What are the Exemplary Performance requirements of WE-C Indoor Water Use Reduction?
Achieve 55% Indoor water use reduction.
What action is required first to achieve WE C3, Cooling Tower Water Use?
Hire a water treatment professional to conduct a one-time water analysis to identify the concentration parameters of the condenser water.
What 4 pieces of information about plumbing fixtures must be entered into the calculator when calculating the design case for indoor water use?
- type of fixture
- flush or flow rate
- manufacturer and model
- percentage of occupants using the fixture
Indoor water use baseline case consists of what information?
Amount of water used based on only code minimum fixtures and fittings flow rates set by EPAct 1992
What fixtures do NOT have the WaterSense label?
- tankless toilets
- composting toilets
- waterless toilets
- waterless urinals
- PUBLIC lavatory faucet
What fixtures can have the WaterSense label?
- tank type toilets
- water using urinals
- PRIVATE lavatory faucets
- shower heads
What alternative water source can be used for irrigation?
Reclaimed Wastewater Gray Water Swimming Pool Backwash Filter Reefer Condensate Rainwater Stormwater Foundation drain water Steam System Condensate Fluid Cooler Dishcharge Food steamer discharge Combination oven discharge Industrial process water Fire pump test water, Municipally supplied teated waste water, Ice machine condensate
How is building level water meter data shared with USGBC on a monthly basis?
- through Energy Star’s Portfolio Manager
- through approved 3rd party data sources
Which pieces of information must be provided in the plant species and water requirement narrative for WE P1, Outdoor Water Use Reduction?
- a description of the plants
- an indication of why the average rainfall will be sufficient
What is required for meeting WE P1, Outdoor Water Use Reduction Option 2?
30% reduction in irrigation from baseline for peak watering month
What is the requirement for meeting WE P2, Indoor Water Use Reduction?
20% AGGREGATE water consumption reduction from baseline
What defines exemplary performance for WE P2, Indoor Water Use Reduction?
55% AGGREGATE water consumption reduction from baseline
What non-potable water is acceptable for to achieve points for WE C1, Outdoor Water Use Reduction Option 2?
Graywater and rainwater
When using alternative water sources for irrigation what should the water be tested for?
Salinity levels which can be harmful
To achieve points for WE C1, Outdoor Water Use Reduction Option 2 what technology automatically earns 15% reduction?
The use of smart irrigation controls that meet WaterSense criteria
Tool that calculates a baseline landscape water requirement (LWR) of a typical landscape?
EPA Water Sense Budget Tool
Equipment that should be installed in cooling towers and evaporative condensers per WE-P Indoor Water Use Reduction?
Make up water meters
Conductivity controllers and overflow alarms
Efficient drift eliminators
-reduce drift to a maximum of .002% of recirculated water volume for counterflow towers and 0.005% of recirculated water flow for cross-flow towers.
What is the definition of landscape water requirement?
Total amount of water used during peak water season (summer) for landscaping areas.
Required flow rate for Water Sense aerators in private lavatories?
At least .8 gpm at 20 psi
Max 1.5 gpm at 60 psi
Sinks excluded from indoor water use reduction calculations?
Janitor sinks Laboratory sinks Commercial kitchen sinks Medical sinks Soiled utility room flushing/handwashing sinks Clean utility room handwashing sinks