Unit 7- Pops in Ecosystems Flashcards
Method for estimating pop size of slow-moving or non-motile organisms.
- split area into a grid
- cooridinates generated from a random no. generator
- larger no. of quadrats
- count no. / % cover in each quadrat
- calculate mean
- calculate sampled mean per area of quadrat –> multiply by area to estimate total pop in whole area
Method for estimating pop size of motile organisms.
1. capture a sampl
2. mark
3. release + give time for random distribution
4. capture 2nd sample –> count total no. + no. of marked individuals
5. calculate pop size = n1 x n2 / nm
capture mark release
n1- initially caught ; n2- 2nd sample ; nm- marked
Ethics associated with mark-release-recapture technique.
x permanent harm- mark must be:
- non-toxic
- x ↑ chance of predation
- x ↓ chance of reproduction
Assumptions made when using the mark-release-recapture method.
- proportion of marked to unmarked in 2nd sample = proportion in whole pop
- individuals distribute evenly amongst pop after released
- pop has definite boundary- x immigration/ emigration
- x/ few births + deaths
What is succession?
change in community over time
∵ abiotic factors
What is the starting point for primary succession?
bare ground (e.g. rock)
What is the start point for secondary succession?
community is damaged –> soil left –> plants colonise
e.g. when woodland is felled
What is the end point of succession?
climax community- stable + x further succession
What happens in the pioneer stage of succession?
- species colonise new land surface
- seed + spores blown in wind –> grow
- harsh abiotic conditions- only pioneer species adapted + grow
- pioneer species make abiotic conditions ↓ hostile (change carbon cycle)
- new organisms can colonise
- species diversity ↑
- communities ↑ complex
- ↑ habitats formed
- ↑ food sources available
- organisms bigger + live longer
- ↑ biomass
What happens in the later stages of succession?
- plants + animals better adapted to improved conditions out-compete existing species –> dominant species
- ecosystem ↑ complex
- ↑ biodiversity (old + new species)
- plants create ↑ habitats
- abiotic conditions ↓ hostile
What are the 2 forces affecting genetic variation?
- genetic drfit
- natural selection
What is genetic drift?
change in allele freq. in small pop
What is natural selection?
↑ freq of alleles that enhance fitness of individuals
What is evolution?
change in allele freq. in a pop