5- Flashcards
What is another name for producers?
Why are quaternary consumers less common in mammals, but common in aquatic environments?
- mammals lose energy in maintaining body temp
- ↓ energy to pass on
- aquatic = stable environment
- fish = cold-blooded–> x lose heat for body temp
What are sugars used for in plants?
- most = resp
- some = make bio molecules eg. cellulose
- –> biomass- chemical energy stored –> next trophic level
Why do we measure the dry mass of tissue per given area?
amount of water varies –> affects overall mass
How do we obtain a dry sample to measure mass?
- dry in oven 40-80°C (too high- burn sample)
- weigh at regular intervals until constant mass (all water evaporated)
What are the units for dry mass?
gm-2 / kg h-2 (hectare)
- if grown within specific time- kg m-2 y-1 (per year)
How can we estimate the mass of carbon in a sample?
- burn biomass
- measure energy given off as heat
- by cal. temp it heats a known vol of water to
Evaluate pyramid of biomass
➕ ↑ reliable than pyramid of individual no. of organisms
➖ only estimated w/ small sample –> x representative
➖ drying + weighing –> time consuming/ ethical issues
Evaluate pyramid of energy
➕ most accurate- organisms w/ same biomass could have diff. amounts of energy
➖ data is difficult to collect
➖ only representative of given area at one time point
Def for productivity
rate of generation of biomass in an ecosystem
- unit: g m-2 y-1
def for GPP
gross primary production
- total amount of chemical energy converted from light energy by plants in a given area
4 reasons why not all light energy from sun is converted into chemical energy by plants
- reflected
- wrong wavelength
- transmitted thru leaf
- hits parts of plant x photosynthesise
What is respiratory loss?
50% of GPP lost to environment as heat when plants respire
def for NPP
net primary productivity
- energy available for plant growth & reproduction
- stored in plant biomass
- energy available for next trophic level
def for secondary productivity
energy stored in biomass by primary consumers –> passed on to secondary consumer/ decomposer