Unit 7 - Cities and Urban Land Use Models Flashcards
what are the 4 models
Concentric Zone, Sector Model, Multiple Nuclei, Galactic Urban (Peripheral)
1 - CBD, 2- Zone of transition, 3- independent workers’ homes, 4- better residences 5- commuters zone
Concentric Zone
who made concentric zone model
Earnest Burgess
lower class live closest to CBD, upper class live further - can afford commute to work. - Invasion and succession
concentric model most important feature
1 - CBD, 2- Transportation and Industry, 3- low class res, , 4- mid class res 5- high class res
Sector Model
who made sector model
Homer Hoyt
Major transportation routes
considered, cities would tend to grow sectors, emanating
from the CBD and centered on major transportation routes
sector model Most important features
1 - CBD, 2- Wholesale, light manu. 3- low class res, , 4- mid class res 5- high class res, 6- heavy manu. 7- outlying BD, 8- res suburb, 9- industrial suburb
Multiple nuclei model
who made multiple nuclei model
Chauncey Harris and Edward
more than one center/node
multiple nuclei model
port, neighborhood business center, university, airport, park
types of nodes
Cities of greater size
were developing substantial suburb areas,
some suburbs having reached significant size, functioned like smaller business districts. - satellites of the main CBD,
contained specific activities - EDGE CITIES
Multiple nuclei Most important feature
- Edge Cities * Multiplier Effect
- Ex. LA, Houston
multiple nuclei
1 - CBD, 2- suburb res, 3- shopping mall 4- industrial district 5- office park, 6- service center, 7-airport 8- combined employment & shopping center
galactic/peripheral model
who made galactic/peripheral model
Chauncey Harris
Edge cities, significant urban
sprawl, segregation that
characterizes many suburbs.
galactic/peripheral model Most important feature
beltway/ring road
galactic/peripheral model
renters will live
closer to the CBD than homeowners
Concentric Zone Model
the higher and lower income
homeowners will not live in the same sector
Sector model
people with similar ethnic/racial
backgrounds will live near one another
Multiple nuclei model
families with children are especially attracted to the suburbs
concentric and sector model
LA, Houston
multi nuclei model
Atlanta, Baltimore
Galactic – Peripheral Model
who made latin america model
Larry ford
Spine of high-income res. areas outward from CBD with poorer squatter settlements on outskirts, remnants of colonization, CBD very important
Latin america model
who made asian city model
Terry McGee
cities that re-export goods that are brought into their borders, sending items to all areas of the globe.
Entrepots (asian city, ex. singapore)
specific area within a country
in which tax and investment incentives are implemented to attract foreign businesses and investment
Special Economic Zones (asian city)
Economic development led to stronger infrastructure, economic importance, most cities are located on coasts with ports- most important place
asian city model
twisted streets, Layout based on Koran, Jani (Primary mosque) is at the center, Structures built to protect privacy of women, Bazaar
islamic city model
who made sub Saharan africa model
H.J. DeBlij
Fastest-growing urban areas of the world, Economic conditions of the countries force
migration to cities for work, Urban population lowest
in the world
sub Saharan africa model
Strong colonial imprint, Lack of transportation systems,
Orphaned or homeless children
sub Saharan africa model
resembles colonizer’s country
Colonial CBD
current commercial center of the city with financial institutions
(similar to US CBD)
Traditional CBD
sells anything from rugs to vegetables or live animals – black market economy
Market/Bazaar CBD
Cities are much older, Preservation of older buildings, streets in dendritic pattern,
Wealthy in center- poorer on outskirts - Skyscrapers outskirts, Greenbelts
European cities