_________ allows utilities to call on buildings to decrease their electricity use during peak times, reducing the strain on the grid and the need to operate more power plants, thus potentially avoiding the costs of constructing new plants.
Demand response
Requirements for _____ enclosures are limited to inclusion in the owner’s project requirements (OPR) and basis of design (BOD) during the commissioning process.
By the end of the ______ phase, engage a commissioning authority with the following qualifications.
Design development
The CxA must have documented commissioning process experience on at least ___ building projects with a similar scope of work
In all cases,the CxA must report his or her findings directly to the _____
The owner, with the help of the design team and other stakeholders, should develop the initial owner’s project requirements (OPR) in the \_\_\_\_\_\_ stage
The ____ must include all systems to be commissioned plus the building envelope, even if full envelope commissioning is not pursued.
The ____ is the project team’s interpretation of the OPR.
Create a basis of design (BOD) to provide clear technical guidance for the project in the
______ design phase
The ____ is a living document that is updated throughout the life of the project and will become the
basis for the final commissioning report.
Cx plan
____ is a central energy conversion plant and transmission and distribution system that
provides thermal energy to a group of buildings (e.g., a central cooling plant on a university campus).
district energy system (DES)
______ is the heating and cooling systems, equipment, and controls located in the project building or on the project site and associated with transporting the thermal energy of the district energy system (DES) into heated and cooled spaces.
downstream equipment
____is a heating or cooling system or control associated with the district energy system (DES) but
not part of the thermal connection or interface with the DES.
upstream equipment
______ equipment includes the thermal connection or interface with the DES, secondary distribution systems in the building, and terminal units
_____ equipment includes the thermal energy
conversion plant and all the transmission and distribution equipment associated with transporting the thermal energy to the project building or site.
Buildings consume an estimated __% of the total energy consumed in the world
For EA Prerequisite Minimum Energy Performance, Option 3, the energy performance target must be
established using ENERGY STAR’s Target Finder and must be greater than a score of ____
ASHRAE 90.1–2010 defines___ climate zones and
three climate types: A (moist), B (dry), and C (marine)
Power Usage Effectiveness ( PUE ) =
PUE = total data center energy
consumption or power/
IT energy consumption
or power
In the 1987 ______established an international agreement to phase out use of the most harmful ozone-depleting substances, including
Montreal Protocol
Cx Plan includes the following when pursuing EA-C Demand Response?
One performance test of full demand-response plan.
Proves that all equipment responds as planned and all parties understand their roles.
Carbon Offset?
Reduction in emissions of carbon dioxide or green house gases made to compensate for/offset an emission made elsewhere.
To meet EA-C Optimize Energy project team will address nonregulated load savings by?
Using exceptional calculation method (ECM) in a whole-building energy simulation.
Green-e energy certification applies to which EA-C?
EA-C Green Power and Carbon Offsets
Exceptional Calculation Method applies to which EA Ps/Cs?
EA-P Minimum Energy Performance
EA-C Optimize Energy
EA-Cs eligible for exemplary performance?
EA-C Optimize Energy Performance
EA-C Renewable Energy Production
Calculations for EA-C Renewable Energy Production are based on which factor?
Building’s annual energy cost.
Eligible energy sources for EA-C Renewable Energy Production?
Photovoltaic Solar Thermal Wind Biofuel (Sometimes) Low-Impact Hydroelectricity Wave and Tidal Energy Geothermal Energy (Sometimes)
Residential project.
Estimated Energy Consumption = $125K/year
What is $ equivalent of renewable energy required for exemplary performance of EA-C Renewable Energy Production?
Exemplary performance = 15% of total annual energy cost
150K x .15% = 18.5K
RECs can be used to mitigate the effects of which scope emissions?
Scope 2 Emissions, Electricity Use
Owner interested in making power purchase agreement with 3rd party for photovoltaic array canopies on project’s parking lot.
Which circumstances can points can be claimed under EA-C Renewable Energy Production
Agreement must last for 10 years and owner gets to retain environmental benefits from renewable energy.
Acceptable sampling strategy when executing functional testing for commissioning process (Cx)?
Sample 10 units or 10% of units.
Which systems must be commissioned for EA-P Fundamental Commissioning and Verification?
Renewable Energy Systems
Requirements for BE under EA-P Fundamental Commissioning Verification?
None. Covered in OPR and BOD
Yes for EA-C Enhanced Commissioning Option 2
What is power utilization effectiveness?
Measure of data center efficiency.
Power needed to operate and cool data center vs. power drawn by IT equipment.
Type of Cx that is an ongoing performance analysis utilizing permanent energy-monitoring systems and real-time energy analysis of an operational building?
Monitoring Based Commissioning
When is an Exceptional Calculation Method (ECM) used?
- Elements or systems that cannot be readily modeled.
- When any savings are claimed for a non-regulated load.
What document provides the information needed to understand, operate, and maintain the systems and assemblies within a building?
Systems Manual
While comparing an LCA model to a baseline model, what must be consistent between the two?
Gross floor area
Operational energy usage
A new office building with a retail component on the first floor totals 254,000 sf. The building requires a median electrical intensity of 11.7kWh/sf/year. What amount of green power purchased by the operating company will qualify the project for EA Credit Green Power and Carbon Offsets?
Credit is achieved by purchasing 50% renewable power for a period of five years.
254,000 sf X 11.7 kWh/sf/year X 50% = 1,485,900 kWh / year
1,485,900 kWh X 5 years = 7,429,500 kWh
PV panels at health project
2,000,000 kWh of annual electricity @ $.075/kWh
50,000 Therms of annual gas @ $.75/therm
150 kW PV array will generate 200,000 kWh of electricity/year.
How many points would team earn for EA-C Renewable Energy Production?
2 points -why?
1 point = 1-4%, 2 point = 5-9%, 3 point = 10%
Annual Energy Cost = (2mil kWh x $.075/kWh) + (50k therms x $.75/therm) = $187.5K
Cost of Renewable Energy = (200K kWh x $.075/kWh) = $15K
% Renewable Energy Cost = (15k/187.5k) = 8%
Residential project.
Estimated Energy Consumption = $125K/year
What is $ equivalent of renewable energy required for exemplary performance of EA-C Renewable Energy Production?
Exemplary performance = 15% of total annual energy cost
150K x .15% = 18.5K
Benefit of monitoring-based commissioning?
Opportunity to track energy consumption
Detect faulty equipment operations
Identify unusual energy or power consumption patterns
Cx that is continuation of the enhanced Cx process and involves ongoing testing to ensure building continues to perform according to OPR and BOD and approved design and construction?
Ongoing Commissioning
Minimum energy savings requirement that a project team should meet when pursuing Option 1 whole building simulation of EA-P Minimum Energy Performance for new construction data center?
First step in meeting EA-P Minimum Energy Performance?
Determine project’s climate zone.
What is a non regulated load?
Any building load, end use, or control without an ASHRAE 90.1 - 2010, appendix G, baseline modeling requirement that allows the load, end use , or control to be modeled differently in the proposed and baseline buildings.
Which types of projects are not eligible for Option 3 Prescriptive Compliance: Advanced Buildings Core Performance EA-P Minimum Energy Performance?
Projects equal to or more than 100K SF and are Healthcare, Warehouse, Laboratory
Types of projects that are eligible to pursue Option 2 Prescriptive Compliance: ASHRAE 50% Advanced Energy Design Guide of EA-P Minimum Energy Performance?
S/M office buildings that are <100K SF
M/L box retail buildings that are 20K SF - 100K SF
School bldgs
L Hospitals > 100K SF
Retail project
Which additional systems should be calculated in the baseline and design cases to meet EA-C Optimized Energy?
Appliances and equipment
Display lighting
Unit of measure for energy use intensity (EUI)?
kBtu/SF/yr or kWh/SM/yr
Sources of energy that must be metered to meet EA-P Building Level Energy Metering?
energy supplied by utility companies and campus central plants, such as electricity; natural gas, synthetic gas, propane, fuel oil, diesel fuel, other fossil fuels, biofuels, district chilled water, steam, and hot water.
Cx activity that should occur before predesign?
Owner should create OPR.
Ideal time to develop the BOD?
Schematic Design
Who performs prefunctional inspections?
Which systems should advanced energy metering be installed in to meet EA-C Advanced Energy Metering
Which systems should advanced energy metering be installed in to meet EA-C Advanced Energy Metering
Which document can be referenced to estimate the end uses to meter for EA-C Advanced Energy Metering if the project team did not conduct energy modeling for EA-P Minimum Energy Performance?
CBECS / commercial building energy consumption survey
What should be included in scope of work for CxA for a project pursuing EA-C Demand Response?
Creation of demand response processes, including 1 full test of the DR plan.
Levels of demand response with energy management control systems that are eligible for EA-C Demand Response?
Fully automated and semi automated.
How should buildings total annual energy cost be determined?
Can be obtained from the energy model Option 1 of EA-P Minimum Energy Performance.
Otherwise US Dept of Energy CBECS database
Exemplary performance criteria for EA-C Renewable Energy Production?
15% of annual building energy.
Scope 2 emissions?
An entity’s indirect greenhouse gas emissions associated with its consumption of electricity, heating, cooling, or steam purchased from a utility provider.
Ongoing commissioning?
continued testing to ensure that a building continues to perform according to OPR and BOD and approved construction documents
Criteria for choosing a commissioning authority CxA for a healthcare project pursuing EA-C Enhanced Commissioning?
Must have documented commissioning process experience on 2 building projects with a similar scope of work.
CxA may be qualified employee of the owner, independent consultant, or disinterested sub of design team.
400K SF Hospital
Prescriptive option eligible to pursue in order to comply with EA-P Minimum Energy Performance?
Option 2 Prescriptive Compliance ASHRAE 50% Advanced Energy Design
A Core and Shell project in Nevada has a wind energy system added to the roof. According to the US DOE’s Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption Survey the estimated electricity the project will use will be 1,000,000 kWh/year. Energy costs in the area are $0.08/kWh. What must the wind system produce to earn 3 points for EA Credit Renewable Energy Production?
To earn 3 points, a Core and Shell project must get 5% of the building’s annual energy cost from on-site renewable energy.
On-site renewable energy is calculated as a percent of the building’s annual energy cost. The correct answer is 5% of the cost, not 5% of the total energy.
The estimated energy use is 1,000,000 kWh from the CBECS database. This multiplied by the cost per kilowatt hour gives an annual energy cost of $80,000.
$80,000 X 5% (0.05) = $4,00.00
Which systems need to be metered for individual energy use for EA Credit Advanced Energy Metering?
If a project is pursuing the EA Credit Advanced Energy Metering, all energy end-uses that contribute at least 10% of the total building energy use must be submetered.
A new 10-story office building will have many tenant spaces. A building owner and engineer are reviewing potential building automation systems for advanced energy metering to allow the owner to educate tenants about the energy use their tenant space is using. The team has found a system that uses a wireless network, will store all meter data for at least 36 months, and can be remotely accessible. What else will need to be included for EA Credit Advanced Energy Metering?
Each tenant must reduce their energy use by at least 10% for any individual energy end use
For the building, any energy end-use that makes up 10% or more of the building whole must be submetered. The credit doesn’t require reducing energy use.
An office project in a cold climate burns natural gas on-site for heating and uses electricity from the grid in warmer seasons for cooling. Which option can be used to mitigate both Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions?
Carbon offsets
Only carbon offsets can be used for both emission types - non-electricity and electricity.
A project team used the prescriptive requirements to meet EA Prerequisite Minimum Energy Performance. Which statement is true about the project’s ability to participate in a demand response program?
The project team can use space peak-load calculations to calculate the minimum reduction in peak electricity demand.
A project design includes an innovative external shading device that cannot be simulated by a modeling program. Which action should the energy modeler take as a result?
Use an exceptional calculation method to cover any savings
Elements or systems that cannot be readily modeled by software require use of the exceptional calculation method (ECM).
The ECM is also used when any savings are claimed for a non-regulated load.
A project team has not been able to perform an energy simulation for EA Credit Optimize Energy Performance. For EA Credit On-Site Renewable Energy, where can the project team find information to determine the energy cost supplied by the renewable energy systems?
Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption Survey
What is a trade-off when using a variable refrigerant flow (VRF) system?
Requires a higher refrigerant charge
These systems improve energy efficiency but require a higher refrigerant charge.
Building envelope performance is going to look at the following:
Wall and roof insulation Thermal mass Window size and orientation Exterior shading devices Window performance
A project team has not performed an energy model for EA Prerequisite Minimum Energy Performance. If the team wants to submeter a ten-story building’s individual energy end uses, how should this be determined?
By consulting CBECS to estimate the typical end uses to meter
The project team would use an energy model to determine which energy end uses require meters for the credit. If the building is not modeled, historic energy end-use data from similar buildings can be found by using the CBECS End-Use Consumption Tables for Non-Mall Buildings or the End-Use Consumption Tables for All Building
What are the Prereq’s for the Energy and Atmosphere Category?
1) Fundamental Commissioning and Verification
2) Minimum Energy Performance
3) Building-Level Energy Metering
4) Fundamental Refrigerant Management
What are the guidelines to meet AE-P Building-Level Energy Metering?
1) Install individual meters to track major energy systems that can be aggregated to provide total building energy consumption.
2) Share data with USGBC on a monthly basis for 5 years.
What are the Exemplary Performance requirements of AE-C Optimized Energy Performance?
Demonstrate 54% energy savings.
Which refrigerant has a LOW ozone depletion but HIGH global warming impact?
Which refrigerant has a HIGH ozone depletion?
How many points does a net zero building earn for EA C, Green Power and Carbon Offsets?
2 points
-All other buildings must purchase a combination of green power and carbon offsets equal to 100% of the project’s energy
What tool is used to help set energy use/efficiency goals?
ENERGY STAR Target Finder helps determine EUI (energy use intensity)
In an existing building, when must all CFC based equipment be phased out?
Before the project’s completion
What is the minimum requirement for energy reduction from the baseline to earn LEED certification?
5% reduction
In a new building, how much CFC based refrigerant can be used?
What additional steps by the CxA are required in order to earn points towards EA C1, Enhanced Commissioning?
- Review submittals
- Train operations team
- 10-month post occupancy visit