Unit 3 - Module 2 Flashcards
What protocol allows two or more devices to form a connection and stream data?
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
What is Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS)
A network protocol providing secure method of communication between clients and website servers.
What is a network protocol?
A set of rules used by two or more devices on a network, describing the order of delivery and structure of the data.
What is Transmission Control Protocol? (TCP)
An internet communications protocol that allows two devices to form a connection and stream data.
What network protocol is used to determine the MAC address of the next router or device on the path?
Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)
What network protocol translates internet domain names into IP addresses?
Domain Name System (DNS)
( Turns website names into IP addresses)
1) What is a User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
A connectionless protocol that does not establish a connection between devices before a transmission. This is less safe but allows transmission to get to their destination quickly.
Which protocol does gaming usually use? Why?
User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
UDP is a fast way to get transmissions to their destination quickly, but less safe.
Which Protocol is less safe than Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)? Why is it less safe?
User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
It’s less safe because it doesn’t need to make a connection between devices before a transmission, while a TCP must make a connection before.
What are management protocols used for?
Monitoring and managing activity on a network
What does a Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) used for?
Monitoring and managing devices on a network.
What is a Internet Control Message Management Protocol (ICMP)
What is it commonly used to address?
A internet protocol used by devices to tell each other about data transmission errors across the network.
Commonly used to address ping issues.
What are the 3 Protocols?
Communication, Management, and Security protocols
Private IP Addresses
Assigned by who?
Unique only within what?
How much does it cost? $$$
1) Assigned ny network admins
2) Unique only within private network
3) Free
Public IP Addresses
Assigned by who?
Is the adress unique?
Ho wmuch does it cost? $$$
1) Assigned by ISP and IANA
2) Unique adress in global internet
3) Cost to lease a public IP address
What does IANA stand for? What do they do?
The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority is a standards organization that oversees global IP address allocation
What do DHCP stand for? What does it do?
**Dynamic Host Control Protocol **
An application layer protocol used on a network to configure devices
Are MAC addresses permanent?
What is the ARP’s purpose?
Translate IP addresses that are found in data packets into MAC adresses.
What is an application layer protocol?
Defines how application processes (clients and servers), running on different systems, pass messages to each other.
What is Telnet?
An application layer protocol that allows a device to communicate with another device or server. Telnet send all information in clear text.
What is Secure Shell’s purpose?
Create a secure connection with a remote system
What is Post office protocol? (POP)
Protocol used to manage and retrieve email from a mail server
What is Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) purpose?
Used for incoming email, it downloads the headers of emails, not the context.
What’s is Simple Mail Transfer Protocol function? (SMTP)
Used to transmit and route email from the sender to the recipient’s address.
What is a port number’s function?
Used by network devices to determin what should be done with the information contained in the data packet once they reach their destination.
What is IEEE 802.11?
Wireless LANs
What is WPA?
Wifi Protected Access (WPA)
A wireless security protocol for devices to connect to the internet
What is the oldest wireless security (WI-Fi) protocol?
Wireless equivalent pricavy (WEP)
It’s largely out of use to this day. It’s from 1999.
What’s the key differences between WPA2 and WPA3?
3 Things
1) WPA3 addresses the authentication handshake vulnerability to KRACK attacks, which is present in WPA2
2) WPA3 uses Simultaneous Authentication of Equals (SAE), a password-authenticated, cipher-key-sharing agreement.
3) WPA3 has increased encryption to make passwords more secure by using 128-bit encryption, with WPA3-Enterprise mode offering optional 192-bit encryption.
Which security protocol is used to keep information safe?
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS) provide a secure protocol by which two networked peers may perform encrypted communications.
What is Port Filerting?
A firewall function that blocks or allows certain port numbers to limit unwanted communication.
What do you call a software firewall that is hosted by a cloud service provider?
Cloud-based Firewalls
What do you call a firewall that keeps track of information passing through it and proactivvely filters out threats.
A Stateful Firewall
What’s a Stateless firewall?
Firewall that operates based on predefined rules and does not keep track of information from data packets.
What is a NGFW and 3 benefits of it
Next Generation Firewall
1) Deep Packet inspection
2) Intrusion protection
3) Threat Intelligence
What 3 Things Do Virtual Private Networks (VPN) do?
1) Changes public IP address
2) Hides your virtual location
3) Encrypts your data online
What is the process performed by a VPN serice that protects your data by wrapping sensitive data in other data packets?
What do you call a segment of a network that protects the internal network from the internet?
Security Zone
What do you call dividing the network into segments?
Network Segmentation
What is an Uncontrolled Zone?
Any network outside of the organization’s control
What is a subnet that protects the internal network from the uncontrolled zone?
Controlled Zone
What are 3 areas in the controlled zone?
1) Demilitarized Zone (DMZ)
2) Interneal Network
3) Restricted Zone
What do you call dividing networks up while under the same router?
What kind of proxy server regulates and restrict a person’s access to the internet?
Forward Proxy Server
What kind of proxy server regulates and restricts the* internet’s* accsess to an internal server?
Reverse Proxy Server