UNIT 1 : LEED PROCESS Flashcards
What are the four levels of LEED Certification?
Certified, Silver, Gold, Platinum
What is the point threshold for LEED Certified?
40–49 points
What is the point threshold for LEED Silver?
50–59 points
What is the point threshold for LEED Gold?
60–79 points
What is the point threshold for LEED Platinum?
80 points and above
What are campus projects in LEED?
Campus refers to the Campus Program for Projects on a Shared Site, which certifies multiple buildings located on one site and under the control of a single entity.
Which approach under the Campus program allows buildings that are substantially similar and are in a single location to certify as one project that shares a single certification?
Group Approach
Which approach under the Campus program allows buildings that share a single location and site attributes to achieve separate LEED certification for each project, building space, or group on the master site.
Campus Approach
What are the 3 phases of an integrated LEED process?
- Discover
- Design and Construction
- Occupancy, operations, and performance feedback
What are the criteria for “local equivalent”?
- Where “local equivalent” is specified, it means an alternative to a LEED referenced standard that is specific to a project’s locality.
- This standard must be widely used and accepted by industry experts and when applied, must meet the credit’s intent leading to similar or better outcomes.
What are the first 3 steps for LEED Certification?
Step 1 : Initiate Discovery Phase
Step 2 : Select LEED Rating System
Step 3 : Check Minimum Program Requirements
How much percentage of the certifying gross floor area of a LEED project may consist of incomplete
space unless the project is using the LEED BD+C: Core and Shell rating system?
No more than 40% of the certifying gross floor area of a LEED project may consist of incomplete
space unless the project is using the LEED BD+C: Core and Shell rating system
For incomplete spaces in projects using a rating system other than LEED BD+C: Core and Shell, the project team must provide which type of supplemental documentation ?
- Submit a letter of commitment, signed by the owner
2. Submit a set of nonbinding tenant design and construction guidelines
Land that is not previously developed and landscapes altered by current or historical clearing or filling, agricultural or forestry use, or preserved natural area use are considered as?
Undeveloped Land
Land that is altered by paving, construction, and/or land use that would typically have required
regulatory permitting to have been initiated (alterations may exist now or in the past) is considered which type of land?
Previously developed Land
Improved parks with manicured landscaping and
constructed features like playgrounds (e.g., a city park) are considered which type of land?
Previously developed Land
Land maintained in a natural state (e.g., a forest preserve) with minor features like walking
paths are present is considered which type of land?
Undeveloped Land
Land that has only been cleared or graded, with no additional improvements is considered which type of land?
Undeveloped Land
__________ is the total land area of a project site covered by buildings, streets, parking areas, and other
typically impermeable surfaces constructed as part of the project
Development Footprint
A project’s development footprint is all of its ______ surfaces.
True or False : Surfaces paved with permeable pavement (at least 50% permeable) are excluded from the development footprint.
__________ is a ratio of building coverage on a given parcel of land to the size of that parcel.
_______ can be measured using floor area ratio (FAR); dwelling units per acre (DU/acre) or dwelling units per hectare (DU/hectare); squarefeet of building area per acre of buildable land; or square meters of building area per hectare of buildable land.
Density does not include ______ parking.
______ parking means a covered structure or portion of a covered structure that provides parking area for motor vehicles. Structured parking may be below grade.
_________ is the portion of the site where construction can occur, including land voluntarily set aside and not constructed on.
Buildable Land
When used in ______ calculations, buildable land excludes public rights-of-way and land excluded from development by codified law.
Land voluntarily set aside and not built on, such as open space, is considered ______ because it was available for construction but set aside voluntarily.
Buildable land
Residential Density =
No. of dwelling units / total amount of residential land
No. of dwelling units / total amount of residential land =
Residential Density
To calculate nonresidential density, use ___ ratio
Floor to Area Ratio ( FAR )
On a site with 10,000 square feet (930 square meters) of buildable nonresidential land area, a building
of 10,000 square feet (930 square meters) of floor area would have a FAR of ____
On a site with 10,000 square feet (930 square meters) of buildable nonresidential land area, a building of 5,000 square feet (465 square meters) would have a FAR of _____
On a site with 10,000 square feet (930 square meters) of buildable nonresidential land area, a building of 15,000 square feet (1 395 square meters) would
have a FAR of ____
To calculate the combined density for residential and nonresidential areas, use _______ ratio
Floor to Area
Most credits group users into two categories -
Regular building occupants and visitors
_________ are habitual users of a building
Regular building occupants
Employees include part-time and full-time employees, and totals are calculated using _____
Full-time equivalency (FTE).
FTE employees =
Full-time employees + (Σ daily part-time employee hours / 8)
3 Minimum Program Requirements are ____________
- Must be in a permanent location on existing land
- Must use reasonable LEED boundaries
- Must comply with project size requirements.
A project is designed to move at some point in its lifetime. Can the project pursue LEED certification?
No. All LEED projects must be constructed and operated on a permanent location on existing land.
How can we certify prefab or modular structures?
Prefabricated or modular structures and building elements may be certified once permanently installed as part of the LEED project.
Can previously constructed docks, piers, jetties, infill, and other manufactured structures in or above water- pursue LEED certification?
Yes. Buildings located on previously constructed docks, piers, jetties, infill, and other manufactured structures in or above water are permissible, provided that the artificial land is previously developed, such that the landonce supported another building or hardscape constructed for a purpose other than the LEED project.
Why should we define LEED Boundaries?
Defining a reasonable LEED boundary ensures that project is accurately evaluated.
What is LEED project boundary?
The LEED project boundary must include all contiguous land that is associated with the project and supports itstypical operations. This includes land altered as a result of construction and features used primarily by the project’s occupants, such as hardscape (parking and sidewalks), septic or stormwater treatment equipment, and landscaping.
Can non-contiguous parcels of land be included in LEED project boundary?
Non-contiguous parcels of land may be included within the LEED project boundary if the parcels directly support or are associated with normal building operations of the LEED project and are accessible to the LEED project’s occupants.
Can Facilities (such as parking lots, bicycle storage, shower/changing facilities, and/or on-site renewable energy) that are outside of the LEED project boundary be included in certain prerequisities?
Yes, if they directly serve the LEED project and are not double-counted for other LEED projects. The project team must also have permission to use these facilities.
Can LEED project boundary include other buildings?
- If another building or structure within the LEED project boundary is ineligible for LEED certification, it may be either included or not included in the certification of the LEED project.
- If another building within the LEED project boundary is eligible for LEED certification, it may be either included or not included in the certification as outlined in USGBC’s campus guidance.
The gross floor area of the LEED project should be no less than ___ of the gross land area within the LEED
project boundary.
Are buildings or structures primarily dedicated to parking eligible for LEED certification?
Buildings or structures primarily dedicated to parking are not eligible for LEED certification. Parking that
serves an eligible LEED project should be included in the certification.
For LEED BD+C and LEED O+M Rating Systems, the project must include a minimum of ______ of gross floor area.
1,000 square feet
How can we define project boundary for LEED ID+C?
The LEED project should be defined by a clear boundary such that the LEED project is physically distinct from other interior spaces within the building.
What does LEED neighborhood project boundary include?
The LEED neighborhood includes the land, water, and construction within the LEED project boundary.
For LEED ID+C Rating Systems, the LEED project must include a minimum of of __________ gross floor area.
250 square feet (22 square meters)
For LEED for Neighborhood Development Rating Systems, the LEED project should contain at least ___ habitable buildings and be no larger than ___
The LEED project should contain at least two habitable buildings and be no larger than 1500 acres.
For LEED for Homes Rating Systems, the LEED project must be defined as a _____ by all applicable codes.
“dwelling unit”
For LEED BD+C, atleast __ % of gross floor area must be completed at the time of cerfication ( except BD+C Core + Shell )
LEED BD+C: _____________ includes buildings
that do not primarily serve K-12 educational, retail, data centers, warehouses and distribution centers,
hospitality, or healthcare uses.
New Construction and Major Renovation.
LEED BD+ C : _________ also includes high-rise residential buildings 9 stories or
New construction
LEED BD+C: _________ Is suitable for buildings that are new construction or major renovation for the exterior shell and core mechanical, electrical, and plumbing units, but not a complete interior fit-out.
Core and Shell Development.
LEED BD+C: Core and Shell is the appropriate rating system to use if more than ____ of the gross floor area is incomplete at the time of certification.
LEED BD+C: _____ includes buildings made up of core and ancillary learning spaces on K-12 school grounds.
BD+C: _____ may optionally be used for higher education and non-academic buildings on school campuses.
LEED BD+C: ____ includes buildings used to conduct the retail sale of consumer product goods.
LEED BD+C _____ Includes both direct
customer service areas (showroom) and preparation or storage areas that support customer service.
LEED BD+C: _____ Includes buildings specifically designed and equipped to meet the needs of high density computing equipment such as server racks, used for data storage and processing.
Data Centers.
LEED BD+C: _______ only addresses whole building data centers (greater than 60%).
Data Centers
LEED BD+C: ______ includes buildings used to store goods, manufactured products, merchandise, raw materials, or personal belongings, such as self-storage.
Warehouses and Distribution Centers.
LEED BD+C: ______ includes buildings dedicated to hotels, motels, inns, or other businesses within the service industry that provide transitional or short-term lodging with or without food.
LEED BD+C: ____ includes Hospitals that operate twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week and provide inpatient medical treatment, including acute and long-term care.
LEED BD+C: ______ includes Single-family homes and multi-family residential buildings of 1 to 3 stories.
Homes and Multifamily Lowrise.
Projects 3 to 5 stories may choose the ____ rating system that corresponds to the ENERGY
STAR program in which they are participating.
LEED BD+C: _____ includes Multi-family residential buildings of 4 to 8 occupiable stories above grade.
The building must have 50% or more residential space.
Multifamily Midrise.
LEED ID+C: _____ includes Interior spaces dedicated to functions other than retail or hospitality.
Commercial Interiors.
LEED ID+C: ___ includes Interior spaces used to conduct the retail sale of consumer product goods. Includes both direct customer service areas (showroom) and preparation or storage areas that support customer service.
LEED ID+C: _____ includes Interior spaces dedicated to hotels, motels, inns, or other businesses within the
service industry that provide transitional or short-term lodging with or without food.
LEED for _____ includes Buildings that are fully operational and occupied for at least one year. The project may be undergoing improvement
work or little to no construction.
Building Operations and Maintenance
LEED O+M: ____ includes existing buildings that do not primarily serve K-12 educational, retail, data
centers, warehouses and distribution centers, or hospitality uses.
Existing Buildings.
LEED O+M: _____ includes existing buildings used to conduct the retail sale of consumer product goods. Includes both direct customer service areas (showroom) and preparation or storage areas that support customer service.
LEED for ___ includes new land development projects or redevelopment projects containing residential uses, nonresidential uses, or a
Neighborhood Development
LEED ND: ___ includes Projects in conceptual planning or master planning phases, or under construction.
LEED ND: ___ includes Completed development projects.
Built Project.
The following _______ rule provides guidance for making a decision when several rating systems appear to be appropriate for a project.
To use the 40/60 rule, first assign a rating system to each _________ of the building. Then, choose the most appropriate rating system based on the resulting percentages.
Square foot or square meter
The entire gross floor area of a LEED project must be certified under a _____ rating system and is subject to all prerequisites and attempted credits in that rating system, regardless of mixed construction or space usage type.
If a rating system is appropriate for less than ____ of the gross floor area of a LEED project building or space, then that rating system should not be used.
If a rating system is appropriate for more than ____ of the gross floor area of a LEED project building or space, then that rating system should be used.
If an appropriate rating system falls between 40% and 60% of the gross floor area, project teams must
Independently assess their situation and decide which rating system is most applicable.
How many total points are available in the LEED credit system?
What is the maximum no. of point one can earn in the innovation and exemplary performance credit category?
What does LEED stand for?
Leadership in energy and environmental design
The first version of LEED was adopted by the USGBC in the year ____
______ is a third party verification organization that administers LEED certification as well as LEED credentialing.
Green Business Certification Inc., GBCI,
True or false - A building or interior space can pursue more than one LEED certification since LEED rating systems cover new construction, existing building operations and interior space retrofits.
LEED operations and maintenance O+M projects are required to get re-certified every ____ years.
A ________ is assigned to each LEED for homes project to review documentation and visit the site for inspections and testing.
green rater
What are the 7 LEED Impact categories?
- Reverse Contribution to Global Climate Change
- Enhance Individual Human Health and Well-Being
- Protect and Restore Water Resources
- Protect, Enhance and Restore Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
- Promote Sustainable and Regenerative Material Resources Cycles
- Build a Greener Economy
- Enhance Social Equity, Environmental Justice, and Community Quality of Life
_____ are questions to obtain technical guidance on how LEED requirements relate to a specific project.
CIRs or Credit Intrepretation Request or Rulings
For a CIR, how many leed credits can we enquire about?
How much does a CIR cost?
__________ provide precedent-setting rulings reviewed by USGBC on formal inquiries submitted by LEED project teams that can be applied to multiple projects.
LEED interpretations
CIRs are different than LEED interpretations since CIRs are _______-specific.
Where can we find LEED intrepretations on the USGBC website?
In the LEED Addenda database
If LEED credits interact with each other in a positive way, they are called ____ and if the implementation of one credit leads to a negative impact on another it is called ____
Synergy and Trade-off