Unit 6 Terms Flashcards
Population growth
The increase in the number of humans in a particular place
The movement of people from one place to another
Economic development
Progress and development made to a countries economy
A country’s population shifts from being primarily rural to primarily urban
The process by which people move from urban areas to outskirts/suburbs
Mega cities
A city that has a very large and growing population of over 10 million people
Urban areas with over 20 million people
the outer, less developed regions of a country or global system, typically characterized by low levels of economic development, reliance on primary resource extraction, and a subordinate relationship to the more powerful “core” regions
Semi periphery
countries that fall between the “core” and “periphery” in the world-systems theory
Uncoordinated growth without concern of consequence or the expansion of cities and urban areas into surrounding rural or undeveloped land
The tendency of people or businesses and industries to locate outside the central city
Edge cities
Notes of economic activity developed in the periphery of large cities
Green Revolution
Development during around the 1950s of higher yield and fast growing crops through increased technology, pesticides, and fertilizers
Prosperous residential districts, beyond the suburbs that are the outcome of counter urbanization
Boom burbs
Large rapidly growing incorporated communities of more than 100,000 residents that are not the biggest city in the region. Usually developed along a highway interchange
Urban hierarchy
the ranking of cities based on their size, population, and economic importance
Rank size rule
Rank of a city with an urban system predicts the size of the city. N – TH largest city in a region with the 1/N this size of the largest city.
Primate city
When the largest city in an urban system is more than twice as large as the next largest city
Gravity model
Interaction between two places depends on two things: distance between places and population of the two places
Christaller’s Central Place Theory
Developed to explain distribution of cities of different sizes across a region. Big city in the center less of the big cities and also smaller cities that are sort of like around.