What are the Prereq’s for the Location and Transportation Category?
What Location and Transportation Prereq’s and Credits qualify for Exemplary performance?
1) LT-C High Priority Site
2) LT-C Access to Quality Transit
3) LT-C Reduced Parking Footprint
How many points can you get for the LT-C LEED for Neighborhood Development Location credit?
16 points
What are the Options and points associated with LT-C Sensitive Land Protection?
1) Option 1: Developed Land (1 point) or
2) Option 2: Undeveloped Land (1 point)
What are the guidelines to meet “Option 1: Developed Land” of LT-C Sensitive Land Protection?
Development footprint must be located on previously developed land.
What are the guidelines to meet “Option 2: Undeveloped Land” of LT-C Sensitive Land Protection?
In undeveloped, site must avoid:
1) Prime Farmlands
2) Floodplains
3) Habitat
4) Land within 100ft of water bodies
5) Land within 50ft of wetlands
What are the allowed minor developments within water bodies for “Option 2: Undeveloped Land” of LT-C Sensitive Land Protection?
If available to all building users.
1) Remediated brownfields
2) Grading
3) Bicycle and Pedestrian pathways
4) One single story not exceeding 500 sq ft
5) Remove Hazardous, dead or small trees
6) Clearings not exceeding 500 sq ft.
What are the Options and points associated with LT-C High Priority Site?
1) Option 1: Historic District (1 point)
2) Option 2: Priority Designation (1 point)
3) Option 3: Brownfield Remediation (2 points)
For “Option 3: Brownfield Remediation” of LT-C High Priority Site, how should the team identify contamination?
Conduct a Phase I or Phase II Environmental Site Assessment
What are the guidelines to meet “Option 1: Surrounding Density” of LT-C Surrounding Density and Diverse Use?
Quarter mile of project must meet surrounding density of:
1) 22,000 SF, 7 DU/acre, .5 FAR (2 points). Healthcare gets 1 point.
2) 35,000, 12 DU/acre, .8 FAR (3 points). Core and shell get 4 points.
What are the guidelines to meet “Option 2: Diverse Use” of LT-C Surrounding Density and Diverse Use?
Main entrance should be within half mile of 4-7 (1 point) or 8+ (2 points) diverse uses. Healthcare must have a minimum of 7 diverse uses. (1 point)
How far from the building should long term and short term bicycle storage be under LT-C Bicycle Facilities?
1) Short term storage should be within 100ft of main entrance.
2) Long term storage should be within 100ft of functional entry.
What are the guidelines to meet “Option 1: Electric vehicle Charging” of LT-C Green Vehicles?
1) Designate 5% as preferred parking or provide 20% parking discount for green vehicles.
2) Install Electric vehicle charging in 2% of spaces.
3) Charging should be at least level 2, comply with standards for electrical connectors and be able to participate in demand response program.
What is the minimum number of showers required?
1 with a changing facility
How is bicycle storage calculated?
Commercial: Short-term= 2.5% of peak visitors, Long-term= 5% of regular building occupants
Residential: Short-term= 2.5% of peak visitors, Long-term= 30% of regular building occupants
How are showers calculated?
Commercial: 1 per the first 100 regular building occupants, 1 additional per every 150 regular building occupants thereafter. Visitors are not included in this calculation.
Residential: Per building code
How much preferred parking for carpooling is required?
When calculating infill status, which elements are excluded?
Right of Ways
Water Bodies
On a bicycle network, what is the maximum distance an acceptable destination can be from the project boundary?
3-mile bicycling distance