UNIT 7 Flashcards
Civil Disobedience
Deliberate lawbreaking that accepts punishment by state authorities as part of the action
Contentious Politics
The usually disruptive, direct, and highly conflictive ways that people advance their claims on elites, authorities, and opponents, ranging from peaceful protests to wars and other lethal conflicts
COup d’etat
A forcible overthrow of government by the military
Deliberate and systematic extermination of a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group
Guerrilla Warfare
A form of highly political warfare built around lightly armed irregulars who oppose a government and use hit and run tactics and political work to take power
A rebellion or revolt, especially one employing the tools of guerilla warfare.
A blend of military and political action taken by a government to defeat an insurgency
Just War
This is a theory that attempts to provide criteria for determining when the use of military force is morally justifiable
Exclusion from the main stream
Political Conflict
A state of opposition, usually involving groups and the state, over something government is doing or purposes to do.
Political Opportunity Structures (POS)
The openings that political institutions and processes offer to or withhold from movements.
Political Violence
The use of physical force with a political objective
Protest Movement
a protest movement is a collective organized effort by a group of people to express their objection, dissent, or opposition to a particular idea, policy, action, or condition
Regime Violence
Political violence used by a government against its citizens, generally to repress dissent and keep order.
The use of violence to overthrow a government, especially when the overthrow is followed by rapid, thorough social, economic, and political restructuring.
Social Revolution
A revolution that changes not just who governs but also how a state is organized and how its society and economy are structured
The separation of a territory from an existing state.
Segregation is the enforced separation of groups based on race, ethnicity, or other characteristics, leading to unequal treatment, limited access to resources, and social division.
The deliberate use of violence designed to induce fear in a population in order to achieve a political objective.
State Terrorism
Refers to acts of terrorism that are carried out by a state or its agents against its own citizens or other nations.
A state of armed conflict between different nations or states or different groups within a nation or state