Unit 7 - Module 1 - Python Programming Flashcards
What is the use of technology to reduce human manual effort persom common and repetitive tasks?
Why is Python used in cybersecurity?
User friendly
Rembles Human language
Less code
Easy to read
Standard Guidelines
Online Support
Built-in Code
What is a process that can be used to create a specific set of instructions for a computer to execute tasks?
What do you call a computer program that translates Python code into runnable instructions line by line?
What refers to the rules that determine what is correctly structured in a computer language?
What do you call a note programmers make about the intention behind their code?
In Python, What code outputs a specified object to the screen?
print ()
Example - print(“Hello Python”)
What is something that is an online interface for writing, storing and running code?
What is a software application for writing code that proivides editing assistance and error correction tools?
Integrated Devleopment Enviroment (IDE)
What is a category for a particular type of dta item?
Data type
What is data consisting of an ordered sequence of characters?
String Data
What is data consisting of a number with decimal point?
Float Data
What is data consisiting of a number that does not include a decimal point?
Integer Data
What is data that can only be one of two values: True or False
Boolean Data
What do you call data structure that consists of a collection of data in sequential form?
List Data
What data is structured consisting of a collection of data that cannot be changed?
Tuple Data
What data consitis of one more key-value paris?
Dictionary Data
What is data that consitis of an unordred collection of unique values?
Set Data
What is a container that stores data?
What function returns that data type of its input?
What is a statement that evaluates code to determine if it meets a specified set of conditions?
Conditional Statement
What starts a conditional statement?
What evaluates whether two ojects are different?
What precedes a code section that only evaluates when all conditions that precede it within the conditional statement evaluate to False ?
What is code that repeatedly executes a set of insructions?
Iterative statement
What are the 2 loops?
for loops
while loops
What command signals the beginning of a for loop?
Whats the difference between while and for loops?
While loops stop the repeated actions when a guideline isn’t met, while for loops keep going.