job of it
My car is coming up for a service, and I’ve also got a small _ _ _ side (= вмятина сбоку), so I’ll get that fixed then.
My car is coming up for a service, and I’ve also got a small dent in the side, so I’ll get that fixed then.
I hope I won’t have to get a tooth crown - that’s _ _ _ my insurance (= не покрывается моей страховкой).
I hope I won’t have to get a tooth crown - that’s not covered by my insurance.
I’m getting my watch repaired, but I can’t p_ _ _ (= забрать их) till next week.
I’m getting my watch repaired, but I can’t pick it up till next week.
I’ve torn my jacket, so I’ll have to get it m_ (= отнести куртку в ателье, в ремонт).
I’ve torn my jacket, so I’ll have to get it mended.
My car is c_ _ _ a s_ (= Моей машине скоро предстоит техобслуживание), and I’ve also got a small dent in the side, so I’ll get that fixed then.
My car is coming up for a service, and I’ve also got a small dent in the side, so I’ll get that fixed then.
I’m getting the car s_ (= отдал машину на техобслуживание - плановое).
I’m getting the car serviced.
Reformulate this with a causative ‘have’.
Someone stole his phone.
He had his phone stolen.
The option with ‘had’ is often used to describe negative experiences.