Unit 4 Terms Flashcards
A political unit with a permanent population, sovereign territory, and effective government and working economy
Multinational state
A state containing more that one nation
A group of people with shared cultural heritage and beliefs, loyalty, a distinct homeland, and the ability or desire to form their own sovereign state
The practice of 1 nation assuming the control over another nation
Policy of extending a country’s power through force
Development over time
The connection of people, their culture, and their economic systems to where they live
Control over developing countries exerted indirectly
Unstable regions caused by being located between two very different regions
Delimited Boundary
Lines that are drawn on a map to represent the limits of a territory or political entity
Demarcated boundaries
Clearly defined lines that separate different political entities
Maritime boundaries
Division of water surface into maritime areas that are defined through surrounding physical geography
International waters
The areas of sea that are not under any country
Exclusive economic zone
Allow coastal nations to control fishing rights and manage marine resources
The process of redrawing the boundaries of electoral districts to reflect changes in population and ensure fair representation
Manipulating electoral districts boundaries to favor a particular party
Unitary state
A state where laws are administered uniformly by one central government
Federal state
Sovereignty over the entire state is divided between a central/federal government and the local governments
Ethnic cleansing
Systematic removal of an ethnic group from a particular territory
Ethnic separatism
An ethnic nation breaking away/attempting to break away from a state, form its own state, or move to a different state
Use of violence to intimidate a population/government
Land claim due to its historical significance or connection to a group
Supranational organization
3 or more countries form an alliance for culture, economics, or military
Supranational organization
3 or more countries form an alliance for culture, economics, or military
Transnational corporation
A company that conducts research, operates factories, and sells products in many countries
A form of nationalism in which the ‘nation’ is defined in terms of ethnicity
Factors that bring people together
Factors that push people away from
Failed state
A state that failed to provide basic conditions
A state whose territory corresponds to that occupied by a particular ethnicity
Stateless nation
A national of people without a state it considers home
Multistate nation
A nation living in more than one state
Autonomous region
An area in a country that has a degree of self governance
Berlin Confrence 1884
Intention of dividing up Africa among various European imperial powers
Breaking free from colonial powers to establish sovereign nations
Deliberate extermination of a racial or cultural group
Cold War
A period of economic, political, and military tension between the US and Soviet Union from 1945-1991
Satellite State
A country that is normally independent but is under the influence or control of another much larger nation