UNIT 7: FITT Flashcards
”3 by 5” Approach for strength, speed and power
Dose Response Relationship
FITT - Hypertophy
FITT - Strength
FITT - Endurance
Weight machines vs free weights
Resistance is provided by both types
Exercise machines
- Safer, convenient, and easy to use
Free weights
- Require more care, balance, and coordination
- Strength transfers to daily activities
Static (isometric) exercise
muscle contraction without a change in the length of the muscle
Dynamic (isotonic) exercise
muscle contraction with a change in the length of the muscle
Concentric contraction
muscle applies force as it shortens
Eccentric contraction
muscle applies force as it lengthens
Constant resistance
constant load throughout a joint’s range of motion
Variable resistance
changing load to provide maximal resistance throughout a joint’s range of motion (chains/bands)
Eccentric loading
placing load on a muscle as it lengthens
sudden eccentric loading and stretching followed by a concentric contraction
Speed loading
moving a load as rapidly as possible
Isokinetic exercise
exerting force at a constant speed against an equal force
Free weights (FW) vs machine
weights (MW) vs calisthenics
FW: more taxing (usually done standing), stabilization required, more control and coordination needed, various angles and grips, better transfer to tasks, closed kinetic chain.
MW: safer, spotter not needed, isolate movements
Calisthenics: body weight, full ROM, progressions (no equipment needed), circuit training
Hip dominant exercises
(hip more flexed)
- Deadlift (conventional/traditional)
- Hip thrusts/bridges
- Romanian deadlift (stiff leg/RDL: hip hinge focus)
- Good mornings
- Single leg romanian deadlifts
- Cable pull-throughs
- Low/high bar back squats
- High box step ups
You would choose these for more glute development. The torso will be angled more and the tibia will be more vertical
Knee dominant exercises
(knee more flexed)
- Lunges (forward and reverse)
- Leg press
- Low box step ups
- Squats (overhead, front), also Bulgarian split, goblet and pistol squats
- Sumo deadlift
You would choose knee dominant if you are working on quad development. The torso is more vertical and the tibia more angled.
Exercise Prescription (types)
Whole Body: Alternate lower body and upper body (ant./post.)
Isolate body parts: ie. legs, arms, chest, back
Agonist and Antagonists Consider:
- Bilateral exercises progressing to unilateral
- Push/Pull (symmetry): vertical or horizontal plane
- Rotational and anti-rotational
Push pull exercise combinations
Order of exercises
- Multi-joint exercises precede single-joint exercises
- Higher intensity exercises precede lower intensity Exercises
lifting velocity or cadence
Concentric: Mod to high speeds of 1-2 secs
Eccentric: 1-2 secs on the eccentric (down) phase
Hypertrophy: Slower - Under Control
Power: Faster
Written as: 1-1-3 or concentric-isometric-eccentric